12:57pm Jan 25 2010
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((It's up to you.)) "Nyx?" Aiden asked again, in a slightly prompting way. "Looks like Spade is doing good..." She though absently before returning her attention back to Nyx. ((It's a little wierd typing my cats name so much. XD))
1:04pm Jan 25 2010
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(My cat's name is Dante and I have several character's named Dante. XD
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4:39pm Jan 25 2010
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((Hrrr~ -makin' charries nao-))
5:12pm Jan 25 2010
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Name: Nolan Anderson Age: 18 Gender: Male Orientation: Bi. .3. Pet (Unless you ask for something weird, or are Lady Tsunade, do not have something weird live a wolf, or a bat, or Two tiger's as pet's, please.) : He has a female German Shepherd named Rosemary, who sometimes doubles as his seeing-eye dog. She was actually trained to be one, but usually his friend leads him around so he doesn't draw too much attention to himself. Oh, and he has a kitty cat that he named Ginger. Hey, he's blind, so he doesn't know what color the little critter is. And Ginger usually ends up following him around the school. And loves for people to pay attention to her. Live at a home, or at the school: School. He's so sure that hsi parents have moved everything around in the house and he's afraid he's going to end up tripping over something and severely injuring himself. Personality: He's generally a really sweet guy once you get to know him. He doesn't like people making it a point to treat him special just because he's blind. Despite having this handicap, he actually gets on pretty well. And, since his sight is gone, his other senses have increased to make up for it. He has better hearing and smell than most people, so stay far away if you have garlic or onions. Looks: What are your views on Homosexuality, and if you found out about Nyx.... He's bi, so he's perfectly fine with homosexuals. And if he found out about Nyx, he really wouldn't care. It's what's inside that counts, not the outside. Or the past. C: ____________________________ Name: Andrew Michaels Age: 18 Gender: Male Orientation: Straight (Ffff. Rare for me, eh, Jade? xD) Pet (Unless you ask for something weird, or are Lady Tsunade, do not have something weird live a wolf, or a bat, or Two tiger's as pet's, please.) : He has a fuzzy little hamster that rides around in his pockets. C:> Live at a home, or at the school: School so he's always near Nolan, who usually depends on him to help maneuver around the building. Personality: He's a bit more withdrawn than Nolan, who is a big ball of friendliness. He's also quieter, preferring to just blend in with his surroundings. Once you break past his shell, you'll find he's actually very fun to be around and never shuts up. Looks: What are your views on Homosexuality, and if you found out about Nyx.... He doesn't give a crap about sexuality, or what people have done in the past. All he cares about is the here and the now.

5:18pm Jan 25 2010
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Ohhh, Kadaj is cute. XD Did you hear about thye time I cosplayed as him? XD Yush, straight is rare for you. XD
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11:24am Jan 26 2010
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((I have a caracter name Dante. XD A few of them actualy.. XD Hi Rika! Aiden's going blind. XD Her Akita (which I have yet to post in her bio) is her Guide-Dog. XD))
2:59pm Jan 26 2010
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((So. How shall my two little misfits pop in? C:>))
3:06pm Jan 26 2010
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Nyx looked at Aiden. "..Yeah?" She asked, feelign a little awkward. She was glad she had a sandwhich. It could work like a Twix in a pinch. _______ "..Oh, those guys? That's Siren, and the girl your lookign at right now, or seemed to hold more of an interest in is-" "Nyx, I knwo her...." Replied the man, runnign a hand through his short brown hair, and glancing back at him. "Uhmm..I'm Crispin by the way," He said, lookign down at his coffee. "Yeah, my names Spade," He smiled. "But how do you know aobut Nyx?" Spade asked lookign over at the girls. "...Nyx is my cousin," He said non-chalantly. "I'm happy she's making friends, at her old school..Not so much," He said, lookign back at him. "..Oh, well...Do you go to school here?" "What? Oh, no, I may look like a teen, but I'm 21 actually. I graduated," He said with a half laugh. "Oh....Uhmm..." Spade looked down, awkward. "Somethign wrong?" Crispin asked, blue eyes going from him to the three girls. "..Uhmm..Nothing...." Spade said, hoping he could stop beating around the bush soon. Now he knew they were related he might be able to see this guy more. He was nice, and when he was lookign over at the girls, he was really lookign at his cousin, which was good.
