10:25am Jan 25 2010
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Posts: 950
((Thanks.... Aiden is me... Exept for the looks.... >_> I'll get her pets up asap..))
10:40am Jan 25 2010
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((Gothic: Awsome, then we can start, and we just make, two are three posts then wait for Tsunade?)
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10:43am Jan 25 2010
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When is say 'Don't click,' it's like soemthign in your brain says "CLICK IT!" and I'm like..Torn between what my common sence is tellign me, and what Peter Griffon sences are telling me....o_o'
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10:48am Jan 25 2010
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Posts: 950
((LOL Random... Sure... I call not starting. >=) ))
10:55am Jan 25 2010
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Nyx found her way walkign down the hall, her long hair in a pony-tail. She felt awkward. After her date/sleepover with her boyfirend she had realized something...And she's not sure if she can take another step without telling him. She needed to talk to someone, but didn't know who. "Hey, what's wrong, Nyx?" Nyx whirred around and saw Siren in her usual denim mini-skirt, and shirt. "Hi, Nyx...Weren't you hanging out with Aiden...?" She asked lookign aroudn as if to see her. "Oh, yeah, but I wanted to ifnd you. You've been seemign really discracted lately. Somethign wrong, Nyx?" Nyx shook her head. "..N...No, I guess not..." She said with a sigh. "Well...I tihnk she was lookign for Spade at my request, so...Maybe we should team up, look for those two and go out to get some lunch?" She asked. It was saturday. No need to be here, ever if they did board. "..Okay...Let's go find them," She smiled.
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10:59am Jan 25 2010
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Gothic: I want to click. DXXX Once I do click, how do I get out of it, besides doign in improper shutdown like last tiem?
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11:01am Jan 25 2010
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Gothic: I want to click. DXXX Once I do click, how do I get out of it, besides doign in improper shutdown like last tiem?0
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11:01am Jan 25 2010
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Gothic: I want to click. DXXX Once I do click, how do I get out of it, besides doign in improper shutdown like last tiem?0
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11:01am Jan 25 2010
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Gothic: I want to click. DXXX Once I do click, how do I get out of it, besides doign in improper shutdown like last tiem?0
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11:03am Jan 25 2010
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(>_> Ouch. That was not done on purpose.)
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11:22am Jan 25 2010
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Posts: 950
((I'm not sure.... *glares at Selene's pic.* I need to find a better one.... I take it the four of them are friends? ^_^)) "Nyxie? You feelin' ok?" Aiden asked as she walked up behind the two girls, Spadeno where to be seen. (I thing she heard Siren and Nyx's voices and sprinted off to find them. XD) Her scarlet colored eyes shimmering slightly in the light. ((Crappy post... sorry, I had a better one, then my internet crashed... BTW, Aiden wears black cat ears *and a tail* that are flamy on the inside *and on the tail tip*))
11:32am Jan 25 2010
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(Yup. ^^ And: I have fake wolf ears I liek to wear. XD) Nyx turned and looked at her, amilign brightly. "Hello, my Vampiric pincess~!" She teased, crossing her arms behind her head. "Eww, girl-talk," Spade half laughed. "Hey, Spade," Siren said, wavign to him. "Do, find any homo's that would talk to you?" Siren asked, making Spade blushed crimson. "S-shut up!" Nyx laughed. "We all know your in the closetttt~!" He growled in frustration. "You only want me to get a bhoyfriend, so you can get a free show!" He said poitning more to Nya. "How'd ya guess?" Siren and Nyx giggled. ".Uhmm..ANyway, uhmm....Let's go, before the teacher finds us," He said heading out. "..Tee hee," Nyx giggled, and started walking, with Siren behind. "I like the new Nick-name she has for you, Vampy," Siren giggled. (I upped the fornt size so it's easier for you to read, is this okay?)
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11:42am Jan 25 2010
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Posts: 950
((Yes, thanks... Hey, you're welcome to check out my new rp. ^_^)) "well, I do have fangs." Aiden grinned, showing off her canines.... She was not joking, the girl really did have vampire like fang... And the best part, her were natural.... Just not as long, but deffintaly as sharp. Aiden followed along, not really saying much.... That was Aiden for ya, in-her-head... She didn't really talk a whole lot... She was one for music, art.... And not talking to a lot of people....
11:47am Jan 25 2010
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(Y'know, I'm not just sayign this, but people do think I have really sharp teeth..They ever asked if I had vampire fake teeth once. XD) "So, I think we should hit a subway," Spade said. "I want Taco-bell!" Nyx said. "I was Wendies," Siren said. "..Huh...? You dorks...." Spade sighed. "What do we do...?" Spade asked, lookign at the three girls. "..Uhmm..How about we split up into two teams. I'll team up with Aiden, and we'll get Taco's and Subway, and you and Sirten can get what you get form the other places?" Nyx sudgested. "I'm on," Siren said. "..Ugh....Moving too fast..." Spade grumbled. "Aiden...?" Siren asked. "What do you tihnk?"
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11:53am Jan 25 2010
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Posts: 950
"I think we should all go to that really nice returaunt down the streat from my house. You all get what ya want, and I'll pay." She said with a smile.
"Besides, maybe you'll run into your boy Nyx." Aiden smiled, hoping that would cheer her up.
12:15pm Jan 25 2010
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"I'd feel bad..." Nyx said. "I would, but it's free food." Siren said, grabbing Spade's arms and wlaking. "..I can help pay..." Nyx said. "Let me go, you crazy wolf-b!tch!" Spade said tryign to pry himself form her grip.
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12:31pm Jan 25 2010
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"It's ok really, I know the owner." Aiden smiled and walked ahead a bit.
12:45pm Jan 25 2010
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"Uhmm..Okay," She said, going in. It was awkward at the table. Spade was sitting in a far off table away form the girls, talkign to another male that seemed more interested in Nyx than the conversation Spade was tryign to keep up. Nyx was sitting next to Aiden, and Siren was on theo ther side of the table, but facing the two. "Y'know, Ik inda feel bad for Spade....He's in the closet, and everyhting;s been hell for him." She sighed. "I understand..." Nyx said. "How? You not only the most popular girl at school, but your datign a rich kid. Be proud, woman!" She giggled. "..Hmmm." She looekd down, biting her lip.
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12:48pm Jan 25 2010
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Posts: 950
"Ya know, some of us know, even if we haven't been in the situation." Aiden sighed, then looked at Nyx, then back to the cup of red juice infront of her.
12:51pm Jan 25 2010
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"..It's not blood?" Siren chuckled. "....I...Uhmmm..." "What's wrogn, Nyx?" Siren asked. "..I...It's nothing," Nyx said, obviously troubled. She needed to get this off her chest, but didn't knwo how to. Spade finnaly got the guys attention, and was having an actualy conversation with him, and thigns were turnin out well. First he needed to beat around the bush, then....Ask! DX (I tihkn we should wait for Tsunad.e X_X" And I hasve to go make Tea, be right back!)
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