8:59am Apr 23 2010
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ooc; No problwem Siri. School and stuff come first :D
4:59pm Apr 23 2010
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ooc; Graawarar It ate my post. LP
5:04pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 5:48pm Apr 23 2010)
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Pheonixstar bit back a sharp retort, and leaped down from the tree and lead fireclan back to there territory. "I Care about Echovoice! Certainly not a mangy flee ridden cat like you!" Rainfeather hissed, "You Forced me to go hunting with you! I would never ever go with you again!" Rainfeather fought the instinct to unshealthe her huge claws into Fireeyes's shoulders. "If you hurt her or any other cats, You won't live for another heartbeat after." she sneered as she padded away.
5:50pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes got up and hissed at her. "Like you can do anything." He steered around eyes flaring and claws unsheathed. "And I didn't Force you to hunt with me!!"
5:50pm Apr 23 2010
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Purring at her mate, Echovoice overheard Rainfeather yowling at Fireeyes. Padding over to her she spoke calmly, "Thank you, but there's no need." her voice turning harder she added, "I can handle that mangy furball on my own"
5:52pm Apr 23 2010
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Stalking over to Fireeyes, Kestrelaheart snarled, "Leave her alone." his multicoloured pelt bristled and rippled as e tensed his uscles, "I don't want anyone getting hurt. Just back off okay?"
5:57pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 5:57pm Apr 23 2010)
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"I was juts being nice, no cat would want to hunt with you!" Rainfeather retorted to Fireeyes without thinking; Completely ignoring Echovoice she padded up to hum, "You will never recover from What I am about do to you. But I shall spare you life, for I will get punished fro attacking such a...... Defenseless cat." Spat Rainfeather, keeping her claws unshealthed, to leave the impression that she could shred him to pieces. I hate this cat! As she began to pad away she thought to herself, I actually didn't attack him!
6:08pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes hissed at the tom and stalked off. Lostfoot padded over to the cats and nodded. "I'm sorry about him." Sighing he looked at his uncle leaving. "He's normally not like this." Why are you threatening them? It's not like you. Sorroweyes would not approve of your behavior.
6:22pm Apr 23 2010
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Shatteredpaw padded in the camp, practicing her stalking for hunting prey. She leaped, and then fell on her dumb paw. She huffed and began trying again. As she repeated what she did before, she tried harder just to find the same results of the leap that she did the first and the second try. "How am I going to every be a warrior?" she asked herself. and sat down and began to groom her ruffled fur. Poisonpaw rolled over in the medicine cat den careful enough not to hurt her leg. "It is so boring here.." she meowed half To herself. Who was that cat that was with Shatteredpaw? He didn't smell like a rouge ora loner... As Poisonpaw thought about that, she turned to see Featherkit. "Hey Featherkit what are you doing here.... you know .. Out of the nursery?" Featherkit looked distressed. "Are you okay?" Featherkit asked. then sat beside Poisonpaw. "Yea.. but why are you here?" Poisonpaw asked. "Cause...... I was bord and wanted to visit you.. " Featherkit still looked troubled. "I want to be an apprentice so that I can talk to other cats." she meowed. "Yes, but you will be soon. Go back to your den, Mistsoul oaut to be looking for you. " as featherkit padded off poisonpaw thought She is never so obedient...
6:25pm Apr 23 2010
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Berrypool, who had decided to stay back from the Gathering, padded up to her apprentice and mewed, "Shatteredpaw. Come here."
10:19pm Apr 23 2010
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Shatteredpaw followed her mentor. Confusion flooded into her head. Did I do something wrong? Oh Starclan... "Yes....? a-am I in trouble?" she meowed as she followed Berrypool. Did she do something wrong? This may be because I snapped at Poisonpaw.....
7:46am Apr 24 2010
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(( Buump, East you don't really play Spiritfeather [elder] to often ;P ))
10:36am Apr 24 2010
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ooc; I know. I have her so we have elders :P "Trouble?" mweed Berrypool jokingly, "Of course not" Her blue tail flicked her apprentices ear and she mewed, "I know you've been having troubles because of your paw. Suppose we wentt for a good long training tomorrow?"
