5:07pm May 20 2010 (last edited on 5:12pm May 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
~(Yes, Rene's wings are much larger than on the pic. xD)~
Shifting from tree to tree, Rene came to a stop on a high bough overlooking the border of Nogar territory. The scent of the outsiders was powerful here, seeing as their last battle had taken place on the expanse of rocky ground below. Far in the distance the ocean could be seen, the blossoming moon casting bright ribbons over the water.
Watching for only a moment, the Demoness then turned on her heel, seeming to dissapear into the shadow, her blood red wings extending to a size that would hold her weight. Beating them once, the powerful muscles in her shoulders working, she shot up into the air before heading back to camp. Her agile form and thin, sharp wings, meant that she could literally fly like a swallow, only much, much faster.
After a few minutes of flight, she dived, crashing silently into the earth on all fours, legs bent and hands on the rock in font of her, coming to a stop in a crouching position; Her red wings flared, her whole image being that of a creature who had just crawled out of hell. Well. She had, technically.
She stood up, folding both wings into her shoulders and glancing at her Alpha, Sumnor, and the top soldier, Ceres.
"Ceres." She said in greeting as the other demoness strolled away, her vioce dark and venemous, yet strangely seductive by nature. She then allowed her violent red eyes to fall on Sumnor.
"The Outsiders scent still lingers on our borders." She allowed a small hiss to escape her lips, before glancing off in the direction the way she came. "They don't seem to be planning anything else, just yet, however. Xayen is currently guarding my post for now." ~~~ Kronos smiled, a very slight, very cold smile. Jack was his Beta for a reason, his power was useful, and the dark Demon had found many ways of using it to his advantage. He nodded once in acknowledgement of Jack's choice to be present on the front line. As far as Kronos was concerned, Jack could have them all, but only after they came up with a better plan than last time. Clearly, they had rushed into that last attack ,and as a result, well... They'd had to retreat, but only for now.
A growl rose in the Demons throat. He'd get that land, eventually.
He turned on his heel and headed back to the main camp, determined to whip his lower followers into a blood craze. They were no good once they'd learned to relax, and as such, he was constantly exposing them to the reality of war and hatred. It always worked.
8:07pm May 20 2010
Posts: 1,586
Ceres nodded a greeting without looking in Rene's direction. "Nice to see you too," She said out of courtesy. She allowed herself to glance back as Rene began to converse with Sumnor, and then looked away quickly before they noticed. It did not feel as if anything worth noting would happen tonight, but she crouched down as she morphed into a large, bristling white tiger. She would cover more ground this way. She was not too keen on taking to the skies as the outsiders must have been keeping watch also. It was best to keep low. She would patrol on the edges and then work her way in. There was not much interesting about patrol, but then again nothing really interested Ceres other than seduction and action. Perhaps she would make action for herself. She stalked away quickly, looking for something to hunt. There was nothing around for miles. She was at a steady jog now, using her heightened senses to sniff out anything that didn't belong. There was the smell of stale trails of outsiders at battle sights, but they would offer no *censored*istance. Those battles were all short lived. Gradually, she approached the forest. The outsiders had the larger portion of it, but the trees that were left to the Nogar clan would prove to be an excellent hiding place for both prey and enemies. Her strong body propelled her forward, but she slowed as she approached the trees. Mouth open, exposing over sized canines, and nose to the air, she sampled it carefully. Nothing but the smell of earth and the small flowers that bloomed scarcely in the trees overhead. A small breeze picked up from the direction of the outsiders, and she caught the faintest scent; a very familiar one. Intrigued, she ventured closer to the border, her paws right at the line, straining to catch another whiff. The breeze died down, and with it, her scent. She waited in case the breeze should pick up, but after a few long minutes, she turned tail and continued her patrol. At least one outsider was in the forest, and if she should meet him it would prove to be a very awkward situation. He was not close enough, and seemed to be alone, so she was not to perturbed by his scent. She would check back later.
