11:42pm Mar 13 2012
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Posts: 155
(A-hem. I feel I should warn you ash that if you chose to have your character Rage fight my character Vegeta, I will not hold back. I can make Vegeta do things you would never think of. And friend or not I am willing to kill your character off. And I don't think there are any dragonballs to bring Rage back to life. Fair warning I am giveing you.)
Vegat smelt the air and smelt them comeing to where he was. Vegeta:What is this nonsense? Well I'm not worry. The spell I'm put around me should keep them from seeing and smelling me.
11:46pm Mar 13 2012 (last edited on 11:54pm Mar 13 2012)
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(Umm good luck with that Rage refuses to die no matter what you do to him XD.)
Lilly looked around to see a small group of fire flies I'm joining them she thought before shifting into a firefly and diving into the group.
12:00am Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 155
(Its just a waring ma'am. And its really up to ash for what happens. Like I said be for, I'm not much on fight sceens. Heck I don't even like fighting games.)
Suzaku to Lelouch:Should I go after them? Lelouch:Maybe we all should. And along the way maybe you can tell me why Vegeta was picing on that little girl. And Suzaku and Rolo and Lelouch went after Rage and who ever else was going. (Fun facts:Now I'm sure everyone knows here, how to really hurt a guy. By hitting them down there. Nothing more can hrut then hitting them the nuts. But have you guys ever wonder if we wemen have such a weak spot? Well we do. Its our hair. We can't stand haveing it pulled. This have been fun facts with Ashley Mathews.)
12:02am Mar 14 2012
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Lilly flew with the fireflies.
12:17am Mar 14 2012 (last edited on 12:18am Mar 14 2012)
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Posts: 155
Lelouch:So Vegeta wanted to dance with her, Lilly and she said no? Why dose Vegeta want to dance with Lilly?
Suzaku:He wanted to talk about her dad or something. Lelouch:Na-uh. I think theres something more to it. Why else would he get so mad..Wait. He was going to tell her about her dad and she didn't care!? Suzaku:I guess so. Lelouch:I can't belive it. Haft her kingdom wants to know what truely happen to there king, her father and Vegeta was willing to tell her for free and she trun him down? What is lilly a idiot? Suzaku:I don't know sire. Lelouch:I wonder if I can get Vegeta to dance with me and find out for myself. Suzaku:Just you sir?
12:22am Mar 14 2012
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Lilly kept flying It feels so long when your small she thought Everything seems bigger.
12:28am Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 155
(Well you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drank. I'm out. Good night.)
12:30am Mar 14 2012
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6:01pm Mar 14 2012 (last edited on 6:01pm Mar 14 2012)
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Rex Silver-Wind
::~Age~:: Eight ::~Gender~:: Male
::~Species~:: Nekomimi ::~Pets~:: Anna will not allow it.
::~Powers~:: He can become invisible and open portals for a short amount of time. ::~Kingdom?~:: Keleenvise
He's Anna's little brother. _________________________________
::~Name~:: Tomix Shadow
::~Age~:: Unknown ::~Gender~:: Male
tle="" href="http://www.youknowit.com/img/products/citrus-crazy-lens-contacts.jpg">The color of his eyes is like this
::~Species~:: Unknown but it is thought that he may be partly demon or some other species. In other words he's a bit of a mutt.
::~Pets~:: He was told never to keep one. ::~Powers~:: He can change his form into one of these: tle="" href="http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRYAb6IxwsL1Z0acAB3HNCbyfsTt64c0AXEZxjp7xxdLxKgSqwANF5xb3Z4A">Normal tiger like this
tle="" href="http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/61726/normal_tiger.jpg?=123">Secondary tiger looks like this (Withought the girl XD) Both his Normal and Secondary Tiger forms are frozen at the age they look like in the pictures.
::~Kingdom?~:: He belongs to no kingdom.
::~other~:: He can sprout wings if he wishes to fly in any of his forms. He has a mission that he himself will not know until it arises.
6:17pm Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Rex slowly walked out of the castle his tail flickering behind him "What was all the noise about?" He wondered curiously as he walked to the willow tree "Maybe I shouldn't be out here." he said making himself invisible.
6:53pm Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 12,384
((Pfft. Rage is like the cockroach of all the rps. You can throw an atomic bomb at him and still have a safe bet he'd be alive. Barely alive, but alive. xDD Plus there may be no dragonballs but I'm sure we can think of another way to ressurect a dead character if they die before we intend them too. xD))
Rage began running faster.
Lust blinked.
6:57pm Mar 14 2012 (last edited on 7:02pm Mar 14 2012)
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Posts: 36,303
(Like a magical fountain of life XD)
Lilly and the group of fireflies flew after him.
"Umm do you have a name?" Max asked looking at Lust.
7:00pm Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 12,384
::~Name~:: Storm Daerok ::~Age~:: Nine ::~Gender~:: Male
::~Looks~:: He has short black hair and brown eyes. ::~Species~:: Okami-mimi ::~Pets~:: None ::~Powers~:: He has healing powers, but using them tires him out so he doesn't use them often.
::~Kingdom?~:: Whatever-kingdom-Rage-Is-in-I-don't-have-a-name-for-it.::~other~::
He's Rage's younger brother.
7:01pm Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 36,303
(XD Yay it's Storm now we're only missing Ash ,Cynder and Ire and I swear there's another one that I can't recall XD)
7:01pm Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 12,384
((Yeah. Like a magical fountain of Life. xD))
"Of course I have a name." Lust said.
7:02pm Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Then what is it?" Max asked.
7:02pm Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 12,384
((Like Envy? xD))
7:04pm Mar 14 2012
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(Yes like Envy XD See I knew I was missing someone.)
7:09pm Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 12,384
"It's....." Lust trailed off.
Storm wandered around outside. He was crying. Like, a lot. "Rage!" He yelled in between sobs.
7:12pm Mar 14 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Rex's ears pricked up and he went over to Storm making himself visible when he got there "What's wrong?" he asked cocking his head. (XD Storms a year older then Rex that's new.)
"It's?" Max asked looking at him.