2:59pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 842
Calen watched the goings on from his seat in the coffie shop. First, the vamp girl, then the boy, and oh, a human. He stood up. This was not going to be good, he could feel it. All the best times were not good. Grinning, he stepped outside. Puasing just outside the door, he considered the situation. The girl might fight back, but probably not. Calen stepped back into the shadows to wait it out. "Call me Squall." The vampire, now labled Squall said. "What a lame name." Cal muttered under his breath. "I'm Rachel Fountain." The human, now labled Rachel said. Calen musded again. "Yes, hello, can I call you Rach?" ((he likes to narrate his life, quirk, I know.)) Calen sighed. "Get on with it vamp-boy. Hurry up and "kiss" her." Calen's fingers made quotations in the dark. Squall leaned forward and kissed the girl, and then bit her. Calen grinned and said "Finnaly!" pretty loudly. a person walking past glanced at him. Calen waved, and the person scurried away. "Vampire?" Squall purred. Calen snickered. "Really, I didn't notice..." He said dryly, finnaly closing the few steps between him and the pair. He tapped Squall on the shoulder. "Excuse me." Calen tensed, making his fist into a ball, ready for when Squall might turn.
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
3:56pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Rachel stared at this... Vampire... Who had just attempted to suck all of her blood. And he had nearly succeeded had she not surprised him by shouting. His teeth still had bitten into her skin, however. At least it wasn't that deep. It still bled pretty badly as well. Rachel noticed some other guy tap Squall's shoulder. The stranger's hand was in a tight ball and Rachel then knew what he was about to do. But she didn't want him to. Not when she was the one who had been taken advantage of. No. She was the one who was going to get revenge. And so she did. As Squall turned around to face the stranger, Rachel slapped him across the face as hard as she could. Which was fairly hard. Not bad for a girl. "Jerk," she said, finishing her sentence at last. -x-x-x- Squall was turning around, about to face the guy who had tapped his shoulder. He had sighed... Not some human I hope? It was then that he felt the sting on the side of his face where Rachel had slapped him. Ow... He grimaced. Though he did deserve being slapped. He had stopped sucking the girl's blood because she had shouted at him. How lame. And he also felt approval, too. She had slapped him pretty hard for a human girl. "Nice," he said, rubbing his left cheek with his hand. He acted as though he had not attempted to drink her blood at all. Which made Rachel angrier. He tried to drink my blood she thought venemously and now he acts like he didn't try to do anything. "We vampires have to eat," Squall said, as if reading her mind (then again, he probably did, considering he was a vampire... Or at least sense emotion). "It's called the food chain, darling. All living things need food." Rachel was furious. "Don't call me 'darling'," she snapped. "And... Vampires aren't living." Right? "All breathing creatures, then," Squall said with a sigh. Then he fell silent. He was pondering what to do next. He could finish the girl off... The smell of her blood was intoxicating, making everything else around him seem to drift away. He couldn't let her get away, that was for sure. If he were to let her go, that would mean he would have to wipe her memory. And he wasn't good at that type of stuff. Sensing emotion was more of his type of thing...
1:56pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 304
Mason watched the drama unfold outside the small half empty Cafe. He watched the vampire sink his fangs into the woman, He has alot of nerve to take prey in the middle of the sidewalk. Suddenly an agitated man got up and stormed out of the shop ans stood right behind the vampire. Uh Oh! Mason swiftly got out of his seat, almost too fast though for a human. He glanced around hoping that none of the Mortals in the Cafe had seen his slip up. He sighed ad walked out. "Um, Hey you there!" he rushed over to the group of angry people, sensing this was getting ugly and that it could get out of control fast, he whispered so only they could hear. "Can we take this argument else where ?" he paused, "Like in the allyway or something..." He shot his eyes around at the people who were beginning to gather, hoping they would notice the desperation. ____________ Meanwhile a black cat was watching from afar in the allyway atop a trash can. She licked her smooth paw. Stupid Squall, always taking chances...risking the whole race for a simple meal, She scoffed. She leapt down from her perch and wandered to the edge of the ally, where the akward group was standing. She could hear fine from where she was, and she could of course see from where she was, she just wanted to be noticed. She saw Mason and groaned. Although Mason was a hottie vampire, what turned Kendra off was the fact that he hated who he was, and refused to love Kendra because she loved her new life. She disliked him because of it. (00c; NOTE!!!!!!: (I'll be on mostly on weekends, maybe some on week days. I dont mind if you post on weekdays, just dont leave me in the dust ;3 ))
1:56pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 304
ooc; oh and Ferret, You can join too. We need more members!! ))
2:00pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I wanna join, but I can't! Dx)
Isn't this fun?
