9:20am May 1 2010
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(( Stray! Think of Blazewing! lol, What is going to happen now?)) "Cinderstar," meowed Quailfoot beaconing with her tail to the kits, "These are my kin, these kits are your kin." a coat of pride shawn In Cinderstar's eyes as he looked at the tiny bundles of fur. He set down Ivynose's body and picked up Cardinalkit to look at the others. Cardinalkit landed Gracefully onto the ground. "Can you speak?" asked Featherkit curiously. "What would you like me to say?" asked Cardinalkit. "Cinderstar I will be right back." meowed Quailfoot, and she padded over to the tree where Rainfeather's body lay. She pushed her nose into Rainfeather's fur and felt warmth. She is still alive! Quailfoot dragged Rainfeather's skinny body to the medicine cat den. Then noticed Leopardheart and Redstorm, she shook her head and moved Rainfeather into the den, and lay her body on a bed of moss. Cardinalkit pushed his nose into his mother's fur for one last time. He breathed in her scent, and new this was the last time to be with her. "Redstorm!" spat Featherkit and she raced out of the den to his body. The rest of the kits followed. Featherkit lay beside him, "However this happened.." she murmured quietly. "whoever let it happen will pay." anger and sadness flooded over Featherkit, I will become the best hunting this clan..No! I will become the best hunter that All the clans have ever seen just for you Redstorm! she yowled in her head.
9:21am May 1 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Are you serious? did it eat mah post!?))
4:07pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Poor Jadewing! And Eaglestar, losing her deputy, mate and sister on the same day :'( Eaglestar padded into the medicine den to check on her mate and see nothing. Shrugging she walked back out to camp, in the middle of camp lay her mate and deputy.She ran over and buried hernose into Redstor's pelt willing him to be alive, but all she could smell was death. Death she thought, Death all around. She bounded over to her kits and pulled them all close to her, seeing the confusion on Larkkit's face she mewd, "Little one. Father is dead." her crimson eyes glowed with anger and sadness, "Hasn't enough been taken from us?" she whispered to Silverpelt, her creamy fur bristled and she looked over at Rosekit, perfect image of Redstorm. Sighing she pulled her kits even closer, "I'll always have you." she breathed. Jadewing nearly yowled as she loped back in to the clan, I come back to see them again and my love dies. her mind was full of raging thoughts, How can this happen? Nearly running over to Leopardheart she fought the urge to bury her nose into his pelt. Grief struck her so deep. Not thinking she was able to resist she padded over to Mistsoul and mewed, "I need to speak to you" a single tear rolling down her blazing cheek.
4:34pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 779
Sorry haven't spoken lately I was really having a bad writers block like BAD. BTW I think Crimson was probably out by major energy loss.)
7:00pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((::Cries:: I was just about to post as Leopardheart. D'= But I had too many characters, so I had to get rid of some...sadly.))
Just call me Siri.
7:11pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 9:54pm May 3 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((~!Needs an Update!~)) Leader: Eaglestar - EasternBluebird Deputy: -N/A- Medicine Cat: Fernseed - Siri Medicine Cat Apprentice: Gentlepaw - Fullmoon / Nightpaw - Eklipse Warriors: - Raveneyes - East
- Swiftdarkness - Siri
- Rainfeather - Eklipse
- Berrypool (Stella) - East (Apprentice - Shatteredpaw)
- Kestrelheart - East (Apprentice - Bluepaw)
- Quailfoot - Eklipse
- Cheetahwind (Gillian) - Fullmoon
- Emeraldrain - Eklipse (Apprentice - Graypaw)
- Grayheart - Fullmoon
- Sunflare - Stray (Apprentice - Poisonpaw)
- Patchpelt - Siri (Apprentice - Shadowpaw)
- Dreamfur - Fullmoon
- Mintleaf - Fullmoon
- Taintedpain - Fullmoon
- Coldeyes - Fullmoon
- Embersky - Fullmoon
- Falconwing - Stray (Apprentice - Redpaw)
- Ashfoot - Siri
- Blazewing - East
- Copperfire - Stray
- Birdwave - East
- Ravenblaze - East
- Duskfire - East
- Lostfoot - Electro
- Echovoice - East
- Timberfur - Electro
- Fireeyes - Electro
- Crimsonfang - Electro
- Mistsoul - Siri
- Ravenfeather - East
Apprentices: - Shadowpaw - Stray
- Littlepaw - Fullmoon -Needs a mentor-
- Shatteredpaw - Eklipse
- Poisonpaw -Eklipse
- Bluepaw - Full
- Graypaw - East
- Redpaw - Siri
Elders: - Windkeeper - East
- Spiritfeather - East
- Tigerfang - East
Queens: - Rainblaze - Fullmoon
Kits: - Featherkit - Eklipse
- Larkkit - East
- Rosekit - Eklipse
- Jadekit - Fullmoon
Loners: - N/A
Deceased: - Fallenwind - Stray
- Silentheart - Stray
- Blackstorm - Stray
- Flameridge - East
- Jadewing - East
- Falconeyes - Eklipse
- Dingofang - Eklipse
- Larkwing - Eklipse
- Jayflight - Eklipse
- Blackpaw - Fullmoon
- Midnightpaw - Siri
- Leopardheart - Siri
- Redstorm - Eklipse
- Ivynose - Eklipse
- Redstorm - Eklipse
Tribe/Clan (Cats who left): - Silverthaw - Siri
- Cougarclaw - Siri
- Dovefire - East
- Robinwing - Eklipse
Additional: - TreeClan
- Leader, Lonestar
- Deputy, Twigstripe (Apprentice - Firpaw)
- FireClan
- Leader, Phoenixstar
- Deputy, Sevenstripe
- CaveClan:
- Leader, Hawkstar
- Deputy, ?