1:53am May 21 2010
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Sumnor put the index finger of his right hand of the chin of Rene, as if about to kiss her, he goot close, but didn't actually come itno contact, "I cannot wait to have my teeth around the throat of Kronos, I can practically taste the warm demon blood filling my mouth, going in between my teeth..." Sumnoe then used the finger that was placed on his Beta chin and run it down the right side of her entire face, they had always been close, but warring seemed to make it more so. Sumnor jumped off the crates all of a sudden, his large, convulsing, demonic wings erupting from the cuts in the abck of his trenchcoat, "I'm going for a hunt, those humans deserve to be wiped out, they're worthless." Sumnor's wings then whipped up a strong current and he took off with ease. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack was following Kronos for a good while, smiling when he realised he would be on the front line, the darker enclined demon had a confused image of his leader, he looked up to him for his determination and dark abilities, but for some reasons he looked down on him, like the way he needs to plan, Jack thought that pathetic, although it was the best choice present, Sumnor was a powerful foe and his Beta wasn't something to mess with either.
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7:52am May 21 2010 (last edited on 8:12am May 21 2010)
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Rene simply listened, not showing any kind of surprise or emotion at her leaders intimate touch. She held down a growl at the mention on Kronos' name though, afterall... He had been the one to bring the Outsiders here, the one who constantly warred with them.
She shrugged and watched as Sumnor left the earth, his own wings carrying him into the air on a collision course with humankind. She lowered herself to the ground, placing both hands on the rock in front of her, sat in a similar position to that of your average gargoyle. Her senses were heightened, listening to the other Nogar Demons in the area, growling and snarling; Each one of them wanting to get a even the smallest sample of Outsider blood.
She had completed all her duties tonight. Many Nogar Demons including Xayen and Ceres were patrolling or guarding the borders, the rest of them were recuperating here in base camp. She glanced over each Demon, before closing her eyes and relaxing her muscles. It wasn't often she could do this, seeing as they always had to be on guard, but... She, like all the others, needed rest. ~~~ Xayen yawned, revealing an entire mouth of razor sharp fangs as a number of mist-like creatures floated about his gigantic wolf-like form. He stood on all fours and stretched, his eyes roaming over the area around him. Everything still seemed pretty quiet... Which was rather unnerving. The night had really settled by now, the broken wall and castle beyond nothing but a pure black mas.s against the snow white moon which stood behind, over the ocean.
The m*censored*ive beast pushed himself up onto his hind legs, reaching his full height of around 9 foot, before inhaling deeply and catching scents, faint but there. He growled, the scent was that of Outsiders, just detectable on the night air. Before the beast could do much else, a swarm of Outsiders broke through the forest on the far side of the field that lay to his left. They had walked downwind, meaning Xayen had not caught their scent until now.
Without thinking, he howled, a chilling sound that carried all the way across Nogar grounds, the tattoo's on his arms and legs glowing a deathly white, An entire pack of gigantic white wolves appearing out of nowhere.
As the pack ran forward to meet the Outsiders charge, Xayen howled a second time, this time, to warn his clan of the invasion on this border. He wouldn't be able to hold every single one of these creatures off for long, seeing as together, the Outsiders covered the space of a small army. ~~~ Kronos allowed a cold, calculating smile to creep onto his features as he came to the main base, many of the Demons lounging around. These were his strongest warriors, whom he would only use when he truly needed. No point wasting great power if you had it. He stopped then, his cold golden eyes roaming, before turning and facing his Beta.
He knew from instinct, how Jack felt about his Alpha, but naturally, Kronos couldn't care all that much. He did, however, treat Jack with more respect, seeing as this particulr Demon was one of the more powerful in his clan.
"I will disclose to you tonights plan. It is already in motion." He glanced off towards one end of his boundry, where just a few hours before he had sent a collection of weaker demons. "Currently, or very soon, Nogar's more powerful warriors will ride to the aid of one of their guards. We can strike the main camp while Sumnor and his strongest are occupied elsewhere, we can rid the lands of many of his Nogar Demons, and then, we shall return here. I feel that we should bring down his own army, before we face him head on. We do not want disruptions, and we do not want to face him tonight. Our aim tonight, is to simply weaken his army. I want you to take a few powerful Demons and carry this out. Understand?"
