10:20am May 19 2010 (last edited on 10:18am May 21 2010)
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Posts: 2,378
Demon Gangs Okay, the world belongs to the demons, they overthrew the humans millenia again and now they have split into two rival gangs, Sumnor Pegagnyx leads one gang, the name of the leader of the other gang is unknown to most though. Roles:
Alpha For Clan Nogar: Sumnor Pegagnyx (Me)
Beta for Clan Nogar: Rene Viele (KuroKayce)
Alpha For the outsiders clan: Kronos (Kurokayce) Beta for the outsiders clan: Jack O'Hara (Me)
Soldiers for Clan Nogar:- CrazyPete (Nitro)
- Ceres (Tryst)
Soldiers for the Outsiders clan: The only four users on this RP are Me Reubin, Tryst, Kuro and Nitro, no one else join, and please don't ask, as denial of entry can often offend and I'd rather not have to verbally abuse you.
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10:26am May 19 2010 (last edited on 10:48am May 21 2010)
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Name: Sumnor Pegagnyx Age: 3067 (Immortal) Clan Position: Alpha Clan Nogar Appearance:
 Personallity: Sumnor is violent in nature, that is why he is so revered by the demons in his clan, he demands respect and loyalty with only his presence, his powers are sharp, both psychic and physical, his only true friend is his beta officer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Jack O'Hara Age: 1578 (Immortal) Clan Position: Beta of The Outsiders. Appearance:
 Personallity: Jack is a powerful demon, he relies on his power to over come people, he is the only person/demon who can weild his power, as it was embued with a mystical power years ago, just a few years after he was born, making it indestructable, he has weilded the blade all his life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Bora Nulgack Age: 1290 (Immortal) Clan Position: Soldier for clan nogar.
Appearance:  Personallity: Bora is a demon/vampire/werewolf hybrid, he was recruited by Sumnor late into the first war, a final tactic, as the mixed breed gives him great powers and very few weaknesses, he doesn't care about anyone.
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10:34am May 19 2010 (last edited on 5:33pm May 21 2010)
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Name: Rene Viele
Age: Unknown

Clan Position: Clan Nogar Beta.
Personality. Deadly, hearltess and merciless when it comes to other clan. She's a killer through and through, not afraid of confontation or death. She is the kind to kill in the most torturous of ways, usually only reserving this treatment for those she absoloutely despises. Despite her killer nature, she is protective of her friends and fellow clan members, willing to put her own safety first if need be. She is straight talking and very realistic, knowing full well that there will always be someone stronger than her, but fighting against it anyway.
Ability: She has the ability to manipulate air pressure, creating invisible blades (And other weapons) and barriers. By condensing the air, her barriers are incredibly thick, and anyone who gets past the first wall will find themselves crushed by the pressure. Has a knack with poisons. She herself is usually coated in some sort of venom, and her tail contains one of the deadliest poisons in existance. Her speed and agility give her an advantage when it comes to battle, allowing her to sting her enemies and simply watch as they die. She is incredibly silent, and can sneak upon enemies with no detection, acting almost as an as.s*censored*in. ~~~ Name: Xayen
Age: Unknown

Clan Position: Member of Clan Nogar.
Personality: Xayen is a very animalistic kind of demon, relying more on his instincts in battle rather than skill. He can be rather unstable, although he has a good grasp on his temper. He's the kind of demon to snap at anyone when angry, including those in his own clan, but naturally, he is incredibly loyal.
Ability: The tattoos on his body give him the ability to call upon the dead souls of other, weaker, animalistic demons to fight for him. He has incredible strength, strong enough to break through many metals, and easily through bone. He also has a high hit point, meaning he can take more damage. ~~~ Name: Kronos Zen
Age: Unknown

Clan Position: Alpha of Outsiders Clan.
Personality: Cold, calcutlating and seemingly heartless, Kronos will do anything to get what he wants. He is not the kind to truly befriend his warriors, though only one coming anywhere near being his Beta with whom he trusts most. He enjoys torture, and tends to capture many Nogar demons just for this reason, handing them over to his clan to do what they wish. He is crafty and cunning, and always thinking before he acts.
