Dino-rolling. o3o

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5:58pm Feb 20 2012

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Herpaderpsaurus is forever alone. xD


11:47pm Feb 20 2012

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Posts: 754
Euchradon spotted the flappy dinosaur approaching and bounced up and down excitedly. And he hoped that this time she would see him. And mistake him as a splot of year-old gum (ewww, I once sat down on one of them after it rained 'cos i didn't see it... disgusting). He chirruped and waiting.

Always on the lookout for ardurs!

11:50pm Feb 20 2012

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Posts: 895
Bobisaur saw his friend Euchradon bouncing up and down excitedley.
"What are you doing?" Bobisaur asked.

{Our dinos can have BFs and GFs now, Euc.}

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11:53pm Feb 20 2012

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Posts: 754
(I see)
The tiny little Euchradon pointed happily at the growing blotch against the blue sky. "It's the flappy dino!"

Always on the lookout for ardurs!

11:56pm Feb 20 2012

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Posts: 895
Bobisaur gasped.

"The all hailed flappy one is coming!" Bobisaur exclaimed.

(Milk tranformed into a Plesiosaur, If you didn't know.)

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12:01am Feb 21 2012

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Posts: 754
((Ah... I was referring to Aro. XD
But anyway...))
So Euchradon toddled away to wait for the Arosaurus to arrive, leaving the love sick Bobisaur to wait for Milkii....... Yes.... Just like Bobisaur, Euchradon was now in love.

((I'll be coming on a bit later. See ya later, Bobbeh))

Always on the lookout for ardurs!

12:07am Feb 21 2012

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Posts: 895
(See ya, Euc!)
Bobisaur wuz so very love sick that he didn't notice that Euchradon left.

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12:40am Feb 21 2012

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Posts: 753
Mantasauria sighed. Thinking why her friend, Shetasaurus hadnt been
sighted in quite a while. Bobisaur sighed too and looked around him.
He saw Manta, smiling he stumbled over and sat with her. Together they
sat, wondering about the world and its mind.

Mantasauria leaned on Bobisaur, who looked with surprise at Manta.
Manta didnt notice so Bob just smiled. 

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12:50am Feb 21 2012

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Posts: 895
Bobisaur let Manta lean on him.
They watched the perfect sunset together.
Bobisaur thought about the world.

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2:35am Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 754
Euchradon sighed and flopped down, wondering what in the world was taking Aro so long to land >C

Always on the lookout for ardurs!

2:40am Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 753
Mantasauria flopped around near the seaside feeling lonely when suddenly 
she spotted another dinosaur nearby. Mantasauria squealed happily and
flopped over. Euchradon looked behing him to see a big water dino. Unfamiliar
of this dino he back away. Mantasauria frowned.

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2:42am Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 754
Euchradon chirped. This big... thing... seemed vaguely familiar, but he wasn't sure where. He could smell peanut-butter-and-burping-powder on her. She smelt like Bobisaur. Perhaps this was Bobisaur's beloved girl-dino?

Always on the lookout for ardurs!

2:49am Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 753
Mantasauria still had her pink stripes and colours, which Euchradon did
recognise but her shape was different. Manta's odd fragrance was very
quite familiar to Euchradon. Manta was much indeed Bobisaur's beloved.

Manta waddled up to Euchradon and held a flipper out.

Euchradon finally recognised her and accepted her.

Manta could smell a whiff of coconut in he air. Manta's addiction could
not resist. She followed the scent, Euchradon following closely behind.

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2:55am Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 754
Euchradon tailed after Manta, sniffing out the sickly sweet aroma of coconut. He sneezed, and continued waddling after her. She stopped abruptly, and, unprepared, he tripped ove her massive legs.

Always on the lookout for ardurs!

3:05am Feb 28 2012 (last edited on 3:16am Feb 28 2012)

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Posts: 753

Manta felt a thump feeling over her big flipper-like legs. She looked to her side
to see Euchradon face-planted into the sand in front of her leg, Manta thought
this funny so she let out a small giggle. She helped Euchradon up. He stumbled foward
and backward trying to maintain his balance. Euchradon brushed himself off.

The delicious aroma hung around like a ghost. Manta looked up 
to see a towering coconut palm. Manta's eyes stared lovingly at the coconuts.

Mantasauria charged into the tree knocking many coconuts off. One hit Manta on
the head. Manta stumbled around feeling dizzy. She shook of the feeling.

The two sat happily eating and drinking the coconuts. Euchradon watched Manta
stuff her face with coconuts. 

Both of them wondered why none of their friends were around. :(

Soon Manta was fast asleep like a rock. The waves splashed around and the
 sun began to set. The sky was filled a dark purple plum haze.

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3:13am Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 754
Euchradon, perched on a coconut, rubbed his little snout, where it was still bruised from when he landed on it, and turned around, and-
((Poof! I need to go do hw. For the sake of continuing...))
Fell asleep
((Seeya later))

Always on the lookout for ardurs!

3:16am Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 753
Bye Euchradon. <333


Post 17. Pg 12. o3o

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3:42pm Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 895
Bobisuar saw his dino- lady. He thought of waking her up but, he decided to let he sleep. He nuzzled her slept near her.

(What does Mantasauria look like?! Don't leave me hanging)

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10:16pm Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 935
Lol I havnt posted in a while.. 

Merlinsaurus-rex decided to take a fly. He spread his giant wings and took flight.


2:13pm Mar 1 2012

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Posts: 753
Mantasauria sighed. She felt so lonely.

Recently her world has just been feeling so down.
The sky was dark and the stars looked so blunt.

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