Kronos chuckled darkly, the sound seeming to echo in the shadows that surrounded him. Tonight, was going to be a good night. ~(Adding a new character in my next post. CHECK MY BIO'S. xD ALSO. Reu, you need to update the lists. It's a good way of checking if we have equal demons in each clan. xD)~
9:45am May 21 2010
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Posts: 145
((I can't get on everyday anymore; I'll have to drop out, homies. You guys are already ahead of me... Reubin; watch your runons. Commas connect related sentances. Your using them willy- nilly!))
11:05am May 21 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor heard the howl coming from Xayen, snarling he let himself drop from the air, falling like a rocket, beginning to spin like a drill he brought his wings into his body and landed gracefully, although large clumps of earth around him flew up from the ground and hoverred as his psychic abilities went to work, he drew his twin Berettas and looked at the surrounding demons, "You called me? 'Cos that's a really dangerous thing to do, 'cos of course, I could kill you all." Sumnor smiled a satisfued smile, this was what he'd been waiting for, an attack, but why come past Xayen? Xayen was a mighty wolf-demon that barely anyone could get past, and they knew he was a setry, so he could make Sumnor come running... it made no sense. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack was in the second of phalanx of troops to sweep into the clearing that Xayen stood in, he heard every word that came out of Sumnor's mouth, "You coc.ky scum-bag piece of --" Jack was cut off rather abruptly by one of the large pieces of earth hiting him square in the face which in turn knocked him to the ground. "I think he just proved my point for me, although I doubt he's dead, jack never was one to stay down for long, shame about what I did to his father." Sumnor chuckled as he finished the last sentence, he had killed his father brutally with four Beretta bullets in teh four head, in a line as neat as you please. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bora stayed in camp, sat on sentry duty on a pole 35 feet in the air, watching for any sneak attacks, he was good at his job, but the vampire in him was raring for blood, and he felt desperate to sink his fangs into the neck of the next demon that came from that scum hole of a clan grounds. "C'mon, bring it on over here you demon runts."
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11:06am May 21 2010 (last edited on 11:33am May 21 2010)
Posts: 1,586
A chilling howl ripped the night air. On full alert now, Ceres bounded out of the forest, towards Xayen's post. She could sense a full onslaught; had the war started already? She shot into the air using the muscles in her powerful hind legs, and in a flash of white light, morphed quickly into a human form. Great wings unfolded from her shoulders, and her skin glittered with shiny scales. From a dragon's view, she could see a small army of outsiders fighting with the wolves, and Xayen in the midst of them. "Let's chill out a bit," She chuckled as a cold wind picked up, and a flurry of snow drifted down from the heavens. For a few moments it went unnoticed, but soon enough the demons looked up, confused. As they spotted her, a blast of arrows came in her direction. Suspended in the air by her immense, feathered wings, she stretched out her hand, creating more wind that threw off the arrows' aim. The harmless snow now fell as hail, trained upon the heads of her enemies. She delighted in their groaning as they were sent crashing to the ground. An explosion of psychic activity below alerted Ceres to the fact that Sumnor has joined the battle. Upon closer observation, she also saw Jack being subdued. If Jack was in this battle, who else was? She raced down, air whistling in her ears as she did so. The wings disappeared as she hit the ground, at the same time drawing several arrows and feeding them into her bow, hitting several of the demons at close range. She snarled and shot a stream of ice as a group of them jumped at her, and they fell; as stiff as game in a deep freezer. As she did so, she felt a hot rush of air behind her, and she spun around quickly. Thick, steel like claws ripped from her hand and she struck the foul creature in its unsightly face. It howled, whatever it was, and held its shredded face in its hands as blood dripped on the ground from Ceres' formidable claws. ~~~~~~~ LeRoux stayed behind, waiting for direct orders to join the battle. He doubted that most of Sumnor's best would be there, but he was sure that his demons might raid the rest of the outsiders that waited in the main camp. His sword remained unsheathed at his side as he stood, listening to the screaming as the battle raged on. He felt a slight chill, and knew instictively who was causing it. He licked his blood stained lips, itching to sink his teeth and draw the more powerful demons' energy. He would have to wait until he was needed.
