11:29pm Apr 16 2011
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((Wolfie's fail was failish!)) Freya opened the door. She was brave, but she was a bit nervous. She entered silently, scanning the area with her grey eyes. Freya had mastered her species' abilities. She could shift parts of her body to that of a canine. Her ears shifted to look like those of a fox. Freya was wearing a skirt with blue-jean leggings underneath, so her fox-like tail slid through the slit that she had cut in the butt of her leggings. Her tail lifted her skirt up a bit, but nothing was to be seen.
Love is all we need~
11:53pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Flint followed her inside. She went over to the kitchen and looked inside. Flint put her hand on the door frame to steady herself. Natsus' parents were in there. Both of them were dead. Flint dragged her hand away from the door frame and accidently cut her hand on a piece of wood that was sticking out. "Ow." This is nothing compared to what Natsu is probably going through. "He's probably upstairs hiding in the closet. Come on." Flint headed twoard the stairs. Natsu heard people moving downstairs. He froze when he smelled something. He heard someone say something after. Natsus' head started to hurt. What's going on?! His mind became clouded and his hunger took over. He got up and walked towards the door. As he opened the door he dissapeared. ((OMG Natsu is gonna kill us all! LOL. Not really.))
12:46am Apr 17 2011
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Freya ran over to Tawny and grabbed her hand. A bright light illuminated her whole body, and she looked like a human glowstick. The light faded away, and Tawny's wound was gone. However, Freya had transfered a bit of the cut to herself. That was the price of her healing. If she was going to heal others, their pain would become hers. She looked down at her own hand. It was barely bleeding. It was a bit deeper than a papercut, but not too deep. She wiped the blood on her shirt and looked around for Natsu. She could hear footsteps. With each crack or creak in the house, Freya's fox ears twitched.
Love is all we need~
12:11pm Apr 17 2011 (last edited on 12:13pm Apr 17 2011)
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Posts: 488
Sora chuckled softly, he could sense the girl (Freya) knew what he was. He sighed and stood against a pole waiting.
Tana sighed as she stood next to Sora, "A bit hungry.... You?" she asked looking at him.
2:01pm Apr 17 2011
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The starving Natsu got to the stairs and peered down. Two people stood there. He felt like he knew the girl with black and white hair but his hunger kept his mind cluded. He could smell something good. He looked at the other girls hand and saw a small cut with a little blood coming out. The other girl looked at her own hand which had dried blood on it. "Thanks Freya. Now let's go upstairs." Flint started to go up the stairs. She stopped half way and looked at the top of the stairs. "Natsu? Natsu are you there?" There was a small growl then she heard a foot step. Natsu appeared for a moment. His eyes were red and his mouth was open and he had two long fangs in his mouth. Natsu quickly vaniched then there were more footsteps as he ran down the stairs at them. "Natsu has been turned into a vam-." Flint wasn't able to finish because Natsu had tackled her and she was now flying down the stairs. ((Hmm... wasn't really sure what to do...))
11:04pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 488
(( Lolz xD )) Sora sighed and nodded, "That's why I came out.... Let's go... I think there are a new deer out in the forest..." he said walking towards the forest. He looked at the trees that stood taller than him. 'Wasn't here for a while was I....?' he thought walking into the forest. Tana smiled. New deer appearing in the forest was always the best to feed on. "Make sure nothing get's you though... You don't know what happens at nights like these...." she said and walked forward. She stopped and looked back, "Sora... I sense a new vampire...." she said. Exciting, it all was. She smiled, "New vampire means more blood.... Can we go?" she asked. Sora sighed and looked back, "Fine... Better be good blood too...." he pointed out as he ran forward. This was going to take a while since they didn't know exactly where they were going. "Sense some more directions," he said to Tana. Tana nodded and kept besides him. There speed was like a normal person, not like the in movies and such. She looked around, "About 16 more feet north from here..." she said.
6:19pm Apr 18 2011
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Freya growled, and tackled Natsu. However, when she was in mid-air, she shifted into her most powerful form: a jet black wolf. Her clothes fell off of her now wolfish body. She pinned him down, but she didn't know how strong vampires could be. She didn't have the heart to hurt him, so she just snarled. Her paw was still bleeding, but she didn't seem to notice. There was so much adrenaline in her blood system that all pain had left her.
