1:22am Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[So, when are we starting?]]
2:37am Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 9,641
.name. : Aicra
.age. : 17
.gender. : Female .social group. : Outcasts .personality. : Aicra is a troublemaking, devious-minded, harsh rebel of a girl. She dislikes socializing of any kind, will most likely reply to you with a frank comment and shows no emotion save that of disdain and condescension. She can also be described as simply, socially inept. Of course, underneath is a soft marshmellow waiting to be loved.
.crush. : Open .looks. : Aicra is a shocking girl, turning out to be exactly what you didn't expect. She is short and slim, with light golden/tanned skin. While she looks slightly delicate, or even frail, Aicra has an unexpected strength in her wiry limbs. And not surprisingly, Aicra is a rebel. At the age of 5, already orphaned and placed in a foster home, she managed to dye her hair lime-green - permanently. It reaches her lower back, and is slightly curly. She likes to wear it loose to give people the full effect. Her eyes, which are large yet slightly slanted, are a deep cyan, or even a dark indigo. She enjoys wearing tank-tops of any color, skinny jeans -mostly black-, and goes barefoot or in black flipflops.
.other. : .school rank. : Junior

8:51pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 911
8:56pm Aug 12 2010
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9:12pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((CanI start it?))
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9:14pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Wait, do the kids live in the school, like dorms, or outside? A small little deion of the school i.e. number of floors, location of library/caféteria, if there is one, garden, etc. would be helpful.]]
9:39pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:41am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 911
ooc; Tld: I'll add that. Sure Tri. (:
1:00am Aug 13 2010 (last edited on 1:02am Aug 13 2010)
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Akila woke up and went into Shane's room. "Shane! Wake up, it's the first day of school!"Akila yelled, making Shane fall off of his bed. She laughed as he chased her. He finally caught her. "You need to more nice to me sis."Shane smiled as he went back to his room to get changed. Akila got changed and grabbed her bag. Shane went downstairs and grabbed his bag. They got into Akila's orange convertable.(Her favorite color is orange) They soon arrived at the school.
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1:18am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 911
ooc; Setting is up, I'm adding a twin for my charrie. (:
1:33am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 911
"Alexa! Come on! Let's just go already!" Jennifer called from downstairs, annoyed with her sister for making her wait. "Just a minute!" Alexa said, fixing her hair in the mirror. Satisfied, she grabbed her suitcase and pushed it down the stairs. She followed down the stairs, not bothering to apologize to her waiting sister. "I'm driving," was all she said. Jennifer agreed, relieved her sister decided to join her downstairs. "Girls!" came their mother's voice from the other room. "Yes?" they both said at the same time. "Have a good time, I'm going to miss having you too around," she said, blowing them both a kiss. "Bye, Mom! I'll call you when we get there," Jennifer said, flashing her mom a grin. The girls headed outside, Louis Vuitton suitcases in tow. "These things are so heavy," Alexa complained, rolling her eyes, "unlock the car, will you Jen?" she added, tossing her sister the keys. Jennifer nodded, unlocking the silver Mercedes Benz convertible and opening the trunk. "Are you driving?" Jennifer asked, putting her suitcase in the trunk. "Yep," Alexa said, shutting the trunk. She got in the car and drove to with Jennifer to school. Forty-five minutes later, the twins arrived to Malibu from Santa Monica. They both exited the sportscar and towed their bags towards the school, spotting two other people as they arrived.
1:44am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Shane got out of the car once it stopped. "Shay! Wait up!"Akila called to him. Shane sighed and stopped. "Aki, don't call me Shay anymore please."He said. Akila sighed. "Fine."
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1:48am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 911
Alexa decided to be friendly and walked towards the two other people there, she left her bag with her sister. "Hi," she said, extending a hand, "I'm Alexa Bridges," she flashed Shane a smile. She pointed at Jennifer, "That's my twin sister, Jennifer, over there."
1:50am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Shane couldn't speak so Akila nudged him. "I'm Akila Monteik. This is my twin Shane."Akila smiled. Shane did a slight wave. "I forgot something, Aki."Shane said. "Okay Shane. Go get it."Akila said. Shane walked to Akila's car.
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1:53am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 911
"I'm pleased to meet you," Alexa said, smiling slightly. "Do you two have any idea of where we are supposed to go?" she asked, hoping that they knew, "and where we can park our cars so they don't get dirty?" she added, she hated when her shiny Mercedes was dirty.
1:58am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"I have no idea. I was hoping you would know."She giggled. Akila's saw one of her old teachers. Her teacher was Mrs. Urban. Mrs. Urban went up to Akila. "Hello Aki. Nice to see you and Shane here."Mrs. Urban said. "Hey Mrs. Urban. This is Alexa. Do you know where we park our cars to where they don't get dirty, and where we go?"
 (Banner made by Kina)