11:37am May 21 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I'll make my bio, but right now I'll be gone for a rew hours. X__x' THANKS, REU! :D)
Isn't this fun?
5:12pm May 21 2010
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After a few moments of blissful silence, Rene's sharp ears caught the chilling howl of Xayen, the first of which she deciphered as his casting spell, the second, a call for help. Standing straight, she glanced in the general direction of the Wolf Demon, before turning to face the Demons below, who had all looked up at the call.
Hissing, Rene brought her tail crashing into the rock, creating a sharp snapping sound that caught every demons attention.
"Looks like we have company." Raising a slender hand, she pointed at a number of the Nogar demons sat below her. "You lot. Come with me." With that, she flared her wings, the blood red web glowing in the moonlight as she shot from her perch; The Demons who had all been in the base camp moved as one, following their Beta with loyal and deadly expressions.
Shooting over the trees on silent wings, The demoness came upon her Alpha immediately, her eyes as.sessing all the Outsiders who had penetrated the Clan borders. Baring her fangs, she swooped, her right wing just brushing over Sumnors head as she flashed past, carving a path of solid pressure through the crowd on enemy demons. Any demon caught in her path was crushed visibly, there bodies almost seeming to collapse on themselves.
Xayen howled in thanks at the arrival of his Alpha, shortly followed by Ceres and his Beta. The white wolves he had called on earlier were steal tearing chunks out of the Outsiders, though many of them had dissapeared after been beaten in battle. Tearing the head off a nearby demon, Xayen turned his wolf-like head as Rene flashed past, crushing yet more under her invisible ability.
Shortly after, a small group of Nogar warriors joined the fray, brought to the ground by Rene. Excellent. ~~~ Sat in the centre of Outsider camp, surrounded by his more powerful warriors, was Kronos. Simply watching the sluggish gray clouds above, moving across the darkened sky. Trees surrounded him and his warriors, and at the sound of footsteps he glanced over his shoulder.
Walking towards him was one of the few female demons whom he had accepted as a warrior, thanks to her prowess in battle. She was also adept with healing, and in this situation, that was always welcomed.
In a glint of metal, Shan lowered herself to one knee, bowing before looking up at her Alpha, blood red eyes alight. "You called?"
"Indeed. You know what I want you to do. You prepared to carry this through?"
"Yes, my lord." Standing, the Demoness grasped her whip with a metal clad hand, before sprinting past Kronos, a number of Outsider caln demons following her. Their job was to destroy whatever had been left behind of Nogar, weakening the clan to Outsider onslaught. Of course, whether or not they would be successful was yet to be seen. But Shan would do what she must, afterall... Her Alpha had commanded it.
7:24am May 22 2010
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Sumnor smiled ay Xayen, he was fond of the wolf demon, after all that was why he had recruited him, he turned to the croud of demons coming towards him, smiling he unleashed bolts of psychic energy into a few of the demons closer to the front, followed by him creating swords from the same psychic energy which he began to chaop through Outsiders with, one by one they fell, a spray of demon blood being all that they left in their wake, "The best laid plans of mice and men, often go aft." Sumnor recited the poem that he had been told as a child by his parents, to teach him to despise humans and learn how to make their plans go wrong, the plan was an old poem, wrote by the humans themselves, ironic in some way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack had recovered from the *censored*ault he had suffered from Sumnor's abilities, he turned and went back to camp, following orders, he wanted to stay and fight, but he had been told to leave Sumnor for now, as he wouldn't be able to kill him anyway, he was not strong enough with necromancy... at least not yet, I will get you Sumnor, the necromancer blood that flows through my veins will make me even stronger. The thought kept flashing through the mind of Jack, almost driving him insane, but he held onto his sanity with the tip of his fingers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bora leapt dwon from the thirty foot pole he was sat on, landing in a crouch, moving into a position at the edge of the entrance, making himself look like a small demonic statue, his appearance would fool anyone, whether they be human or Demon, luring them into a false sense of security, "I wait for you,Outsiders." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor had slew the group of demons he had to contend with with great ease, he was know scanning the battle grounds, looking for some less easy targets, he found one that he recognised, a general, one that had survived the previous wars, he darted straight for him, throwing both of his pyschic swords into the two thighs of the general, causing him to fall to his knees, "You're mine"
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11:28am May 22 2010
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The onslaught continued, the small group of Nogar clan warriors carving their way through the mas.ses of Outsider flesh as yells and hissing filled the entire area. Rene ran a few rounds over the small army, continuing on her killing streak, demon after demon falling under her crushing ability. It was only natural, however, that she soon got bored of dispatching the mas.ses, and as such allowed herself to crash land into a nearby tree with speed, her hands clinging to the bark, skeletal tail swinging below her.
