Destined for Greatness (Open Small-Group Pokemon RP)

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12:18pm Sep 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,052
((Sure! Just go ahead and post your bio. Then we can start.))

Adopt one today!

4:21pm Sep 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( Yay, we are going to start soon. I have been looking forward to this rp ))


5:10pm Sep 4 2012


Posts: 59

i would like to join also


5:17pm Sep 4 2012


Posts: 59
Name: Rai
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Looks: Dark
Personality: Angry, and Funloving
History (optional): I am from Unova but I like most pokemon and I have no family.
Pokemon: Darkrai, Steelix, Throh,and Sawk. Rest undetermined.


7:46pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 9:25am Sep 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 119
Name: Kyle Tanner
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Personality: He is the definition of a sassy gay guy. He is a fan of adorable pokemon- such as his jigglypuff, who is his #1 and typically walks with him. He has a sweet, gentle personality, and at times that can bite him in the butt when he is competing beacause if he sees a pokemon in pain or being taught by a cruel trainer, he will forfeit the match to spare the pokemon. He is very protective of his friends. The only time he will work a pokemon farther than it should be is when his friend's are in danger.
History (optional): His father worked as a pokemon ranger and when he realized how much Kyle loved to play with his (the father)'s Jigglypuff, he decided to catch another one and gifted it to his son. Kyle and the Jigglypuff now have a bond as close as Ash and Pikachu, but that comes at the expense of his connection to his other pokemon. 
Pokemon: Buizel, Pontaya, Jigglypuff (his father gave it to him), Riolu, Absol (kinda), and Munchlax.
Crush: Not really, but it's possible...?
Other: He wants to be a pokemon ranger once he finishes exploring.

Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.

7:51pm Sep 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 119
*not shinx, Absol. Sorry!

Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.

10:46pm Sep 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 186
Can I join as a pokemon..? :3


10:54pm Sep 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( Oh, ninja could be my shiny zorua or manaphy if it is ok with you guys ))


7:00am Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,052
((I wasn't planning to have this many members join, but I'll let you guys join because your characters interest me. And you can join as a Pokemon, ninja. ^_^ Also, guys, I was thinking of making a second character...I know that would be bending the rules a bit, but seeing as I set those rules... xD Also, it'll be a male character if I make another.))

Adopt one today!

11:56am Sep 5 2012 (last edited on 12:29pm Sep 5 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 2,052
((Ok...I added another character, his bio is on the first post. His name is Danny Westlake. He's bi, just to warn you guys. We can start now if you'd like. ^_^ Here's my intro:))

Danny Westlake was on his own again. Well, on his own except for his Pokemon. At the minute all of his Pokemon were out except for his Milotic, Milo, who was taking a rest in his Pokeball. Chu Chu, Danny's Pichu and first ever Pokemon, was actually hanging onto Danny's head, sitting on the top among Danny's hair. Meowsy the Meowth and Pixel the Eevee were both taking a nap, Sally the shiny Vibrava was eating some Pecha Berries from a nearby bush and Joy the Skitty was running around in circles, chasing her tail and mewing the the most adorable way. Danny smiled when he watched his Pokemon, and he reached up, taking Chu Chu out of his hair and cradling the tiny electric-type in his arms. He tickled the Pichu's tummy with a finger and Chu Chu gave an irresistably adorable giggle.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Donna-Marie taking a trip down a forest path. She had just two of her Pokemon with her at that time; Pandora, her faithful Luxray, and her Steelix. Steelix was actually serving as a mode of transport at that time, with both Donna-Marie and Pandora perched on her head. It might have looked odd, to see a Pokemon of such gigantic proportions in a forest, but none of the trio cared. Steelix certainly seemed to be enjoying the fresh air, anyhow; she would make contented growling noises every now and again. Donna-Marie was whistling a tune to herself, one that Pandora and Steelix seemed to be very fond of.

Adopt one today!