7:56pm Apr 24 2010
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9:22am Apr 25 2010
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Shocked by Berrypool's answer Shatteredpaw meowed, "Okay..." Then shatteredpaw padded back to the apprentice den.
7:33pm Apr 25 2010
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(Gathering) Hearing what Shadowpaw had to say, Patchpelt mewed in response, “Some leaders have to be more stern than others, but you’re right.” With a hard stare at Hawkstar she continued, “Something is odd about Hawkstar.” Remembering her apprenticeship, the first time she came to a Gathering, Patchpelt simmered with distrust. “Once I heard from a CaveClan apprentice that Hawkstar wanted to attack us,” Patchpelt murmured softly into Shadowpaw’s ear, “but he was smart enough not to.” IceClan is much stronger than CaveClan. With all our warriors, we would have decimated them. Suddenly, Phoenixstar leapt from the Great Rock and FireClan began to leave. So quickly? Looking back at the Great Rock, Patchpelt noted that Onestar had also nimbly jumped down and was speaking with Leopardheart in light conversation. Patchpelt perked her ears forward, “Shadowpaw, let’s go talk with Twigstripe and her new apprentice.” With gentle emerald eyes, she smiled at the usually quiet tom. “It will be fun, and you can compare training days, and prey catching.” Trotting across the cat-filled clearing, Patchpelt meowed a greeting to Twigstripe. “Is this Firpaw?” Patchpelt asked as she sat down and curled her tail around her forepaws. “Yes,” Twigstripe mewed proudly, “this is my apprentice.” Firpaw sat a bit smaller than Shadowpaw with a light brown tabby pelt and black stripes. His eyes shimmered like sea foam, a deep aquamarine. “I’ve been an apprentice for only six dawns,” he stated enthusiastically, “and I already got to go to my first Gathering!” Patchpelt purred with delight. Flicking her tail-tip onto Shadowpaw’s shoulder, she mewed, “This is Shadowpaw’s first Gathering as well.” The pride in her voice was unmistakable. (Camp) Midnightpaw slipped out of the apprentice den just as Shatteredpaw came in. Looking at the she-cat with pity, for having a lame foot, Midnightpaw quickly left. She had never really talked with any of Jayflight’s kits. They all seemed either vicious or rude. Sneaking through the gorse tunnel, Midnightpaw hoped to get some fresh-kill for the pile that seemed to be running low lately. With so many warriors, pregnant queens, apprentices, and kits, I wonder how we’re going to make it through this upcoming leaf-bare. It’s not that far away. As she trotted along, Midnightpaw was oblivious to the new scent that filled the air. The little black she-cat was looking up at the leaves that were turning from vibrant green to comatose yellow. With an extra hop, she grew excited that the leaves would soon turn orange like the setting sun. It was her favorite color. Out of nowhere Midnightpaw tumbled to the ground. Shaking her head in awkwardness, she wondered what had made her fall because she often traveled in the dark and it had never been a problem before. Looking behind her she spotted a huge paw print. Getting to her paws she peered down at it. Nearly three times her size, Midnightpaw knew that it was dog. Lifting wide, frightened eyes from the ground, Midnightpaw began to run back to camp as fast as she could. Though, she knew this was not what Cheetahwind would advise, but she thought of this too late. A great crash spooked her; it had come from the right. Then another snap of a branch to her left, another behind her, and a great shadow loomed before her. Opening her mouth to shriek in fear, Midnightpaw shrank back from the dog. Its eyes were like evil, blazing pools of fire. Jaws slightly open with spit dripping out. Spinning around so that she might climb a tree, Midnigtpaw ran into another one and this one didn’t waste its time. With huge, sharp teeth it bit into her neck. Midnightpaw yowled in pain, but couldn’t move. The dog shook her about, and then spat her on the ground. The last thing Midnightpaw did was whisper, “Great StarClan-
Just call me Siri.