She pushed herself away from the oak, coming to land in a small clearing surrounded by Outider Demons who all currently looked dumbfounded at the fact she had just dropped in. After only a moment of confused silence, however, they began to swarm towards her; The red winged Demoness siimply grinning at them as they did so.
"Eager. Arn't we?" She chuckled, just as the first demon came into range. Without hesitation, Rene thrust one hand forward, straight into the chest of the demon, causing him to splutter and fall. Within a flash, The Nogar beta began to use her nails to simply claw, each demon falling at the poison she secreted.
As she fought swiftly with her arms, her tail dealt with the rest, the barbed and very sharp curved bone slicing through more demon flesh, as well as bone.
Xayen was following suit, still tearing the heads off any demons that came close enough, his gigantic spirit wolf pack dealing with others. One demon leapt, grasping the giant wolf demon around the neck, binding him with powerful chains to the rocky floor of the battle grounds.
Howling in rage, the wolf demon reared, calling on more spirit animals to as.sist the charge. This time, a number of hawks glided from the skies on ghostly wings, diving and tearing at the demons who happened to stray from the group. Xayen then gave an almighty pull on the chains, though they refused to give. Clearly, this was a demonic ability, and no pulling on them was going to break them.
Xayen snarled at the demon who had entrapped him, the coward not daring to edge close enough for the wolf demon to clasp his jaws over the guys head. A number of demons were beginning to converge on Xayen by this point, though none of them got close. Before they could so much as aim an attack, a number of white wolves and hawkes swooped in, protecting their summoner as the great wolf demon attempted yet again to rid himself of those damn chains. ~~~ It didn't take long to reach the camp of Nogar, and when they did, 2 of the Outsider warriors immediately set off towards the entrance of one of the smaller Nogar bases. Entering the main base would be a stupid thing to do, seeing as most of the more powerful demons resided there. Unfortunately, Shan had not brought enough demons with her to carry that out. So her job was to simply break down the weaker ranks.
Shan waited, whip in hand as she watched the two warriors run ahead of her, coming upon one of the entrances and a rather realistic looking statue. An involuntary hiss rose in her throat. She felt threatened here, they clearly were not alone.
11:44am May 22 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Bora stayed squatted in position as the two weak demons p*censored*ed, he knew there would be at least one strong demon here and he would await his move for then, he didn't even allow his chest and abdomen to move as he breathed, not making a sound, as sharp and alert as ever. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor was on the powerful demon that he had cripled within seconds, placing the palm of his right handon the demon's left temple, making a spike of psychic energy rip from, skin, skull and brain like it was nothing, killing the demon in one swoop, he heard the howl from Xayen, andhe saw the demonic chain keeping him attached to the groud like a common dog, typical, the outsiders had no respect or decency, he outstretched a hand, his eyes turning the colour of blood, a pure white flash left his body and caused the demon taht had cast thespell to lose his head, it exploded on his shoulders, leaving the body swaying, as the chain lost it's magical powers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack had gotten back to Kronos in little time, he was sick of following orders, but with fear for his life he continued as he had been for almost 4 years now, "I finished the job you requested of me, although I do wish to know why you would not allow me to slay Sumnor, that disrespectful cur slew my father," Jack had to be extremely careful not to lose his temper around Kronos, as he was known to be a violent leader. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once Sumnor had finished with the demon keeping Xayen at bay, he turned in circles until his eyes rested on Rene, who seemed to be handling a large group of demons rather well, althoughone of the mroe powerful ones was sneaking up on her from above, Sumnor's wings erupted, knocking the weaker demons around him away as he went into a crash course with the demon, knocking him to the ground, Sumnor then levelled himself in the air, and swooped down to restrain the demon, deciding that this would be the one he interrogated.
