5:19pm Apr 29 2010
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Rose glanced at the new guy beofre turning to Veara again. "What sort of horses do you have here?" she asked, watching the paddock. -- "Mostly the sturdy kind, as life here can be grueling," said Veara lightly, liking Rose already.
5:19pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" ok..." she whimpered as she walked away, thinking that she was useless. Cloud walked over to the griffon and petted her head. " now.....whats the matter?" he asked her.
5:20pm Apr 29 2010
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The Gryffon hissed and clacked her beack. "Get away from her!" shuoted Kiru shoving cloud away. "Can't you see she's scared!"
5:21pm Apr 29 2010
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Rapheal watched with a smile as each student got used to an animal. He got on well with the animals himself, but he didn't ride them out of personal preference. Besides... That was Veara's job and Julian's past time.
Rapheal shuddered slightly. Julian. He was quite a rider, and his mount was always that evil freakin dragon that only seemed to listen to him. Or at least, not try to kill him.
5:25pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Cloud growled at Kiru and dissapered. he popped back outside and sat down. Teto jumped on him and startedd yapping in a friendly way. " so it was you." Ryan smirked. " yupp just wanted to play with ya." he smirked back. " Teto has gotten more....hyper." he laughed.
5:30pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( i ish confused and is anyone going to reply to taylor?))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
5:31pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( yea reply to taylor ! xD )) Calyx made a awkward face. she walked up to Veara and spoke:" umm.....i dont think i can .......ride..." she said lookign down at her paws,
5:41pm Apr 29 2010
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6:56pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 842
Valaria hopped the patch of ice, following the other students down slowly. Once there, she smiled, walking up to the teacher. "Hi, Valaria. I have riden horses many times before, but none of the creatures here. What do you advise?"
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
6:57pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( bumP))
3:20pm Apr 30 2010
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4:08pm Apr 30 2010
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1:07pm May 1 2010
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1:00pm May 2 2010
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Veara walked over to the other students, "Ok, all those who are beginner riders, go to the horse paddocks and choose a horse to ride. All of them are friednly, but I advise that you don't choose Darve over there, he has a temper," she said, laughing slightly, "Intermediate, go to the left wing of the stables and choose a Drakon, and expert can look at the Gryffons." -- Kiru sighed and layed her hand on the Gryffon, "What'd your name?" she whispered, feeeling slightly foolish at the one=sided converstation. Ebony Darkness, but call me Skiaza, was the quiet, yet forceful, reply. "Hello then, Skiaza." said Kiru, grinning. -- Rose headed over to the horses, looking at each carefully. A small grey mare trotted up to her, nosing at Rose's pocket. "Oh, I see you smelled the carrots I packed," she said, giggling as she fed the curious mare some freshly cut carrots. --
1:07pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" uhh umm...." Calyx paused. She walked over to the horse stables. But as soon as she got there all the horses freaked at the sight of a wolf. A paint reared up and almost crushed her. -fail-
1:12pm May 2 2010
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Veara hurried towards Calyx, "I understand you aren't comfortable in your human form....but these horses are scared and if you go near any of the Drakons, Gryffons or Dragons, you'll get killed, so please change," she said, her tone extremely worried for the new girl. -- Kiru chuckled at Calyx's predicament, "Huh, being a wolf around horses, not so smart," she said, smirking. Skiaza clacked her beak, perhaps she lacks in the brains department, she answered, nudging Kiru with her head. -- Rose petted the grey mare, admiring her looks. The mare stood at around 14.6 hands, a smaller horse compared to the other larger, riding ones. She had intelligent and kind eyes, with light grey hair and pure white mane. The mare also had black socks, on every foot. "You're a pretty one," breathed Rose, smiling.
1:28pm May 2 2010
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" umm....uhhh...." Calyx gulped. She backed away, " I-i cant." she whimpered, knowing she could, but diddent want to. Calyx backed out of the stables away from the horses. Ryan watched her with amusment.He walked over to a random horse, to Darve." you look strong..." he said as he storked his mane.
1:30pm May 2 2010
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Veara glanced at Ryan, "be careful, he cripples the last student to touch him," as if to prove Veara's point, Darve suddenlt reared up and smashed his hooves down, glaring at Ryan through one blood-red eye. "His mother was a Night-mare, so he gets his personality from that. Thank goodness he didn't get anypowers though," she said, chickilng at the last bit,.
1:32pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" im not going to hurt you." Ryan smiled. " why would i do that?" he said as he stroked the stallions mane. " if you dont want me near, i respect that, ill find another." he said turning to Calyx.just change.....he thought.
1:32pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 1:32pm May 2 2010)
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