4:52pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( Do we know each other yet or are we just meeting? ))


4:55pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,248
((What region are we all in?))


4:58pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
((We are in Sinnoh))


5:03pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,248
((Ah, thanks.))


6:37pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 186
((Ill be Megas Shiny Zorua~ :3))


6:53pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
((You're name is midnight ninja. Please call me meg btw. Here is my entry))

Leanna had her pokemon climbing all over her, trying to get to the pokemon food in the palm of her hand.

Whoa guys, settle down. If you don't calm yourselves no one is going to get any. Now get next to your bowls and I'll poor some in there for each of you.

She brought out the small bowls and put them on the ground with the exception of Dream's bowl. She was too big to eat of the floor. Leanna put some food in each of the bowls, and let her pokemon loose. Leanna sat on the close clipped grass and twiddled some imbetween her fingers. Some Moomoo had been there recently. Suddenly, she noticed Midnight's bowl had no occupant.

That little one just loves to explore.

She chuckled to herself and walked over to the edge of the forest.

Midnight? Midnight! Where are you.

She stumbled back when she saw a large shadow come toward the edge of the forest. That was way to big to be Midnight...  A large Luxray emerged from the trees, and tackled Leanna.

Someone help!


6:58pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( Ninja, can you know the move dark pulse? It is really cool. ))


7:03pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 119
Kyle sighed at his desk, tapping his pencil. "C'mon, Jingle, gimmie something rhymes with orange..." He muttered. 
"Jig... Jiglypuff!"
"I don't think door hinge is close enough. Let's get some fresh air, maybe then I'll think of something."
"Jig!" The tiny jigglypuff squealed, bouncing around.
The outside air was crisp; Febuary had rolled around finally in Hearthome town and Jigglypuff planned on making the best out of it. 
Kyle laughed, his breath frosting as he ran with Jingle in his arms to the tall grass.
Without warning, from the dark seclusion...
"Mist... Misdreavus?"
"Crap!" Kyle hissed as the ghost-type jumped out. Kyle scrambled for a tiny ball on his belt. "B-Buizel!"
The tiny, delicate fighting type jumped from his pokeball and froze. "Buizel, use swift!"
The orange creature made no movement, just stood in defiance. With the quickness of a lighting bolt, he whipped around, sending tiny stars flying at Kyle as the Misdreavus slunk away.
"Jiggly!" Jingle yelled as he jumped in front of the stars.
"What's wrong with your Buizel?" Someone asked from behind him.

('Someone' is open to whoever wants to interact with Kyle.)

Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.

7:12pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 186

Midnight bolted out of the bushes to his owners scream. He stood and gathered power for Dark Pulse, then with all his might, he fired it directly a the luxray, careful not to hurt Leanna. It instantly made the pokemon faint. He rushed to Leanna.

"Are you okay?"

He said.


8:25pm Sep 5 2012 (last edited on 8:27pm Sep 5 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
((All my pokemon are girls XD It's ok though, I would prefer you be a girl, but I don't really care. ))

Leanna stooped down and hugged Midnight, than proceeded to softly scratch her ear. She loved moments like this, just her and her pokemon on the soft grass. Leanna looked down at Midnight and sighed.

I don't know why an incredible pokemon like you chose to stay with a loser trainer like me. I actually forgot I had pokemon when I was attacked. I am such an idiot, and I am so lucky to have a pokemon like you.

A tear rolled down her cheek at the word loser. She was always so scared of other people, and she hated to be around anyone but her pokemon. Everyone always thought she was so frail and weak, and her pokemon were the only things that understood her. Especially Sapphire and Midnight.

Come on, you're missing lunch. We have to get moving before dusk, and hopefully find a town. That Luxray proved that there are some dangerous pokemon in the woods. I think the closest town is Canalave City, but we will have to go a while before we can get there.

She scooped Midnight up into her arms and set her down beside her bowl. She smiled at her pokemon.

Thanks for always being there for me guys.

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