Ability: Can manipulate shadows, creating indestructible weapons and using it as a way of teleportation. He himself is pure shadow, meaning he can melt into the darkness and hide from any demons view. ~~~ Name: Shandelle Zara (Shan)
Age: Unknown

Clan position: Warrior of the Outsiders clan.
Personality: Shan is a much calmer and warmer Demon than most. She doesn't particularly delight in war, but will do what she must to please her Alpha and Beta. She comes acoss as quiet and withdrawn, though most of the time, it's simply becuase she's in thought. She usually pays little attention to her surroundings unless she's in battle, in which her attention is entirely focused on suriving. She is very pleasant, even to enemy demons, thoug,h like any Outsider, will kill them without much thought. When angered, she seems to almost delight in killing. Her personality switches to be the complete pposite of what she is.
Abilities: She specialises in the whip, the one she weilds being capable of changing its length and thickness, making it a dangerous and speedy weapon. She also has a knack with plants, able to obtain information from them and use them in battle, using her own demon energy to grow plants at an alarming rate. She is an excellent healer. She is also pretty good with physical combat, thanks to the fact her right arm and leg are both coated in metal plates.
10:35am May 19 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Aw...I was going to join but oh well. I will just watch quietly.))
10:36am May 19 2010 (last edited on 11:15am May 19 2010)
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Posts: 145
Name: Crazy Pete Age: Approximatley Old (About 25 when he was possesed) Gender: Male Appearance: tle="ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting"> Deion: Very short, about 5 ft.; black, messy hair; typically wearing pilot's hat, coat and tattered pants of a dusty tan color and old black high heeled boots; palish skin, feirce green eyes with dark evil shadows around them, smooth skin apart from his many stichted scars all over his body, and youngish looking; sometimes hard to understand through his thick Germanic accent, especially when hysteric. Emphasis on intimidate, despite his small size Pete is a notorious and vengeful fighter scaring people and monsters hundreds of times larger than him with his secret strength. Powers: Extreme Stealth, Insanity, Plot, Weapons Skill, HEavy Weapons Skill, Intimidate, Steal, Adapt, Resource, Immortal Aging, Dark Mind, Berserk, Sweet Talk, Inner Strength Skills: Capable of thinking up elaborate plsns for revenge; best known for his ability to find, recall, aquire, and hoard huges inventories of goods, rare or otherwise; highly resourceful, able to use any waepon, especially heavy and explosive ones; very fast learner who can pick up on almost anything the first time he sees it, including other's techniques; small but feirce with a vengeance that scares many, has a darker more dangerous fighting side that rareley shows Breif History: A paratrooper of German decent, he was sent to war with an otherworldy threat of great evil but his group was ambushed almost as soon as they landed. Both armies were destroyed except Pete who was mortally wounded including a crushed leg from a tank falling on it. The leader of the dark army appeared before him and infused him with some of his dark powers. Later, when the medics arrived, he lashed out at them in pain, fear and rage as the darkness had already claimed his mind. He was brought to a hospital where they healed his wounds the best they could but was eventually released as a hopeless case. He now roams the world wreaking havoc on everyone and everything he encounters and hardly ever fights for the better of something unless the threat is tremenous. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Twenty One Maizen Age: Eighteen Hours and Forty Three Seconds Gender: Male Appearance: Pic Lato', yo Deion: One of the later experiments made by renegade human scientists to create a new race of totally man made Demons capeable of fighting the real one. He resembles a Quoll which he can transform into. He has one ragged black bat wing and one glossy black bird wing but primarily hovers a few feet off the ground without either. He uses feirce biting and claw attacks but can manipulate the wind and air around him as well as do a few dark energy charge attacks. He still has a thick heavy collar around his neck that subdues hisnatural powers from expanding to rapidly. He has a penchant for scientists. Powers: Transform into true Quoll, Hover, Duo Dark Wing Fast Flight, Dark Charge attacks, Beserker Skills: Flight, Hover, Physical Combat, Dark Power Attacks, Wind/ Air Control, Recover by Eating, Absorb intellingce by Eating Deion: Obviously the Twenty- First experiment, Maizen was the "M" Prototype of the animal- type man made demons. He is reminiscant of the Australian carnivorous marsupial, the Quoll and can transform into one. Shortly after being brought into existance, Maizen was named and his intelligence was implanted which is parts of other creatures intelligence including some dead humans and demons. Before he was awoken a collar was put into place which was meant to slow his strength progress so he wouldn;'t get to strong and over power them but he was already stronger than they thought and after being brought to life he burst free and devoured his creator before escaping. He now roams free wreaking havoc.

