2:39am Feb 3 2010
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4:42pm Feb 4 2010
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Nolan turned his head as more voices joined the others, cocking it to the side. He let out a little squeal as Ginger leaped out of his arms and onto the table, padding to sit right in front of Nyx. She meowed at her, ears perking forward as Nolan pouted, crossing his arms. "A warning would be nice, Ginger," he murmured before almost immediately returning to his chipper self, looking to where Andrew's voice had come from last. He walked over and grabbed his arm, tugging him towards the table. "Andrewww~ You need to be more social and talk more so that I can tell you're still here!" he whined, pouting up at the taller male, who rolled his eyes, knowing the other couldn't see. "Nolan, You know I'm not going to leave you here. I'm your best friend, as well as your guide. That would just be cruel," he answered, blinking down at the silver-haired male. "Well, still! Since I can't see, I have to be able to ehar you to know you're there," he stated, huffing. ((x3))
3:20pm Feb 5 2010
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Nyx jumped when the animal jumped on the table. "Kyaa!" She realized it was just the cat, and pet it. "Hey, cutie," She said with a chuckle. "Indeed, a warning would be nice," She said a big smile on her face. She then looked to Nolan, the person that cat jumped from, saying: "The cat is gorgious. Nolan it was, right?"
Isn't this fun?
2:36am Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 950
Aidensighed and looked at her phone. "Sh*t!" She muttered before abruptly standing up. "sorry guys, I've got to go... When Selene comes back tell her you want to talk to the manager, when he get's here tell him to put your order on my tab." She said hurridly before heading out the door. "damnit.... Dagger is not going to be happy... Neiher is Shaine...." She continued o say *censored*he walked quickly down the sidewalk.
3:06am Feb 7 2010
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Nyx jumped slightly, then stood up. "Hey, Aiden..." She muttered, then followed her outside. "What's wrong? Did soemthing happen?" She asked, ignoring Siren's stream of curses for the duo to come back.
Isn't this fun?
3:23am Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 950
"I have family I have to go take care of... And I'm sorry, but I'm tiried of pretending to be straight when I'm not.... It's nothing against you or you being happy Nyx... But I-" She said then bit her tongue and said nothing more for a few seconds, trying to think about what she was going to say.... She didn't want to say "Oh, by the way Nyx, I've had a big as-s crush on you since we first met...." Yeah no, hat wouldn't go over so well....
3:34am Feb 7 2010
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"Oh...That's okay, if your gay..Becuase I'm bisexual...." She said, then stopped walking, bitting her lip hard. "Aiden, there's....There's something I have....Need to tell you," She said looking at her, then back down, embar*censored*ed to say it. "I've never told anyone else this, and what I'm about to tell you is the reaosn why I feel so uncomfortable around people...." She took in a deep breath, waiting for Aiden's go-ahead.
Isn't this fun?
3:37am Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 950
"Ok, you can trust me with your secrets." She smiled. ((Remember how I menion my character Nyx? I haven't used her for a while here util recently, but this is an rp where you can read about her a bit. tle="Nyx">HERE))
3:50am Feb 7 2010
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(Me likey. @_@') "I...I wasn't born Nyx. I was actually born the greek male equivilence, because....Well..Because..." She sighed, lookign back down. "I'm really...A man. That's why I was kicked out of my old school, that's why I am always uncomfortable, that;s why....I'm so messed up...." She muttered, smacking her palm to herforhead. "I had a sex-change surgery, because I felt I was in the wrong body...And...."
Isn't this fun?
3:54am Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 950
Aiden smiled and put her hands on Nyx's shoulders. "Nyx, what matters is who you are now... Not who you were... And what matters more is not how other people precieve you, but how you feel about yourself and what's on the inside, not always the outside..." She smiled. "And..." She prompted, waiting for Nyx to continue. ((i do too. XD She just never fits in any where... *sigh*))
3:58am Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 4:00am Feb 7 2010)
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(Actually, she would go perfectly in this new RP I have. It's about a girl rejecting a vampire, who want;'s her dead. She hired another vampire body guard, and they fall in love. As things proceed, she is a model, and a werewolf tries to kidnap the model, but she is immediatly rescued by the vampire that want's the model dead's brother. :D) Nyx smiled. "Thanks..." She said, lookign up to her. "I never felt happier...I just hope no one finds out..." She said, then chuckled. "But that's not a problem for now. I think the biggest would be Siren, right?" She said, rubbing the back of her head.
Isn't this fun?
4:03am Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 950
((Sounds fun... I think she'd fit for the model... And that plot sounds like the ovie The bodygaurd.)) "Nyx, what was the and?" Aiden asked, possitive what she just said was not what she was going too say.
3:57pm Feb 7 2010
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(I never watched that movie. DX What's that movie about? ._.' ) "I....Sorta...Like...." She took in another deep breat. "I liek you. There, I said it." She said, then crossed her arms, looking down. "I..Just feel wierd towards you, Siren, and Spade, because of..That..." She said flustered.
Isn't this fun?
4:15pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 950
((It's about a guy who is this REALLY good bodygaurd and Whitney Hauston plays this chick who is a singer... Well some one is out to kill Whitney's character and Frank, the bodygaurd is hired to protect her.... Long story short, the two of them fall in love..... You'd have to see the movie. XD)) Aiden blushed... For the first time in her LIFE he turned scarlet red... Like as red as the streaks in her hair. "I-... Um..." Aiden said, trying to speak... But her heart was pounding a mile a minute... her through suddenly felt incredibly dry, and she was completely unable to make wordscome out of her mouth...
6:06pm Feb 7 2010
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((Jade?!?!?!? >_<))
9:04pm Feb 7 2010
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(WQhat's with the '((Jade?!?!?!? >_<))' post? XD Yeah, I'll deffinatly see it. o_o') Nyx looked down, blushign too. "I...I guess the feelings mutual...?" She said with a light chuckle, looking back up at her.
Isn't this fun?
10:57pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 950
"Heh... Yeah... It is... But I-" Aiden started to say before looking towords the doors in which they just came out of. ((It's a good movie... The Jade thing was cuz you poofed.... XD))
5:33pm Feb 9 2010
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1:35pm Feb 11 2010
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8:09pm Feb 11 2010
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(Sorry, I got my computer taken...You don't want to know. askXD) "..You..What?" Nyx asked, tiltign her head, silghtly, looking around. No one was there.
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