8:49pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 8:56pm Apr 30 2010)
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OOC: Awwss poor Rachel xD BiC: "Well, then only thing we can do is turn her..." Mason whispered the last part so only Squall and Kendra could hear. "...Into a vampire." Squall frowned. He had never done so. And to do so he would have to teach Rachel how to control herself and such... He felt bad. To do such a thing to a human. Rachel was clueless. She was staring at Squall quizzically, raising her eyebrows. "What's the plan?" she murmured. Squall stifled a sigh. He would have to do this. It was the only option. It was his fault, after all. From now on, she was his responsibility. He looked straight into Rachel's eyes, deep within them, his gaze piecing. Rachel gasped. She felt like he was piercing her in her heart... No, her soul... And suddenly those eyes were closer, so close... She felt dizzy. A small, weak voice in the back of her head said You fool he's bewitching you! WAKE UP! But she couldn't. She was hopelessly lost in the vampire's gaze. And suddenly she felt something on her neck... Felt a familiar prick. But this time instead of biting shallow, Squall bit deep and injected the venom into her. Rachel gasped. Her body protested and she tried to free herself from Squall's grip. Squall held tight and didn't let go. First of all, he needed to inject a good bit of venom and second of all her blood was delicious. Squall finally let go and withdrew his fangs from her neck. Rachel gasped again, taking a huge breath of air. Her striking blue eyes were suddenly purple-ish. Then they turned red. Her skin was one hundred times paler than it had been. Two teeth marks were on her neck, dripping with crimson blood that now smelled of vampire, not human. Rachel shivered. She felt like she had been hit with a brick-- not with the whole being bitten expirience but how she could suddenly hear everything... And smell everything.... And then her nose picked up a beautiful smell that wiped everything away. She put her hand to her neck and drew it away. Red. It was blood. Her blood. And it smelled... Good. "Don't," Squall said in a firm but gentle voice. Rachel looked up, surprised. Her eyes were bright blue again. Then she suddenly got what happened, as if somebody had flipped on a switch in her brain. Her eyes turned red again with anger. "Squall you @!#$^%*&$!!!" she yelled. She then proceeded to kick Squall so hard in the stomach that he practically flew into the wall. He groaned. "Ouch," he muttered. Rachel felt tears track down her cheeks. She hadn't wanted this.
7:27pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 7:29pm May 1 2010)
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Mason watched as Squall transformed the innocent woman. How could Squall have been so stupid?!? He watched the shock and fear p*censored* through her crystal blue eyes...How could they have done this? Kendra on the other hand could have cared less. She was lounging on a windowsill carelessly. Mason turned to look at her, when Kendra bursted out in laughter. "kendra what the hell are you laughing at?" mason asked, annoyed. Kendra was bright with laughter, she pointed, and Mason turned his head. He saw Squall sprawled out against a wall, and Rachel crying. He rushed over to Rachel, knowing that Squall would be alright anyway. "Rachel, you need to calm down, I understand its hard, but for your safty, and ohters you need to calm yourself." He felt so bad about the whole situation. He had been a victum at one point, and knew how it felt. "please... for me?" Kendra rolled her eyes at Masons remark, "ooh pleeaase." she breathed. ((That wasn't meh best post Xc))
12:08pm May 3 2010
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OOC: Sorry I didn't post. My internet kind of went out for 2. whole. days. >.<
12:28pm May 3 2010
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OOC: Mason's cool. In fact...Rachel might fall for him... -insert evil laugh- ... Or maybe not. I'm not usually the one to do romance, but sometimes I do. BiC: Rachel was breathing hard, staring at Squall How had she had the power to send him flying into the wall? She broke into a fit of fresh sobbing. She didn't care what that stupid gorgeous female vampire thought of her. She hadn't wanted this. She wanted to be human again... Not... Not a- "Rachel, you need to calm down, I understand its hard, but for your safty, and ohters you need to calm yourself." Rachel looked up, surprised. Mason had rushed over to her and was speaking to her. His eyes looked too kind to be a vampire, which was strange. Then again, Rachel had only met this handful of them. But Rachel couldn't be calmed, not now. Not now when she was angry... And- and thirsty too, she had to admit. She was very thirsty. Her throat felt hot. "Please... For me?" Rachel's crimson eyes immedietly turned blue and her pale cheeks got a pink tinge to them that faded quickly. She felt her anger ebb away. Why? Why this vampire? But Rachel calmed herself. She began to feel stupid, breaking down in front of all these people (well, vampires). "Sorry," she muttered. Squall got up from where he had fallen and grimaced. "Yeesh, girl," he said, "could you have hit me any harder?" Rachel gave a weak evil grin. "You deserved it."