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8:07am May 23 2010
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12:35pm May 23 2010
Posts: 1,586
The Nogars were putting up a good fight, but it seemed as though the more demons Ceres disposed of, the more appeared from the outsider clan. Fending them off wasn't too much of a problem for one with her ability. They had a way of rushing towards her, weilding weapons without thinking. There were no tactics, no plans in their heads. She easily froze them in place, and smashed their bodies to pieces with a forceful blow. However, this was about to change. The stronger demons were swarming towards her now. There was no one to cover her- not that she needed anyone else.These demons were obviously better trained than the others, but still oculd not match her agility. She ducked as one attempted to smash her skull with a club, and swung her leg around so that it connected with a sickening crack with his leg. Howling, the demon flung the club wildly. Narrowly missing a blow, she withdrew adagger that she kept strapped onto the inside of her left boot, and plunged it into the creature's neck. Blood gushed from the demon, and splattered Ceres' dress. Snarling in a tiger like manner,she finished him off by ripping open his jugular and jumped back. "I just hate getting blood all over me," She said in disgust. She used her elbow to break the nose of a demon that tried to sneak up from behind her, and froze him easily. She had a quick moment to catch a breath, when she spotted an obviously experienced warrior coming towards her. He walked with purpose, quickly, but not at a mad rush like the others. His hands were at his side; it looked as though they were cupped around air. There was a spark, and then a huge ball of fire flared up from the space between his thumb and fingers. Before she knew it, Ceres was being as.saulted by balls of fire aimed at her head and torso. The first one narrowly missed her. Hissing, her eyes glowed a light but icy grey, and a strong wind gushed forth from behind her. Whatever power was used to create that fire was strong- it held up against the wind- but the demon's aim was jeopardized. She shot a blast of ice at him, meaning to freeze him, but the ice simply melted away on the demon's hot body. He laughed cruelly, and annoyed, Ceres bolted forward, claws poised to rip him to shreds. The demon dodged with lightning speed, causing her to go crashing into the blood stained ground. If it was one thing Ceres learned, it was never stay down. She rose into the air, and as she did so morphed into a large white tiger. The tiger had her demonic eyes, glowing like hot blue coals in the wretched night. The demon pulled out a sword. The moonlight glinted cruelly upon the edge as he advanced towards her. Ceres stayed low to the ground, ready to leap forward and attach herself to him, wrestling him to the ground and ripping him open in the process. She crouched motionless as the demon raised his sword and brought it down. There was a loud thud as it hit the bare earth, and in a flash Ceres was on the demon's back, jaws locked around the hand that held the sword. In the wild struggle that ensued, the demon dropped his sword, but not before slicing Ceres in the side. Unarmed now, and pinned down by Ceres' crushing weight, the demon could only shriek as Ceres made short work of him. White coat dripping with the demon's blood, Ceres trasformed back into her demon body. As she did so, she doubled over for a second, clutching her side. Her own blood ran down from a gash made by the sword. She was lucky though, it wasn't extremely deep but it was still an impairment.