11:01am May 19 2010 (last edited on 11:18am May 19 2010)
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Posts: 3,291
11:16am May 19 2010 (last edited on 11:20am May 20 2010)
Posts: 1,586
Name: Ceres Delalune Age: Undisclosed Deion: Ceres is tall and lean. Her white hot temper matches her long hair, and her eyes are generally an icy blue. Her clothing of choice is her high but light black boots, paired with a short black or white dress or skirt. Her eyes are steely grey when she is angry or using her powers, and a deep blue when she is aroused or pleased. She is agile, intelligent and deathly accurate. She excels with guns, bows and other projectile weapons. She prefers to use her powers in close range combat. Powers: Ceres is a shapeshifter. Her favored creature is the white tiger, which she shifts into often and ensures that it retains some of her traits. She can also utilize any part of an animal without morphing into its entirety- for example, she will sprout eagle's wings. She also lords over ice and wind, pairing the two into a chilling and effective weapon. Skills: Apart from her weapons, Ceres will use her body and expert deception to get close to her enemiesin order to dominate them. She trains in agility and accuracy, preferring a quick clean battle to a long and drawn out one. Position: Clan Nogar Soldier
11:16am May 19 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
((mylovve, no other users are joining now, besides, that speck is due to be filled by kuro, we are not accepting other users, as it says in the first post, I apologise.))
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11:37am May 19 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 145
((I think their jis' messing with us, yo. It's 'cuz we're so popular. XD))
11:39am May 19 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
((That we are Nitro, lol, are we actually that popular in the RP world of res?))
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11:42am May 19 2010
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Posts: 145
((If not it's just becuase everyone is jealous of our prowress. GO TEAM VAMPIRE!!))
11:45am May 19 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Yeah, TEAM VAMPIRE! lol... even... though... this is a demon RP. But yeah, we do tend to RP in awesome ways, this one is going to be awesome, I can feel it, Sumnor is gonna kick some serious butt.))
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11:51am May 19 2010
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Posts: 145
12:06pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 11:19am May 20 2010)
Posts: 1,586
Name: LeRoux Age: Appears to be in his early thirties Deion: LeRoux takes pride in his looks. He is, simply put, beautiful. His shoulder length hair is slightly wavy and is white like Ceres'. About 6'1, LeRoux is like a missile- fast and hits hard. He mostly wears black and red, or blue and white. Some say that he is still in love with Ceres, but this he will not confirm nor deny. His eyes are a soft golden brown, but he does not look upon others too kindly unless he knows them well. Generally he is joyous and mischievous. He follows well but sometimes tries to take over. Unfortunately this is frowned upon by his alpha. His canines are chiseled to fine points and he used his teeth to rip into his enemy's jugular. Powers: Energy being. LeRoux focuses his mind on energy levels in his surroundings, himself and his foes. He can suck energy out of them and make himself very powerful, although it takes a period of time. He can project his energy and use it as a weapon or as a temporary shield. Skills: Because it takes training to build up his stamina for his powers, he is very strong. He is slightly muscled and focuses mainly on mind training. He can use a sword and other weapons, but his mind is not disposable. Position: Outsider Clan Soldier
1:46am May 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Tryst, add your clan positions?))
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1:52am May 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor was sat on a mound of heavy, 2 inch thick crates on the edge of his clan grounds, he wasn't supposed to be miniscual tasks like watch, but he liked to make sure nothing was sneaking up on him himself, he didn't like leaving it to his underlings, he looked up at the sky, praying to the demon gods that they could deal with the oncoming onslaught, "Please allow us safe p*censored*age from the ensuing blood shed, we will need all the help of the gods." As Sumnor was finishing he saw a stray human running through the tree line, of course there were a few dozen humans left, they could have got them all, quickly, with a twitch of the index finger of his right hand, the human's head exploded, in an impressive spray of blood and gore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack was sat in his tent in clan Outsiders, he was awaiting his alph to come and give him orders, he stood, sheathing the blade that only he could use, the huge sheath that he wore on his back just supporting enough as not to lose the blade, he walked out of the tent, glancing around before running into the forest, looking for something to keep his mind occupied, "Oh, human, human, huamn, you out here? I can smell ya' so there's no point in runnin'" As Jack was saying this a human darted from behind a large oak tree, going for Jack's throat with a dagger, Jack side stepped, grabbed the human by the collar of his jacket and impaled him on a large, over-hanging tree limb. After this Jack headed back to the clan grounds.
