Tana frowned as Flint got inbetween them, "Well...... If you can't trust us that's your opinion. This is his though.... Natsu, was it?" she said smiling again.
Sora shrugged, "I'm Sora Minaru and this is my partner, Tana Mintano" he said pointing to her.
Flint looked at the two then down at Natsu. He looked up at her then back down. "He needs help, I know that, but..." Flint paused then looked at the two. "The only way I'll let you help him is if I'm by his side." She said sternly. Flint knew that she was the only thing close to family for Natsu. And with the loss of her own family he was like a little brother to her.
Natsu didn't want Flint to leave him with them and he slightly smiled when she said she would stay by his side. Natsu looked at the two and said, "I'll only accept help if Flint is with me."
Freya growled. "Did anybody hear me?" Her eyes flashed amber, the color of a wolf's eyes. She felt uncomfortable. It was three vampires, and two shifters; her and Flint. She stormed out of the room, tired of being ignored. If Freya was going to use energy to speak up, she was going to make sure that she was heard. She sat on the steps of the house, and growled once more.
Tana looked back at Freya, "Can I go see if she's oka?" she asked Sora unsure if she was allowed because she hadn't had any food lately.
Sora nodded, "If you can handle all the pressure, blood, and fighting..... Sure. Just be warned we won't be in responsability if something happenes to him and or you.... We said help not save..." he said narrowing his eyes a bit.
Flint said, "I know that you can't save him. But atleast you might be able to help him. Oh and if you ever try anything funny you will regret it." Flint let her pupils turn cat like. "And another thing I can fight." Flint let her pupils change back. "So I'm geusing we need to find someone fo-" Flint was interrupted by Natsu.
"I won't kill anyone."
((Sorry a little braindead. Sorry I was gone so long. Had to deal with some stuff.))
Sora nodded and smirked, "What's your name? Natsu was it? Well anyways, a vampire can't not kill anyone... It's not possible and you will come to a point you will." he said darkly.
Tana walked to the steps where Freya was and smiled, "Hello." she said cheerfully.