1:00pm Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 950
"Hunney, I don't think you could handle me." Selene said as she leaned over to Siren. "Now, I'll be back when you've found out what ou want." She said as she stood back up. "On the menu." she added before she walked off to another table to take their orders. Aiden snickered. "Wow, Selene didn't hit you... I think she just FLIRTED with you....." Aiden snickered then regained her "straight act" so James wouldn't run off and Nyx wouldn't get her pantie into a buntch.
1:06pm Jan 27 2010 (last edited on 1:07pm Jan 27 2010)
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Siren looked at Aiden, then said: We gotta go to the bathroom, and..Like..Power our...Noses....Whatever we do," She said grabbign her arm and gonig towards the bathroom. "..Uhhh,,.." Nyx sighed. "Her. I want to know her!" Siren demanded as soon as they were i nthat bathrrom.
Isn't this fun?
1:26pm Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 950
((LOL)) Aiden smiled. "Since we're here, I do need to fix my eyeliner...." Aiden laughed and pulled black eyeliner out of her pocket. She then began applying to the area around her eyes.... all emo styled.... "Her name is Selene, she goes to our school...." Aiden laughed.
1:38pm Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Not what I want to knwo Aiden..I want to...Uh..Take her to the movies..Yeah.." Siren said, then caughed. "Seriosuly, you said she was flirting, you tihkn she;s interested!?" She said near0crazed.
Isn't this fun?
1:42pm Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 950
"Then you go talk to her... With Selene, I never know if she is interested or not....." aiden said flatly.
1:45pm Jan 27 2010
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(Crap, I'm sorry, I forgot to put the text in 3 front size >_>) Siren sighed. "So, you don't know if she's even gay?" She asked tilting her head. "Okay, thank you, I'll go talk to her," She said leaving the bathroom, and oging back. "Okay, noses powdered! Uh...." She ran a hand through her long light brown hair. "Hey, Selene, when you get off?" She asked.
Isn't this fun?
4:24pm Jan 27 2010
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Nolan turned his head towards the voices of a group of what sounded like mostly girls before moving out of his seat and turning to Andrew. "Could you help me make sure I don't run into anything or trip over something...?" he asked, shifting his kitty in his arms, the feline purring happily.
Andrew nodded, placing his hand on Nolan's shoulder again to steer him away from objects hazardous to the blind, leading him to the group. Nolan smiled once they stopped. "Hello," he said good-naturedly, resuming petting Ginger as she complained at him for stopping. She quickly quieted back down, curling up in his arms with her eyes closed. purring like a car engine. Andrew stood back a little, watching Nolan carefully. He and the silver-haired male had worked out a system of signals for Nolan to use when he wanted to move around so he wouldn't have to flat out ask. They had talked over and settled on hand signals, which was odd considering Nolan couldn't even see what signals he was supposed to use. He figured it out, though.

5:37pm Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Hi," Crispin said, pulled away from his laptop. Spade was looking sour, his quiet rejectiong bothering him, and he ignroed everything. "..Uhh..I don't knwo abotu the girls, but I'm Crispin and he's Spade," Crispin said, not wanting Nyx to get his attention.
Isn't this fun?
5:49pm Jan 27 2010
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Nolan grinned. "My name's Nolan, and the blond who's somewhere near me is Andrew!" He held out his kitty, the ball of fur still purring. "And this is my cat, Ginger. She tends to follow me around," he said, obviously a very friendly person. Unlike Andrew, who just kind of...waved when Nolan said his name.
5:58pm Jan 27 2010
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Crsipin smiled, lightly, obviously a bit surprised. "..Uhhmmm. I had a cat that did that. Umm...She's cute," He said iwth al igth chuckle. He reached over quickly and smacked Spade. "Ouch!..Oh..Hi, Nolan," He said, blaring daggers at Cirosin, who jokingly gavce a rude hand gesture
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6:04pm Jan 27 2010
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Nolan cocked his head lightly as he heard the smack, but since eh was blind, and his eyes were covered by those black bandages, he wasn't sure what was going on. When he heard the other male voice, he guessed it must have been Spade. Andrew blinked at the two males, tilting his head. They seemed rather odd...
6:06pm Jan 27 2010
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"I have to go, my girlfirend probably got lost, see ya, Spade," He said on his way out. "...Uhmm..I'm guessign your blind? If it's okay to ask?" He said tiltign hsi head a bit.
Isn't this fun?
6:08pm Jan 27 2010
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(I knwo this guy, he's a cashier, he's blind. He told me "I'm blind, so it's very dificult for me to see things," and I gave him the finger, he didn't see it, but he said 'I saw that" and I'm like "o3o OMG, ESP!" He's a really awsoem guy, really. XD I'm quite surprised he's a casheir though. o_o')
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6:16pm Jan 27 2010
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Nolan nodded. "Yeah. I've been blind since I was about five, so I can kind of move around on my own, but Andrew took it upon himself to be my guide. I also have a German Shepherd who is trained to be a guide dog, but I prefer just being able to have her as a pet. Her name is Rosemary," he stated, smiling. Ginger turned her head to meow at Nolan, complaining at him for ceasing in his petting again. He chuckled and started up again. "And it's alright if you ask. I've gotten used to it," he chirped. ((Nolan is such a happy person. <3))
6:21pm Jan 27 2010
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Spade smiled. "Hmm. Never really met a blind-blind person..I Mean..Jade, but she's partial. .." He traield off. "What school do you go to, this one in town?" He asked. (Also, I've learned I have an awsoem full name, wanna hear it? XD)
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6:25pm Jan 27 2010
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((Yush. c:)) Nolan nodded again. "Do you?" he asked, tilting his head curiously. (Gah! Brainfail! DX))
6:30pm Jan 27 2010
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"Yes, I beleive we all do," He said chuckling,. (Jade, Matt, Tomas, Townshend. :D)
Isn't this fun?
6:34pm Jan 27 2010
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Nolan smiled. "That's good. Now I'll know more than one person!" he chirped happily, beaming. He really was glad that he would have some more people to talk to at school, since Andrew was pretty silent in public.
6:41pm Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
I have nothing to say.....
Isn't this fun?
12:12pm Jan 28 2010
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Posts: 950
((Postie?!?!?! Where did my big long post go?!?!?!?! >_> Damnit.... This always happends to me..... *goes to try to come up with a decent post*))