Love is all we need~
7:07pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 3:58pm Apr 19 2011)
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Posts: 488
Sora picked up the pace, "Okay... Here!" he said as he ran in not caring if this was someones house. He hid in the living room and looked around at the scene. There was blood. Blood upstairs at least. OR so he thought. Tana followed him and stood next to him as her eyes looked only at the blood. There was a vampire and a wolf. 'Wonder if they are fighting....' she thought.
8:29pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((I'm confused. Aren't Flint, Natsu and Freya all right at the bottom of the stairs? So shouldn't Sora and Tana have come in to all of us down at the bottom and not upstairs?))
3:56pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 488
((...Really? Guess I missed that xD Okay gonna fix that))
6:29pm Apr 19 2011
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((DX brain dead))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
7:42pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Natsu struggled to get free but the wolf girl had him pinned to the ground. He could smell her blood. It was real close and it made him even hungrier. He tried to struggle even more but the other girl yelled, "Natsu! Natsu, you idiot! Are you really going to let that hunger possess you like that? You're a strong kid and you would never hurt us." Natsu calmed down a little. He was still hungry but was under a little more control. "Flint?" He whispered. Flint had stood up when she yelled at Natsu and was now walking over to his side. She crouched down next to him. "Idiot..." Flint looked at Freya and said, "You can get off of him as soon as I talk to him. If he does something stupid he'll regret not a moment later after doing it." Natsu gulped and his eyes widened. Flint bent over and whispered in his ear, "You know exactly what'll happen if you do something stupid." Flint grinned then grabbed Natsus' arm and nodded to Freya.
7:50pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Freya got off of Natsu and grabbed her clothes in her mouth. She was walking into another room to change when she saw two people by the doorway. Freya, not knowing who these people were, growled like the wolf that she was. She looked the two of them over, and stepped back.
Love is all we need~
1:06pm Apr 20 2011
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Posts: 488
Sora rolled his eyes, "Out of our way..." he hissed walking to where Natsu and the other girl. "Hello...." he said eyeing Natsu.
Tana followed Sora and grinned, "He turned into one didn't he...."
11:26am Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 488
(( Bump))
9:21pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((OMG! Sorry I was gone!)) Natsu was pulled up to his feet by Flint. He hid behind Flint as someone came over. He said hi but Natsu ignored him. He also said something else. Turned into what? Then he remembered what happened for last couple minutes. He'd tried to kill Flint. Natsu stood behind Flint as someone came over and spoke. "A vampire... Yes he did." Flint looked at Natsu who had a terrified look on his face. ((Geez... Braindead much...))
6:51pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 488
They both smirked, "If he needs some fixing up we happen to both be one...." Sora said. Tana walked up to Natsu and bent down so he could see into her eyes, "You do know what you are, right?" she said quietly.
7:49pm Apr 28 2011
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Freya walked into a seperate room, and shifted into her human form. She slipped her clothes on, and walked out silently. She felt like punching the boy vampire, Sora, in the face. How dare he be so rude to her earlier. Of course, she sort of deserved it. She did growl at him after all. She walked over to Flint, and kept a safe distance away from Natsu. She was a little scared of him. Then, she remembered that only one out of the four people before her knew her name.
Love is all we need~
11:51am Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 1,248
Natsu looked at Tana and Sora. He knew what he now was and he didn't really like that. Natsu nodded his head telling them he knew what he was. Flint looked down at Natsu who shook his head to them. Oh Natsu... Flint stood inbetween Natsu and the other two. She didn't really trust them and there was no way she was going to let them near Natsu. "Thanks for offering but I have no idea woh you two are and I can't trust you being around Natsu."
12:01pm Apr 30 2011
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Freya observed the situation closely. "Flint, we have to get him some blood or he'll go blood-crazy again." She ran a hand through her dirty blonde hair and sighed. Flint and her were going to have their hands full with Natsu. Newly turned vampires didn't exactly have the best self control.
Love is all we need~