Degrassi RP

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8:06pm Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((no i'm just saying MOOO randomly because im a random person...))


8:09pm Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 302
((Oh okay, haha. xD I'll try to post Declan's soon. ))


8:11pm Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 12,418

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9:38pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 302



Name.:. Declan Coyne

Age.:. Around Seventeen

Gender.:. Clearly Male

Personality.:. Confident, mysterious, and intelligent, Declan is surely someone to behold. His actions are most notable and doesn't shy away from taking the lead. 

History.:. Past Degr*censored*i.:...::

 *Attended elite private schools around the world, since his father is a diplomat

*Transferred to Degr*censored*i from a prep school in Hong Kong with his twin sister Fiona
* Hosted the party where Peter first tried Meth
* Had a fling with Jane even though she was with Spinner
* First noticed Holly J because of her Internet trail on school computer's
* Fell hard for Holly J -- especially when she didn't immediately fall for him
* Briefly broke up with Holly J because his mother made him
* Produced the school musical
* Was the subject of Clare's vampire fiction
* Got over his fear of saying "I love you" for Holly J
* Resisted his family's move to NYC
* Scored Holly J a summer internship in NYC


Car.:. Is driven by a chauffeur and has access to a helicopter.  

Pet/Pets.:. None to be noted.

Other.:. Goes out with Holly J and is a twin sibling to Fiona.



9:40pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 12,418

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9:45pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 12,418
((Who wants to start??))

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9:50pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,682
((I will? xD))

The sound of a loud engine broke the early-morning chatter at A motorcycle sped into the parking lot and came to a stop. Mercury turned her motorcycle off, and stepped to the side. She smoothed her skirt and took off her helmet. Locking her motorcycle, helmet under arm, she smiled to the onlookers and headed into for the start of the school year.

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9:54pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 12,418
Holly J Sinclare got ready for school. Like always, she looks dazzling. She drove to school. She waited for Declan to come to Things were going good in her life. It was the new school year at

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10:05pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 10:07pm Jul 23 2010)

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Posts: 1,682

(( I'm just going to post once more until someone else replies. cD))

 Strutting into, heels tapping against the floor, Mercury walked into the principal's office. "Hello. I'm Mercury. I'm a new student. May I have my schedule?" After getting her schedule, she reported to her new homeroom. She hoped to make some friends there, as at her last school, she only had one. She was well liked, but everyone was untrustworthy. As she walked in, she noticed people staring at her. She just stared back as she made her way to an empty desk at the back.

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10:14pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 12,418
Holly J went to her first clas.s. She saw the new student. The principal told her that she had to show the newbie around. S=She went up to her. "Hello, I'm Holly J Sinclare. I'm also the school president. The principal said that I have the honor to show you around."She said to Mercury.

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10:21pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,682
Mercury looked at Holly J Sinclair and chuckled. If she was school president, this school was nuts. "Fine. Show me around. At least it'll give me something to do." She said as she got up and walked to the door. "Well, are you coming, tourguide?"

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10:24pm Jul 23 2010

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Holly J smirked.She jogged to the door. "Come on."She said as she headed out. She started looking around for Declan.

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10:28pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,682
"Looking for Declan?" Mercury smirked back. Before coming to, she had researched up on the school. Thanks to blogs, she pretty much knew everything.

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10:30pm Jul 23 2010

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"How do you know Declan?"She asked. She was concerned about it but it didn't show.

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10:32pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,682
"Really? you don't know? Hel-lo, it's called blogs. Not going to a new school without history. And don't be worried, I find Declan ugly." Mercury could read Holly J like a book. Trying to hide it never works.

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10:34pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 12,418
Holly J smirked. "Good."She said.

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10:34pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 10:36pm Jul 23 2010)

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Posts: 302

 The morning dawned rather leisurely, the sun burned with a brilliant pa.ssion, crooning ever so softly it peaked into the vast openings of MadiiLynn's window. The creeping sun rays tore into her softly shut eyes, tired from past anxiety about the arrival of today. MadiiLynn arose slightly, caspering her body forward she yawned ghastly. 

 "Whelp, today's the day." She groaned with delay.

 MadiiLynn stood from her wrinkled and disturbed bed and sinked over to calling bathroom. Only seconds to none she was in behold of mirror, frazzled hair and dreadfully tired eyes. Peering carefully to the left she swept open the water faucet. Water basked uncoordinated into the wash basin. The young girl splashed the aqua to her face, it beaded down swiftly.  Noticing only 20 minutes to spare before she was needed at Degra.ssi, MadiiLynn stepped up her beat a little more. After applying her moisturize, she danced to the dark oak wardrobe. Crashing it open, MadiiLynn scanned for her already prepared outfit...well within her mind it was set and ready.

  Picking out a white cold shoulder tattoo top, dazzled with grunge brushes and swirls crowding the front she applied it to her torso. Nonetheless she paired it with baked studded skinny jeans that complemented it rather well. Darting to the bathroom again, MadiiLynn opened up her make-up bag. Selecting just the right eyeshadow and mascara, she didn't worry about eyeliner today. After applying her concealer and powder carefully MadiiLynn decided to use her finger instead of the proper brushes for the application of eyeshadow. Soothed with the color of beige and dark brown, MadiiLynn looked rather natural. Cooing her eyelashes with concentration fathoming into the applying status, the lashes were individual and thick.

 Jogging rather quickly MadiiLynn sprinted down the long curling stairwell. Her shoes awaited aligned with organized skill in the closet that held all the other shoes. Shifting into her white crochet wedges, MadiiLynn was more than ready to head for school. Without hesitation she was in location of her car, the brand new 2008 Armada. 

 Minutes to almost ten to fifteen later, MadiiLynn was already parked and walking the clean halls of Degra.ssi. The smell of newly fresh wax coated her nostrils. The faces of old friends and new niners piled within. Confused and anxious for her next, MadiiLynn shuffled uneasily into her purse for her schedule.


 Declan coursed through the halls, he was determined and kept calm. The rush of a brand new school year was upon him. Searching but not seeming obliviously lost, Declan searched for Holly J.


10:36pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 12,418
Holly J saw Declan. "Declan!"She called. She went up to him. "Hey!"She said.

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10:40pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,682
Mercury laughed to herself. She sat on the back of a chair left out in the hall, while observing then conversation. A girl caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. Her outfit was quite interesting, and she looked nervous.

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10:42pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 302

 Sighing slightly, MadiiLynn noticed someone new within the crowding halls. The girl was clearly not a niner and she seemed to orbit Holly J. MadiiLynn's opinion has always differed about Holly J, it really depended on what day it was and what mood she was in to contract with her. Not knowing whether to join the conversation or not she noticed Declan move in.




 Giving a crooked smile, Declan wondered over to Holly J. She was with someone new, of course. His cool was kept, over-ego-ed--he didn't think so. It was his senior year and things were going to be more than phenomenal. 

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