7:57pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Deciding right after Eaglestar had given him the order to stay behind and protect the camp, Sunflare had decided to patrol around the outside barrier of camp. He was still a bit shaken that Poisonpaw had been hurt so quickly in her apprenticeship, and had felt it was his fault for not realizing the branch was weak. Muttering under his breath, the small scuttle of footsteps coming his way made him wonder what a mouse would be heading straight towards him. Mice normally take one whiff of cat and run the other direction. Did something spook it? Fur fluffing up at the thought, he crouched low and pounced, knowing that the clan needed to be fed with so many cats, and this ignorant piece of fur was perfect for the job. Burying the kill, the sudden change of wind caused the sharp tang of blood reach his sensitive nose. Twirling around, he sniffed harder, hoping to Starclan that it was not cat blood. It is! Great Starclan what happened? He thought, wondering if he should warn the clan. Shaking his broad head, it was stupid to get the clan riled it it was just his shaken brain coming up with this. Slinking through the undergrowth, he could suddenly catch the whiff of dog, and bristled in horror. Running now, he skidded to a stop narrowly outside the dogs vision. Midnightpaw! He yowled in his head, bitting his tongue till it bled. I need to tell the clan, but I cant leave her! Taking in a breath, he yowled loudly, hoping to make the dogs come towards him so he could lead them away. Please be alright Midnightpaw!

10:42pm Apr 25 2010
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((I didn't find the list. But I'm going to double-check.))
10:42pm Apr 25 2010
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A sharp yowl echoed through the night, and Ashfoot leapt to his paws. Looking around the camp, he spotted Swiftdarkness scanning the clan cats as well. Who’s missing? Trotting over to the worried looking warrior, Ashfoot looked at him expectantly. “That yowl couldn’t mean anything good,” Swiftdarkness mewed. Ashfoot nodded in agreement, “Would you like me to say in camp, or go with you?” “I will go find Redstorm,” Swiftdarkness mewed, “and he will look after the camp while we go see what the problem is.” Ashfoot was instantly on his paws. “I will go find him,” he meowed, “and join you soon after. Go and see what has happened.” Swiftdarkness dipped his head and raced out f the camp. The undergrowth tickled his belly fur as he ran close to the ground. Leaves whipped into his face, and pebbles prickled his paw-pads. The scent of blood, cats’ blood, filled the air and he ran faster. Swiftdarkness thought he heard thunder, but he soon realized that it wasn’t thunder but running paws. That can’t be cats, can it? Then the stench of dogs came to him. His neck fur bristled while his tail fluffed twice its normal size. Lunging into a full blown run, Swiftdarkness finally burst into a semi-clearing. (Meanwhile) Ashfoot ran into the medicine cat den. He spotted Redstorm, but didn’t like what he saw. The normally strong looking tom seemed warn and tired. He’s supposed to protect the clan? With a shake of his head, Ashfoot disobeyed Swiftdarkness by running over to the warriors den and the only cat he could find was blazing new tom. “Copperfire,” he rasped, “you need to watch the clan. Something isn’t right. I need you to get another warrior to guard the queens den, medicine cat den, apprentice den, and you go guard Eaglestar’s kits.” Before Copperfire could reply, Ashfoot sped out of the den then out of the camp. His muscles tensed with apprehension as he followed Swiftdarkness’s musky fear-scent. Leaping over a branch Ashfoot tumbled to his knees, but he quickly scrambled to his paws again. Pushing through some ferns Ashfoot’s whiskers twitched as the bitter, tangy scent of blood filled his nose. He stopped instantly because of the sight before him. Swiftdarkness sat hunched over the crippled form of what looked like a kit, but Ashfoot knew that is was Midnightpaw. He could scent her in the air, and her scent was fading behind the scent of a storm. Ashfoot looked around nervously, weary of the dogs returning. He didn’t want to interrupt the mourning father, but the clan’s safety is more important. Ashfoot was about to open his maw, Swiftdarkness spoke. “I need you to track the dogs because I scent another cat.” He whispered, “I will bring her back to the clan.” Ashfoot nodded and leapt into motion, chasing after the musk of dog and hardly distinguishable cat.
Just call me Siri.
10:46pm Apr 25 2010
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((Found it.Dang it, I wanted Cheetahwind to see Midnightpaw. D; he is, after all, her mentor.))