Dinosaur Box -Wolf RP-

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6:42pm Feb 25 2011

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Posts: 4,848
((Meditate to find out more.  o3o  It usually helps me.  If you want I can Rmail you some techniques.))


9:36pm Feb 25 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[Yey! 8u Woofwoofwoof. You can't stop my inner-dog :c
And will there be an Omega? Because Abraxas is usually an Omega o-o]]
Name: Abraxas 
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Rank: ...I'll tell you later >:U
Personality: Abraxas was only placed in the Omega spot because of his unconfident and skittish behavior. He always listens to his gut feelings, and is always expected to flee from battle. He's not exactly a coward, just extremely unconfident in himself. Abraxas has this 'inner demon' thing, that green wolf-like creature. When Abraxas somehow tunes into that, he becomes extremely powerful and unstable. Abraxas fears that form, and almost never uses it intentionally.
Power(s): Abraxas has the power of flight and his inner demon, which can easily be unleashed, especially when he is frightened.  
Crush: Open
Other: None
Name: Leto
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Leto has a quirky nature, and is rather competitive. She takes almost anything for a challenge, and never backs down from it. She's a bit of a perfectionist, always looking for ways to hone her skills. Leto doesn't necessarily like fighting, but she does whatever she can for what she thinks is right, which isn't always truly 'right', for the better of the pack.
Power(s): Flight and healing
Crush: Open  


10:45pm Feb 25 2011

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Posts: 4,848

((I guess Pup Watchers would be counted as Omegas, since they aren't really allowed to do anything besides watch the pups.  o3o

*Muzzles*  There.  >8c  Now no moar woof woof.))


10:56pm Feb 25 2011

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Posts: 6,165
(( Holy crap, weba. I've had the same dream. Except, I'm in the forest. All I can see is a white and brown wolf running into deeper woods. I've had it exactly 11 times. And it all ends the same.))

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

11:29pm Feb 25 2011

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Posts: 11,785
((...I don't think I've had a single dream in a few years... >>;))


11:40pm Feb 25 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[My teacher told us that he keeps on having this dream about him in Comic Con, and then when he's looking at some weird mirror, there's always this reflection of a creepy guy. When my teacher went to a fortune-teller for fun, she said that the guy in the mirror shall be the guy that KILLS MA TEACHER :U Funny stuff. I miss my old teacher. Visited his cla-ssroom yesterday and he gave me free chips :U ]]


11:45pm Feb 25 2011

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Posts: 4,848

((In my most recent dream I was going to a highschool that teaches magic and I learned to hypnotise people.  Then there was this demon underground that I had to use my hypnotising powers on, and I hypnotised a snake and it helped me and then I went around a learned a bunch more things.  o_o



12:01am Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Well I had a dream where we had to go on a big fat whale onto a great journey. I brought 5 buddies, except one looked like G.I Joe, the other looked like Cat Women, and the rest are like... cartoon/marvel characters O.o 
We went onto the Sea of Monsters, and if you lost grip of the big whale you got eaten. 2 of my buddies got eaten :c
Then we land on this weird island where some crazy hunch-backed hairy guy that kind of looks like Sirius greeted us and told us to play the game or we die.
The game was that we had to go into his house and flush every single toilet. His house was huge and every single room had toilets. And each time you flushed a toilet, a yellow star that looks like something out of Mario would sometimes pop up. Those were your points. The person with the most points wins.
Once I flushed a toilet, a blue star popped up. I never finished the game, 'cos I woke up just when I was about to flush a toilet with an artichoke sticking out of it. ]]


12:23pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 4,848

I once had a dream that I woke up on a weird planet where half the animals had human intelligence and I met a calm fox Luuna, a small chihuahua with anger issues named Tiny, and a dog who was half unintelligent named Max. There was this war between penguins and beavers too, but then I realized I was dreaming at one point and changed the penguins to geese because it made more sense.  o3o  Then I flew around a bit.  Then it switched back to the dream and these people that somehow also got on the planet were making the animals unintelligent so they could take the planet over without people knowing about the animals.  And they captured Tiny, and all these animals were in this pen thing, and I told them to have bravery and attack but they kinda just stood there.  The last thing I remember before waking up is them giving Tiny this needle thing that was going to make her unintelligent.


12:29pm Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 17,364
(( You know you wanna hear about my dream. o.o ))


12:33pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 12:40pm Feb 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
((Join as an Omega (Pup watcher)?
'Cause I love you))
 Name- Mockery
Age- 2  1/2
Gender- Male
Personality-Kind to the people he knows and loves, can be quiet and shy if he is aproached by an unknown animal. Mockery is also afraid to show his face, so he wears a mask. (Hes the wolf in my sig) 
Powers?- N/A
Rank- Pup Watcher? (Omega)
History-Ill fill in this later, too much to explain. :P
Looks- Hes down in my signature. :3

Why the cloud, Sunny?

7:24pm Feb 28 2011

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Posts: 3,371

(I never remember my dreams...)


7:54pm Feb 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,662
OoC; I once dreamed that my friend was confronting me on why there was a doorknob stuck to the roof, my iphone was so hot it was about to explode and it was whispering to me about how sick it was. I was crying, and so was my friend.

That will be all.


8:45pm Mar 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
((How does it end, Mercy? If that was one of your past lives, maybe you were the wolf I was looking for. Because sometimes I catch a glimpse of the wolf in my dreams, and it appears to be the same colors as you described.
If you want to, you can, Brook. I usually prefer to ground, then tie a homemade blindfold around my head and attempt to astral-travel. I've only succeeded at that once, and I felt like I was floating, but I didn't see anything, which stunk.)) 

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram

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