9:50am May 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor kicked the head of a demon, knocking it out with one shot, he glanced over at Ceres, who had a wound on her side, pointing at he, he muttered the words of a wuick spell, causing it to heal instantly, leaving no scar, he then turned as a large, winged demon flew into him and began wrestling with him on the ground. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ((I had absolutely nothing else to post about, I will when kuro posts though))
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1:38am May 25 2010
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1:48am May 26 2010
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5:11am May 26 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~{AH! D< I posted here and the damn thing restarted on me. T^T Now I have to type it ALL up again. Eh, i'll post under here in a bit. T^T}~
7:36am May 26 2010
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Slicing an invisible blade straight through the neck of a nearby Demon, Rene's gaze flitted towards her Alpha, nodding quickly and in thanks. Her attention was immediately pulled back to battle when yet another Outsider saw fit to try and sneak up on her unprotected back, or so he thought. Without even glancing over her shoulder, the Beta's tail twitched, then shot forward and embedded itself straight into the stomach of the opposing Demon; A gush of blood emerging from the wound and running down the bone of Rene's venemous skeleton like limb.
As the fresh blood pooled beneath their feet, the Demon from the Outsider's Clan fell forward, grasping his injured stomach as Rene roughly pulled her tail free, leaving the dying being to glare at her with undisguised hatred. The look didn't last long, within seconds, the poison from the Beta's tail began to eat away at him from the inside, and the battlefield became filled with his agony induced screams.
Without giving him another thought, Rene swung her tail in a wide arc, the bone slick with fresh blood, slicing across the arms and legs of all the Demon's who surrounded her, each one joining the last in an ever growing chorus of shouts and yells, shortly followed by that same agonised screaming. Grinning, the Demoness simply watched as each one perished, cursing or begging for her mercy.
Not far from the Bloodbath caused by Rene, was another scene of a similar conclusion. The ground was littered with torn limbs and body parts, each belonging to an Outsider Clan member. In the midst of the rocky and now blood soaked earth, was Xyen, currently tearing an arm off yet another Demon who had wandered too close. All around the gigantic Wolf Demon were the ghostly white pack he had called on for aid, each individual wolf carrying out the same form of barbaric and rather messy killing techniques; Joined by the white hawks who aimed their deadly claws at unsuspecting Demons.
Both Xyen and Rene, however, knew that something was off. These Demons were great in number, but even then, posed no threat to the Nogars; And each of them knew full well that Kronos had far more up his sleeve than just these weaklings.
Ah well... For now there was little they could do, but as far as the Beta was concerned, the quicker they finish this, the better. ~~~ Tilting her head slightly, Shan lifted a hand and gestured at the Demon who stood beside her. Without any seeming hesitation, the Demon walked forward, towards the entrance to the Nogar Camp, weapon at the ready. This particular Demon had quite a lot of power, and Shan hoped to draw out any of the more powerful Nogars by sending him first, before she had to head forward herself. Her own Demonic energy was under wraps, hidden by the metal armour which covered her arm and leg; As long as she wore them, her energy would be hidden to all but the most powerful of Nogar warriors, thanks to the entrapping spell that had been placed on the metallic plates.
She watched the Demon walk a short way, then followed at a constant pace behind him, other Outsiders following her in turn. The Demoness kept her hand on her whip as she walked, the feeling of being watched growing with every step. The other Demons who followed were looking and glancing over their shoulders, a daring and hungry ex pression on their features. Clearly, she was not the only one who could sense this particular presence.
It was a powerful one, one that would most definately benefit the Outsiders should it be destroyed, and that's exactly why Shan was here. Afterall, she only wished to please her Alpha, and that she would. No matter the cost.
11:39am May 26 2010
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Bora's eyes snapped open as the more powerful demoness walked past him on her human looking feet, as she got a foot past him, he pounced, grabbing two of the lesser demons off guard and mashing their heads together into a pulp, he then turned on shan, his back arched backwards, making him look bigger and more powerful, hissing and spitting at the demoness in front of him, "You die today, Outsider." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor looked around at the agonised screams, smilling because of the ecstacy that the demon's screams brought him, he leapt into the air, a good 30 foot leap and landed in the middle of a group of at least 20 outsider demons, he drew his berettas and began firing bullets through brains, covering the battle field with both brains and blood.
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