7:47pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 304
Mason laughed, at Rachels weak remark. Happy that she was almost back to normal. Just almost. "I *censored*ume you are thirsty as hell?" Kendra broke in, her smile angelic like. Mason gave her a scowel, Rachel was already having a hard time without her crappy remarks. Kendra noticed Mason's look, "what?" she asked him sweetly, putting on her facade of sweetness. Mason rolled his eyes, "Ignore Kendra, she has a thing for making people miserable..." He spat out the last words, remembering his own bitter memories with the vampire. ((Thats fine ^-^ Sorry for my short post ;c))
8:03pm May 3 2010
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OOC: Meh. Lots of people always feel bad about short posts, but really a good solid short post that gets right to the point is all that's needed most of the time. :) BiC: Mason laughed. Rachel was glad to hear the sound. She smiled. It put her mind a little more at ease despite everything that had happened. She put her hand up to the place where Squall had bitted her. It was healed. Amazing, yes, but creepy as well. "I as-sume you're are thirsty as hell?" Rachel looked over to see Kendra, smiling as if she were an angel. "Ignore Kendra," Mason said, "she has a thing for making people miserable." Rachel glared in Kendra's direction. "So I've noticed," she commented dryly. But Kendra was right. Rachel was thirsty, and she had a feeling a cool gl*censored* of lemonade wasn't the thing she was craving. And this made her very... Scared, in a way. Squall seemed to sense her emotion. He chose this moment to break through the tension that was building up inside Rachel. "Well, we should get going, shouldn't we?" he said abruptly. He put a hand on Rachel's shoulder. Then, quietly, so only she and Mason next to her could hear (excluding Kendra of course) he whispered, "Don't worry. The feeling is natural. I'll help you once we get out of here."
8:36pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 304
((Where is Casanev... we might as well be by ourselves. Xo )) Kendra rolled her eyes. The boys aiding the damsel in destress? What about me? She thought bitterly. Flipping her long flowing hair Kendra followed them at a safe distance, knowing the Rachel girl had an obvious disliking for her. She shifted into her second form, as easily as changing clothes. She liked her second form, a sleek black cat that could slip by crouds of people, and hunt in places people couldn't reach. She followed the group closely, shadowing their movements.
6:07pm May 8 2010
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8:45pm May 9 2010
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OOC: I wouldn't mind xD BiC: Squall smirked as he saw Kendra flick her hair angrily behind her shoulders. He knew she wasn't a terrible person-- she was simply a hard-core-noble vampire. Though Squall was a pureblood vampire, and that meant he had a right to be prideful [though not much else], he never had acted as... Well... As vampiric as Kendra. Oh well. She's something else. He watched as she shifted into her cat form. That's when Squall got an idea. "Hey, Rach, watch this," he said. He then proceeded to shift into his second animal; a raven with wings as black as night. His first animal form was a black dog... But he decided not to shift into that particular animal with Kendra around. He then flew onto Rachel's shoulder. "W-what?" Rachel stuttered. She had heard of vampires being able to do stuff like this, hadn't she? ... "I guess I heard of you guys being able to do that..." It was then that she heard voices. Hey, newborn. Eh??? She looked at Squall sitting on her shoulder. Nope. You're looking the wrong way. She looked up. There, balancing perfectly on the top of a telephone pole, was humanoid shape with dog ears, sharp claws for finger nails, and a bushy tale. An earing was in one ear. You're coming with me. She felt Squall tense on her shoulder, his talons digging into her shoulder. He hopped off and then shifted back into his usual form. "Werewolf," he spat. "The name's Blood," the werewolf replied, licking his lips. "And I spotted a newborn. Easy prey." With that, the werewolf lunged at Squall and slashed him in the stomach with force. Crimson drops splattered the black asphalt and Squall hit the ground, clutching his stomach. He grimaced. He couldn't move. The werewolf must have dipped his claws in some solution that stunned vampires. "Come with me, darling," the werewolf breathed in Rachel's ear. The beast grabbed her wrist. OOC: Decided for a plot twist, if that's okay. xD
3:00pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; sorry, I have to pull out. I have way to many to handle, sorry!