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7:35am May 20 2010 (last edited on 10:45am May 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
Watching the sky with un-interested eyes, the Demoness sat atop an old, broken castle wall, small clumps of brick and stone littering the ground around her. Behind her nightmarish form stood the once proud castle itself, now nothing but a dark, empty shell; The walls broken, gigantic chunks of the castle had fallen in on itself, allowing the worst of the weather to permeate the old structure. On the opposite side of the castle sat a cliff, the earth falling off into rough and untamed ocean waves below, each crashing into the jutting earth with building force.
Rene stood, hair black hair blown about her face by a foreboding wind, tail twitching as she kept her eyes trained on the sky. Great, dark storm clouds were making their sluggish way over the ocean, directly towards the Clan Grounds.
Swinging her tail once, she glanced down towards the huge lump that lay just beneath the shadow of the wall. Typical, that he would be sleeping again; Using her skeleton-like limb, she gently retrieved a small but heavy chuck of wall, before throwing it with deadly accuracy at the head of the gigantic Wolf Demon.
With a yelp, the great furry being jumped about a foot in the air, immediately falling into an aggresive stance and glaring around with a growl that resonated off the old castle blocks. When he rested his eyes on the red eyed Rene, he got his temper under control, finally realising he wasn't in any sort of immediate danger. Sitting on his haunches in a wolf-like manner, he looked directly at the Demoness, a small, natural growl in his throat. His whole image being that of what humans would call "Werewolf"; The image simply helped by the moon that glowed in the sky above.
"What the hell was that for?" He growled slightly, allowing himself to fall into a laying position, eyes still on Rene, who shrugged.
"You shouldn't be sleeping. Your supposed to be on guard duty this evening, Xayen."
The Wolf Demon grumbled, the sound coming out in a jumble of growls and hisses.
"Fine..." He replied somewhat sullenly, sitting back up as he watched his Beta literally dissapear on the spot, probably heading back to camp. He shifted his huge form, gently leaning against the castle wall as he surveyed the area. It was awfully quiet tonight, not that that meant anything. Quiet nights were usually pretty deadly. ~~~ Yawning, Kronos strolled to the edge of Outsider territory, coming to a stop not far behind Jack, currently entertaining himself with what was left of the human race. He glanced at the dark sky, getting darker yet thanks to the arrival of huge, black stormclouds. Perfect. He always did like storms...
When his Beta had finally finished with his business, Kronos spoke, a rare occurance. The dark, shadow manipulating demon much preferred to simply fight and kill, than talk. Unfortunately, there were moments he couldn't avoid speech, such as now, for instance.
"I think. We can take our time with Nogar. They don't seem to be in any rush, so neither will we. Rushing into things, tends to lead to failure."
The Alpha's vioce was rich and dark, very much like the darkness he controlled, his bright, golden eyes emotionless as he looked towards his Beta. After a mere moment, Kronos turned on his heel and headed back to base. It was true, of course. He would not rush into battle with the Nogar clan, not yet, anyway.
The grounds on which the Nogar were based were rich with Demon energy, and naturally, Kronos and his clan felt that they deserved those lands rich in the blood of their kind. Unfortunately, those damn Nogars were unwilling to move, leading to a small and frantic war. This battle had been going on a few month now, both clans currently recovering from the last skirmish.
Ah well. The Outsiders would obtain that land soon enough.
