8:09pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Sorry I haven't been here, I got grounded. What's happening?))
8:16pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( nothen ^^))
9:48pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{THey;re in histroy clas.s, Vincent, Cas's charrie, is the teacher. He just entered.}
9:56pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gotsn nothen ..xD ))
8:30am May 8 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; why does Kiru hate Vincent so much? He never did anything to her. Bic: Vincent blinked at the girls obvious hate. Weird, he thought, something must have happened to her. "Well, I am you teacher, you call me Vincent." He glanced around. "I honestly don't know why I am your teacher, I am more of a student, but we will have to make this work. First of all, I think i should know what all of you can do." He raised his hands. "Any volunteers?"
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
8:35am May 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Cloud sat down in a chair, so did Calyx and Ryan. Calyx was in her wolf form so she was more calm. "umm...what do you mean?"Ryan asked before he started to doze off.Calyx smacked him upside the head and he woke up. 'what is with you?" she snapped. "i cant concentrate....im tired....."he dozed off again. this time Cloud wacked him.
8:45pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"Ugh," muttered Kiru grumpily, slouching back in her chair. She watched the clas.s through half-closed eyes, comtemplating what might happen if she decided to cause a distraction, so clas.s with Vincent would be cancelled.
8:48pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Ryans eyes slowly fell. They felt like bricks to him.He fell asleep and he slowly started to fall forward.....((xD)) and his head slammed into the desk, making a loud THUMP. He burst awake. " i diddent do it!" He screamed.
4:33am May 9 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Kiru blinked as Ryan screamed aloud, and scowled. "Be a little louder could you," she hissed to the boy, glaring at him. {FAIL D8}
2:26pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 842
Vincents eyebrows raised. Interesting. "What is it to me? Well, one, for my personal safety, then for yours. Also, I need to know what talents you could lend to the lessons. Thats all I need to know them for." He scratched his head. "I think..."
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
2:59pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(It's alright casanev. Kiru hates everyone. xD)~
3:02pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Hurr, can it be my cla.ss already?))
3:03pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; you should make a student, cl*censored*es are few and far between.
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
3:44pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 17,364
3:46pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Nah, I either play one or the other.))
10:22pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 9,641