Just call me Siri.
7:47pm May 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,842
Sumoning the strength to go on, Eaglestar lept up unto the Highrock and yowled, "Let all cats old nough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" her voice rang out shakily as cats pooled aroun the bottom of the large rock, "Tonight we mourn the losses of Midnightpaw, Redstorm and our beloved deputy, Leopardheart." Hanging her head in grief she finished, "I will choose a new deputy before Moonhigh. We will sit vigil tonight for the lost souls of these cats, none of which should have died." Ravenblaze, Birdwave and Duskfire were shocked. Grouping together the sisters mourned, "Father and mother are gone." ravenblaze sighed her amber eyes dull with pain, "We won't see them again until we die." Larkkit heard her mother yowl the noise and cried to herself. Daddy's dead. She thought.
10:30pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 1,713
"Eaglestar...." meowed Cinderstar as Eaglestar stood on the high ledge, "I wish to speak to you." Once Eaglestar followed he sat down. "Ivynose has died running off the cliff and leading the dog pack leader off the Caveclan Border. She wanted me to give you..." he paused feeling pain jab his side. "Cardinalkit, her son."Cardinalkit dipped his head respectfully to Eaglestar. "I will try my best to please you in this clan." he meowed Sadly aviously still sad about his mothers death. Featherkit sat beside her father, Whoever's Fault this is will pay! All the Clans will see, that he was not meant to die! "I will get that cat that couldn't cure you......I will get it." she growled deeply.
11:52pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Shocked by Cinderstar's sudden arrival in camp she lept off te Highrock, ears flattened against her skull, lips bared in a snarl, "And why would youcare Cinderstar? You have no right to be here after what you've done to my family and clan." her snarl faded and she flicked her tail., "Come speak with me in my den." she grabbed her kits as well as Cardinalkit. "I've lost so much, no thanks to you and ScarletClan." she sneered at the black and white tom, "You've scarred me and I've lost my mate and deputy." She quickly turned and pinned him down, "And so help me StarClan if you come to attack us I will have your's Fallenstar and Fawnsatr's tails." her blood red eyes blazed, "Three leaders, three medicine cats, well that I can't really be against, but threee leaders for one clan. Thats 27 lives between you three." Lifting hr paw off his chest she glared at him, "So.. why do you caer so much about my sister's death?"
1:49pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 779
Timberfur sat beside the bodies and nodded his head glaring at the stars above him. Lostfoot soon joined him and did the same. "The clan has lost so much. And Eaglestar. What will become of us if we lose more?"
5:10pm May 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,713
Cinderstar hesitated, heaving his strong muscular body up. "Cardinalkit..... He is my son, my son and Ivynose's son. Quailfoot, Robinwing, and Dingofang are my kits as well" he admitted. "Ivynose wanted me to give you Cardinalkit... she told me that before she died." Cinderstar continued, ".....My clan no longer has a battle with Iceclan.." he meowed, Because of Ivynose... "I thought you would want to spend time with Ivynose's body, I thought it would be more important to your clan..." Cinderstar began padding away, devastated. He licked Ivynose's thick fur one last time, and then padded off with his head hung and tail dragging behind him. Goodbye Ivynose, I will never battle with your clan again, for this is where you lay. (( East, Scarletclan doesn't have 3 leaders and medi cats in this rp XD ))
9:20am May 3 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Bump..... I like how whats happening in the Role play Kinda suits the ti tle... :) ))
6:19pm May 3 2010 (last edited on 6:21pm May 3 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((Okay, all I read was blahblahblahblahblahblahblah... exept..... MIDNIGHTPAW AND LEOPARDHEART ARE DEAD?? please tell me that is incorrect. Ooh, who's gunna be the new dep?))
7:28pm May 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,842
ooc; Its vcorrect. And and... you'll see :P
7:48pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Can they get back to camp already? :P I have two emotional scenes stirring in my head for Littlepaw (Leopardheart), and Cheetahwind (Both).))