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
7:34pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 304
((Casanev, thats alright :3 thanks for participating though ;D )) annnddd ((Dream, awsome! :D)) Mason jumped out of the way of the lumbering werewolf. Then he retaliated, "Hey Blood, why don't you mess with someone your own size?" With that Mason flung himself upon Blood, knocking the wolf into the brick wall. Mason dug his poisonus fangs into the animals shoulder, knowing it would cause pain, also knowing it would be short lived. Kendra shifted back into her human form, pissed already she too threw her self upon the beast, clawing at his arms and face. She didn't really care if he took the girl or not, but her distaste for werewolfs compelled her to fight him, and she loved a good fight.
8:17pm May 11 2010
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OOC: Basically this be one of my favorite roleplays I'm in :D BiC: Blood was knocked into the wall, one vampire sinking his teeth into his shoulder, the other scratching at him anywhere they could. Racked with sudden pain, the werewolf howled with rage. With a sudden burst of strength he managed to get out of the grips of the two vampires. His livid, yellow eyes flashed. The golden earing on his left ear caught the light of the moon; half full. Not all the way. But it still have him strength, enough to speed up the healing of the wounds he had just recieved. He had one long, deep scratch where Kendra had gotten him across his chest. The other more painful injury came from his shoulder which Mason had furiously bitten. He wiped blood from his hands onto his tight fitting jeans. He had been in many a battle before... It was just he didn't want to get in a full fledged battle now. He had simply wanted to take everybody by surprise and quickly make a job of taking the newbie vampire with him... But things had not gone as anticipated. Now he was in it over his head. He decided to go for the cute-dog-act.. Then take his leave quickly and quietly and find some other vampire to pick on. He held his hands up in complete surrender and flashed a grin, all of his teeth large and sharp, looking like they were meant to tear through tough skin. "Sorry, sorry," he said, "you were right. Gotta pick on someone my own size." -x-x-x- Rachel was staring at Squall who had just hit the ground. She half-expected Squall to get up... But he never did. She didn't really feel like doing anything for the jerk. He did kind of deserve it, after. But Rachel felt a bond towards him. Well, it was his, er, venom running through her veins. Making her a monster. So she decided to help him after all. She ran over to him. "You okay?" she asked. She was careful not the breathe to deeply with the smell of blood all around. "Fine," Squall groaned. He held his stomach. It was healing, but very slowly. Rachel gave him a hand and practically dragged him to his feet. "Thanks," he muttered. Rachel nodded but was staring at the scarlet colour that stained Squall's clothes and the smell that hung in the air. She balled her fists, her nails digging into her hand. She felt she could hear a human's heart all the way from over here, and it was taking all of her strength to control herself. Her breath was short as well, and she was breathing hard now. Squall noticed. But right now there was nothing to be done about it. They had to wait for the troublesome werewolf to leave. "Hang on," he said.
10:08pm May 13 2010
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OOC: Bump~
11:47am May 15 2010
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Posts: 304
((aww, thanks :3)) Mason halted as soon as the wolf called for surrender. Kendra stopped too, despite her want for more violence. "You had better get out of here, pup... before we shred you to tiny fibers." Mason said through his teeth. Kendra emitted a low growl to back up Masons words. ((Brain dead Xc))
7:54pm May 15 2010
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OOC: Your welcome ^^ Yeah I've been feeling kinda braindead too... Hmmm... I'm trying to think up some sort of plot having to do with vampires and werewolves and then something else coming into the picture... O.o If you're okay with that. -is always thinking ahead- :3 BiC: Blood flicked his blonde hair from his face and smiled at Rachel, who's eyes had unfallen tears in them, their colour flickering from crimson to deep blue. Blood took a long look at the newborn's face and then sighed. He walked over to her and then put a hand on her shoulder. Rachel tensed, her eyes wide, feeling a curious sensation as she involentarily tore away from his grip. It was as if something in the werewolf was... Repulsive to her. It sent the hairs on the back of her neck up and washed a feeling of anger over her. Probably the reason why vampires and werewolves never got along well. "I'll always be nearby~" Blood whispered playfully in her ear. He then hopped back onto the telephone pole and then, with amazing agility jumped onto a building's rooftop. He soon disappeared into the darkness. OOC: Yeah.. I'm going to leave him be for now... But he'll pop up again soon. BiC: Rachel calmed herself. Then she faced the group of vampires yet again. Her eyes gazed at Squall and then to Mason with a look of helplesness. Then she reluctantly looked over at Kendra. "I'm thirsty as hell," she admitted openly.