11:32am May 20 2010 (last edited on 11:40am May 20 2010)
Posts: 1,586
Ceres stretched herself and yawned, awakening from her short but satisfying rest. Her tail swished ceaselessly as she looked around before getting up. The moon illuminated much of the territory, bathing everything in its silvery glow. Ceres' body looked godly under the light, and as she rose, it stretched and convulsed into her natural human-like form. She rolled her shoulders, working the kinks out as she set off to find her Alpha. Her body ached slightly with the transformation, but she did not like sleeping in her biped form. Tigers were more powerful and had great senses. With the oncoming war one could never be too careful. Light on her feet, she flitted through the territory, searching for Sumnor, and her next duty. She found him relatively quickly, seemingly relaxing on the heavy crates that bordered their territory. Her steps slowed as she approached him, proud head lowered slightly in the smallest act of submission she could manage and stood, waiting for him to address her. ((Positions added))
12:12pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor was facing the red sky until he heard his main soldier's footsteps coming towards him, he turned to face her, "We're recovered, the demon power here helped a lot, your main duties for today are to scout around the perimeter of clan outsiders, do not get too clase as the alpha of that blasted clan will kill you the first chance he gets, you are a powerful rival and I'd rather not lose someone I could use further down the line." Sumnor then faced the sky once again, he had little time for pleasentries, therefore he didn't greet, or say goodbye for his underlings, whilst they lived they served him a great deal, and once they were dead, there was little else he could do, so he wasn't particularly fased. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack turned instantly at the sound of his leaders voice, he found it easy to obey orders, so he followed him when he had left, barely a spark of emotion in his eyes, he was a cold demon, one that would kill anyone, anywhere and any time, "Master, I wish to be on the front line when we choose to attack clan Nogar, I wish for my blade to slay as many of those wretched creatures as possible, I will of course leave Sumnor to you." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor looked down across the horizon and stood, beginning to walk into camp, when a wolf jumped on him and knocked him to the ground, startled he used his psychic ability to form invisible blades on the tips of his fingers from raw psychic power, he clawed the face from the wolf and threw its carc*censored* out of the camp grounds, to serve a warning to any other animals of prey.
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1:06pm May 20 2010
Posts: 1,586
Ceres smiled at Sumnor's compliment, even though it implied that she was not much more than a weapon. Ceres was accustomed to using people to her advantage, though would only accept that sort of treatment from Sumnor. She pushed her feeling aside; this was war, and war had no place for feelings. Lost in her thoughts for a moment, she narrowly missed seeing a large dark shape propel itself from the shadows and land upon Sumnor's back. She hissed and jumped back, but in seconds the wolf's carc*censored* was discarded. Breathing out a sigh of relief, she turned away and began to patrol the borders, keeping an eye out for more predators, and most importantly, the outsiders. ~~~~ LeRoux stalked the shadows, looking for his next meal. He studied Jack out of the corner of his eye, toying with the humans that were left. "Hey Jack, leave some for dinner, eh?" He muttered almost inaudibly, sighing. If they had the Nogar grounds he wouldn't need to feed as often as he did, if at all. He kept to the darkness as he made his way towards the forest. The humans were ridiculous, if they were smart they would have at least changed hideouts once in awhile. Darkness was LeRoux's element. Using his strong nails, he clamored up a tree and waiting, sitting lazily on a lower branch. The creatures got sharper as they fell into the demon's world, though, and within seconds the human smell grew stronger. Only laziness and more pressing matters on the demons' part prevented them from hunting down the remaining humans. They just weren't that much of a threat. Within moments something whizzed by LeRoux's head, and quickly he caught the arrow by it's shaft and tossed it aside. "Work on your aim, silly scum," he snarled,landing lightly on his feet on the forest floor below. Faced with this demon of the night, LeRoux's attacker cowered a little, before regaining himself and straightening. It was just a young human, still eliminating the comforts of previous life. Utterly bored now, LeRoux advanced forward and snapped the human's neck by expanding the energy in that area. "You must all learn, never hesitate around a demon." With that, he bit into the broken neck and drank his fill, before leaving it lying at the foot of the tree, still warm. Licking his lips, LeRoux thought of the upcoming onslaught. It was on everyone's lips. The outsiders had to win, no questions asked, take no prisoners. For a moment his thoughts turned to Ceres, probably off somewhere in the Nogar clan fulfilling her duties faithfully. He sighed. What a loss of such a perfect creature, if she were to be killed.