9:46pm May 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
((Choose Patchpelt! JK, JK XD Bump))
9:58pm May 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,771
((It's a Fullmoon! ::giggles:: Where have you been? Oh, and about the Bio List I would like to know if it's correct? So please comment. ^.^ Also, I have senior boards, so I am very busy. Though, I will try to be on as much as possible. =3 )) Her breathing was short and quick as she raced with all the speed she had. Her paws were sore, but she wasn't about to stop. The pounding of following paw steps only encouraged her. Fernseed knew that the clan was in danger, but would they get there soon enough? I should have never left the clan with no medicine cat! "Stupid mouse-brain!" she muttered to herself. Sleek silver pelt glistening in the moonlight, Fernseed wanted to shiver as a horrible feeling enveloped her. She yowled fearfully over her shoulder, “Faster! I don’t think we’ll make it in time!” Tears burned her eyes as they dared to spill over, but still she fought. Soon familiar bracken ferns appeared, then clan scents, and finally the gorse tunnel. Bursting through her heart sank. A mournful yowl built in the back of her throat, but she held it in. I have to be strong for my clan. Stiffly walking forward, Fernseed saw Leopardheart, Redstorm, and Midnightpaw motionless in the center of the clearing. No, oh StarClan, they are too young, much too young. Guilt like a thunderpath monster roared through her. The tears finally dribbled over and down her cheeks. Walking over to Redstorm, Fernseed pressed her nose to his cheek. “May your hunt in StarClan be fruitful,” she mewed meekly. I thought that Nightpaw and I had healed him, we did all that we could. With a soft sniff, Fernseed looked down at the lost deputy. I can still remember Fallenwind, why StarClan did you take two noble warriors? Our clan needs them both now more then ever. Nuzzling Leopardheart’s cheek, Fernseed felt her tears dampen his pelt. She felt broken because of this loss. Leopardheart had been a father figure to her, and many other kits, when her father hadn’t claimed her. Until now, she thought with mixed feelings. Looking up, her aqua eyes held Mistsoul’s topaz ones. For a moment, I thought I was looking at Leopardheart. Shaking her head, Fernseed walked over to Midnightpaw. The poor little ebony apprentice seemed so small. She already missed her, even though Midnightpaw often pestered her with questions about herbs. I would have chosen her if Gentlepaw, and Nightpaw hadn’t shown so much promise. Resting her nose on Midnightpaw’s, Fernseed took a calming breath and made herself strong like a rock. Padding up to Ravenfeather, she asked softly, “Who has injuries? StarClan has accepted my apprentices’ so let us work.”
Just call me Siri.
10:15pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Mistsoul could hardly take her eyes off of her father. No! He was fine at the Gathering! Why? Why now! Her mind yowled with grief, and she felt like her very heart had been ripped out. Be at peace, little one. Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in StarClan where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Mistsoul processed what her companion mewed with interest. Will he visit me? she whispered the question. I cannot tell you this, and you know that. Bowing her head, Mistsoul gave a broken sounding sigh. Why does clan life have to be so hard? She wondered bitterly, but her thoughts soon sobered when a fiery pelt appeared beside her. Silentheart? She thought with hope, but it was Blazewing. “I need to speak to you" she mewed. Mistsoul looked up at the she-cat and saw a single tear trailing down her cheek, and knew that one was also trailing down her own. Burying her nose into her fathers pelt, Mistsoul breathed in his heady scent that had a faint hint of lilac, much like her own. Closing her eyes tightly she whispered, “I will become a great warrior for you.” Getting to her paws seemed like the hardest thing she had ever done. Gazing into Blazewing’s eyes, she nodded. “Where would you like to go?”
Just call me Siri.
10:23pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Gentlepaw stared in horror at the three bodies laying in the middle of camp. She pressed close to Fernseed. "I'm afraid, Fernseed." ((Are they back from the gathering?))
10:52pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Yup, they are Fullmoon. The clan is safe from the dogs, as far as I know, the moon is still riding the night, and now the clan in waiting for guidance.)) Fernseed looked to Gentlepaw and meowed, “Fear not. Our clan has many great warriors that will protect us still.” With a meaningful glance to Ravenfeather Fernseed knew that she spoke turn. The air was sour with fear-scent and she could almost taste the salty tears that each cat was shedding over the fallen warriors. Wind howled like phantom dogs making Fernseed’s neck fur bristle. The trees swayed with the power of the wind and creaked as if to cry for the fallen cats also. “We need to get to work,” Fernseed mewed as she wrapped her tail around Gentlepaw’s shoulder in comfort. Looking at the sightless Nightpaw she meowed, “Do you remember if we have a large stock of marigold and cob webs?”
Just call me Siri.