2:30pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 304
Mason chuckled, to ease the tension. "Well then, we should be going." He smoohted his ruffled shirt and pants, and stepped out from the ally. Kendra huffed and followed Mason like an obediant puppy. She muttered to herself, "I didn't even get to pull his arms off..." ((ooc; I feel bad about my short post, but I am really dead. Also, I dont mind about the plot changes, I don't have any ideas anyway ;) ))
7:08pm May 16 2010
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OOC: I've been pretty dead too, don't worry bout' it. Finals coming up next week. >.< -blames school- BiC: Squall chuckled at Kendra's comment. He knew how she always enjoyed a good, bloody fight. He secretly enjoyed it himself. It was just that he had a sort of lazy side to him, though he had much battle expirience. He especially hated werewolves. There was something about them that radiated off unpleasant... Feelings. And it made Squall angry. And the more you fought them and hung around the werewolves, the stronger the feeling got. It was loathing... "I don't see anyone around here," Squall muttered. Rachel looked around and nodded. It was extremely late at night. No sane human would be out at this time.. And even if they were, they wouldn't be near here. It was one of the more "secluded" parts of the city, if you could call it that. Squall held out his wrist towards Rachel. She could see that underneath the pale skin there lay the thing that could satisfy her longing. "I need to make a Blood Pact with you. I changed you into a vampire. You take a little of my blood. I will be your Master for a little while, and if you do so you'll gain more vampiric powers and you'll feel satisfied until later. And then we'll worry about that," he said. Rachel nodded. If possible, her pale skin got paler and her blue eyes were wide and scared looking. She drew closer to Squall's outstretched wrist. She slowly laid her new pearly white, sharp fangs on his skin. She could feel his pulse. In fact, she could hear it ringing in her ears. She closed her eyes and bit his wrist. And then her whole body relaxed. Something that exploded with a flavour so wonderful she could hardly belive it entered his mouth. She really wanted to keep on drinking it until she couldn't possibly take more... But she knew she needed to stop. She opened her eyes, not meeting Squall's, and withdrew her fangs that were dripping with blood. It made her feel like she was an entirely different person. The girl named Rachel was no more. She was far away, locked deep somewhere inside. The nighttime world seemed more beautiful to the new Rachel than it had ever been before. The moon was super bright. She could see a long ways. She felt comfotable in its light and warm. The prospect of sunlight now seemed... Unbearable. She couldn't meet Squall's eyes after what had happened. Instead she looked up to Kendra and Mason. "What now? she asked. OOC: Erm I am braindead. What now? XD
8:04pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 567
Human: name; Chandler Typp Age;15 Gender:Female Personality;Very happy-go-lucky, very optimistic, loves bunnies and all things cute. looks;  History:Lives in a normal family, a younger brother, and two loving parents Other info;Loves to sing, dance , and draw, doesn't believe in vampires O.o
Cleeek it!
Oh, yeah. I'm Back :D
8:18pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 567
((can i join?))
Cleeek it!
Oh, yeah. I'm Back :D
6:06pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 304
((Erin sure! Sorry Dream..I have abused my RP Xc )) Mason smiled, "well..." he sarted, but was broken off by Kendra. "Why dont we wander about through some bars? Its sooo fun." She gave an angelic grin, that would have sent shivers down any human's back, had there been one. Mason shrugged, "guess we can do that...sound okay to you Squall?" he asked the other vampire.