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6:15pm Jan 26 2010
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HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND! NO WAY NO WAY I THINK YOU NEED ONE!... "Grrrrrrr!" James groan as he tried to get out of bed to turn off his alarm clock, which was blasting his eardrums. But not realizing that he was tangled up in his blankets he reached for his radio and fell out of bed landing on his shoulder, taking the alarm clock and lamp with him."Ow!" he cired, he layed there, masaging his bruised shoulder for a few moments before he untangled the blankets from around his legs and stumbled to the alarm clock, puting it and the lamp back on top of the night stand beside his bed. The only good thing about this morning so far is that the alarm clock, was in fact, off. grumbling about how he hated alarm clocks and wished he could sleep in he went to the bathroom. After he was done in the shower he headed back to his room room to get dressed. He pick out a pair of black jeans and a white long sleeved under shirt to go under his tight black shirt, this revealed his lean muscles, not to mention the sick pack. He quickly ran both his hands all over the top of his head, creating an appropriate messy yet shaggy look. Looking in the mirror, he nodded and ran down the stairs. grabbed his shades off of the coffee table in front of the door and his black jacket he was out the door. Jumping into his red Saleen S7 Twin Turbo, he backed quickly out of the driveway, he was heading to to the coffee shop, eventhough it was well past noon.
>TimeSkip< About 20 minutes later he walked through the revalving door and took off his shades.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:06pm Jan 26 2010
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(I can't read the last bit of your post. He took of his...? I can make a guess. Pants? Shirt? ..I can make a few more guesses, but iT WILL GET CENSOCRED!
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7:15pm Jan 26 2010
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((It's shades, JAde. And how should I pop in with my misfits? C:>))
7:29pm Jan 26 2010
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(James is her homophobic boyfirend, right? Britt: When Spade leaves the cafe?) After a bit of conversation, Spade finally got the hint he wasn't interested. "..So, I guess your really only talkign to me, so your near your cousin, right?" Spade sighed. "No, talking to you is fun, but I understand that you got I wasn't picking up on the hints. I'm sorry, but I have a girlfriend...Just havn't run into her yet," He said, sighing. "..Oh...I'm sorry," Spade said standing up and abruptly leaving. "..Uh...?" Cirpsin stood and left as well, "Hey, no need to get upset..."
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7:41pm Jan 26 2010
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As a male exited the cafeteria, two others were walking up, one being led by the other. The one with silver hair had black bandages covering both of his eyes, a black and white cat trailing after him. The taller blond in front of him was carefully leading him by the hand, obviously guiding him to the cafeteria since the male behind him was blind. "Andrew, is Ginger following us?" the silver-haired male asked, tilting his head slightly. He thought he had heard her meow once, but that had been a while back, so he wasn't really sure. She walked too softly for him to be able to pick up her pawsteps. "Yeah. She follows you almost everywhere, Nolan," the blond, Andrew, answered, smiling even though he knew his friend could not see it. He watched the two others as they left before he entered, the silver-haired male, Nolan, close behind. He held the door open for the black and white cat to pad in after them, rubbing against Nolan's legs. Nolan bent down to pick her up, letting go of Andrews hand with a smile, cuddling his little kitty in his arms. He paused a moment, turning his head a bit. "...Are there others in here?" he asked, petting Ginger. "Yeah," Andrew answered, putting his hand on Nolan's shoulder to lead him to a table.

7:45pm Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 7:46pm Jan 26 2010)
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(Dude, it's sdaturday. XD Lamea.ss...Not as lame as me though. T_T)
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7:49pm Jan 26 2010
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((Er. Cafe. His cat really does follow him everywhere, though. Except whens he feels like sleeping or something. Just change cafeteria to cafe. e.o And yeah. .3.))
7:55pm Jan 26 2010
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(( Yeah, he the homophobie! ^^ ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:59pm Jan 26 2010
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"Oh, James," Nyx said standing up and wlaking over to him, takign a small phone out of her jean pocket. "You never picked up, you alseep again, you lazy-bum?" She said with a chuckle. _____ Spade noticed two men wlak into the Cafe, one with a cat. "...Hey, Crispin, you knwo any of them?" He asked. "..Uh...No...?" Cirpsin said a bit confused. I tihnk we shoudl wait for Gothic now. DX Oh, and since Gothic is going blind, whnever she's on, can you guys please write in Frotn size 3 please?)
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8:13pm Jan 26 2010
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((I usually do when I'm rolepalying with her. C:))
12:07pm Jan 27 2010
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((Danke Schon guys. ^_^)) "Oh... The boyfriend is here..." aiden sighed, then turned to Nyx and James, smiling. "Nyx, total Kairi moment." She laughed slghtly.
"Are you all ready to order?" a girl asked as she walked over to the taber where Siren and Aiden were sitting... And where Nyx was sitting.
"Oh, Selene, you're wokin here part time now?" Aiden smiled as she looked at the familiar pale skinned/ black haired girl infront of her.
"Yes Aiden... No are you guys ready to order or not?" Selene asked, slightly glaring at Aiden.
12:20pm Jan 27 2010
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Siren chuckled. "Hmm. I'll have you and a side of fires, please~!" She said, knowing she's get hit by the woman, but it was worht the joke for her. "..Nyx waved her one hand quickly so James wouldn't see. She didn't gwet the chance to say she was a homophobe, and seeign that, well....."
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