2:31pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 304
((Why SNOT!!???! >:C Devv' ))
6:49pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Oh Sorry Sal (can I call you that?.. Or is there some name you like people to call you?) I didn't know you only got on on the weekends. :3
9:10pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 304
((Yeah, you can call me Sal, Sal-chan, salan, Salandra XD ... I'm not very picky like some. Oh, and I'm sorry If I came across as mean about the whole weekend thing. I didn't want to come across as that way o-o" oober sorry if I did. Another thing, I dont mind if Ya'll post while I am not here eather, just not so much that I can't seem to catch up If you know what I mean. ;u ))
8:55am Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Ah, okay ^^ And don't worry, you didn't come across as mean xD
6:58pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 304
((Oh whew ^-^" haha... wanna Roleplay?))
8:27pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: O.O Need you ask? xD BiC: Squall frowned, wondering what to do. He had gotten himself in a mess, that was for sure... He sighed. Smooth. Meanwhile, Rachel was standing before him, glaring at him with a look of absolute loathing. It was then that they were interrupted. Squall whirled around. And... Well whaddya know. Another vamp. Even better, he recognized him. "Can we take this argument elsewhere? Like an alleyway or something?" he asked them. Rachel, of course, as soon as she saw this vampire she (for a mere second) got a dreamy look in her eye. Then she snapped out of it. Stop it! she screamed inwardly at herself. Right now, she felt, she was at the completely mercy of the vampires.. And of course they could overpower her. She, after all, was a simple human girl with plenty of sweet blood to satisfy their seemingly unquenchable thirst. She squirmed under Squall's piercing gaze and felt the other vampire's gaze upon her as well. Squall acknowledged the other vampire. "Yeah," he said, sighing. "Kendra's not going to let me get out of this one.." he muttered under his breath. Rachel's anger melted away. Wait. She didn't want to be used as a snack. She certainly didn't want to get involved in any vampire problems. She just wanted to go back home... Suddenly her bed seemed extremely inviting. "Listen," she said weakly, "can't you just... Suck some animal's blood and let me go?" She knew that this question's answer was probably a given. Yep. Squall laughed. "Ever had Nyquil before?" he asked, his voice causing Rachel to answer immidietly. "Yes," she answered. Ack. Stop getting into my head... "Well," Squall said, "that's what animal blood tastes like to me. Human blood on the other hand... Is the most delicious thing in the world." He paused here. "Especially young female blood." Rachel cursed under her breath. How the heck was she going to get out of this one?
6:40pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 304
Mason nudged Squall, giving him a daring look. He shook his head calmly at Squall. Mason was always a calm spirit, and this drew humans and vampires to him. "Lets go, and um, I'm sorry But, uh, Rachel...you need to come with us..." he trailed off, this girl now knew too much, and it was too much of a risk to their race. He gazed at the innocent girl, wondering exactly what to do. he was taken out of his thoughts when a sleeky, and sadly he admitted hot looking female stepped out of the ally. His mind emmedaitly grasped who this female was, Kendra. he sighed, "speaking of the devil..." he rolled his eyes, his attention taken away from the girl. However he was not the only man whos eyes had suddenly fallen upon the amazing figure of Kendra. ____________ Smiling kendra decided to make her entrance after she heard her name escape the lips of Squall. "Hey Squall," she laughed, and the sound was beautiful and enticing. She winked flirtingly at him, smiling. "what are you doing with this peace of meat?" she looked at Rachel, seeing slight potental. "Oooh, are we going to change her?" she said excited at the thought. Then she saw the angered looking young man, behind Squall, huffing and puffing. She smiled at him, thinking him funny. "You decide to join the party hun?" She winked at him, and in a bl ink she was at his side. ((Kinda brain dead Xc we need, uh Casanev to come bacckk ! :) ))
7:14pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 304
((I think i will be making a nohter RP...I just am not sure yet.... BUMP))
3:00pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 842
Calen glanced at the girl. Hot, but so not his type. He like girls that kicked arse, not drank blood. 'Sides, he was still smarting at Rachel his hit. "No, partys are fun, but this is so not one of them. And no, oneone is changing anyone here." He glanced up at the human girl. "No more taking hits, not cool Rach, not cool." Looking at the vamp girl, he blinked. "Still here? Whats you problem?" He reached up, and poked her forehead. "Losing braincells?" ooc; wow, uber braindead. Cal just weird, don't mind him....
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
4:25pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 304
((That was weird Xc *puzzled*)) Kendra smacked his hand away, nearly hard enough to break bone. However, she didnt feel like making poeple feel pain today. She scoffed, "whatever, pathetic humans..." she mumbled under her breath. Just the thought that she could suck this loser dry, or break every bone in his feeble body gave her reasurrance. She smiled at the thought. Mason was getting impatent, humans were beginning to gather...They needed to find a secluded place. ((Dream? :o))
6:34pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 304
9:56am Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Sorreh. It's been busy :3 BiC: "Okay," said Squall abruptly. "There's an alleyway over there. Move it." He immidietly, without waiting for the others to respond, started walking in the direction of the alleyway-- the one right next to the coffee shop. He grabbed Rachel's hand and started to pull her with him so she couldn't run away and go blabbering about vampires. Well, it wasn't like many humans would believe it, but you never know. "Let go!" Rachel yelled. She had just been listening to vampires arguing over her. To kill or not to kill, to change or not to change? It scared the crap out of her. Her palms were suddenly sweaty and her face pale. She was feeling slightly dizzy due to the fact that Squall had sort-of begun to suck her blood before. And of course the vampires could smell that. But Rachel couldn't pull herself out of Squall's tight grip. Squall hissed with annoyance. "Stop it, human," he ordered sharply. "I won't- I won't drain you, okay?" Rachel didn't believe him, really. But what Squall was thinking is if some other vampire could possibly re-arrange Rachel's memory... Hmmm...
5:14pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 304
Mason nodded in agreement to Squalls suggestion. he sighed in slight frustration when Rachel refused to go. "Rachel, I'm sorry, but you need to come with us if you value your life and your sanity at all." He gave her a honest look, hoping she would come willingly...he didn't feel like murdering or re-arranging memories today.
5:23pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Trinity was surprised at the sympathetic and kind voice that came from Mason's mouth. It was a nice voice too, of course, that sent shivers down Rachel's spine. Rachel figured that was the plus of being a vampire. Every human was instantly attracted to you. "You know," Squall said, picking up Rachel's emotions, "that's not always a good thing." They stepped into the alley. Rachel stared at Squall. "What do you mean?" Rachel wondered. She would give anything to be able to do that. Squall grimaced. "You never know whether a person's love is real," he muttered, looking bitter. Rachel felt bad, suddenly. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "I never thought of it like that." Squall got his usual smirk back on his face. "Just like a human," he said. Rachel snorted. "Well now that we're here, what now?" Rachel asked. "I hope it doesn't have to do with me losing my sanity and/or getting murdered."
8:12pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 304
Mason smiled at her sarcastic remark. "ha...um," he scratched the back of his head, unsure. Turning to Squall he began to speak "Well, the only thing we can do is turn her..." his last words were a whisper, so faint that human ears could not have possibly picked up the sound. He looked at Squall, hoping he wouldnt have to be the one to do it. By the Vampire laws they eather had to kill her or change her...or erase her memory, but even an experinced vampire like Mason would have a difficult time doing that task. It was one or the other. Meanwhile Kendra stood on the corner, listening to the drama, and intervening when she wanted. She didn't care for the human...She was bored.