9:50pm Aug 9 2010
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While the others of her group made small-talk inside, Niamh was outside. She lay in the fresh green gras.s of the meadow and thought about her life. Her soulmate, Scree, rumbled beside her, no doubt lost in a dream of wild freedom and the thrill of the hunt.
10:10pm Aug 9 2010
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Dusk awoke with a start and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She knew it didn't matter because they were useless and sightless, but it felt good to whipe them. She sighed and pulled herself out of bed, grunting as she did so. she wondered, for a moment, what to wear, but shrugged. She opened the canaster near her bed and moved her hand about, feeling the different clothes. Dusk finally decided on a t-shirt, colored black, though Dusk didn't know it and a pair of blue jeans. She tied a black cloak around her neck and snuggled into it for a second before pulling the hood over her matt of black hair. She pulled off her socks and walked to the bathroom. Dusk reached to open the door, only to find it was locked. She shrugged. "My feet aren't that smelly anyway. A long stream of curse words came from her mouth as the door opened and slammed into her mouth. Great, only a day here and she already had blood from somewhere. She ran into the bathroom and grabbed a napkin. She wipped her lip and her nose and leaned back her head. When the bleading stopped, she wandered towards the common room with a book under her arm..
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9:36am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Halien was already awake when the others woke, sitting quietly on the roof, contemplating the surroundings. Stretching, he lay back, black hair tousled from the wind, wet with a bit of dew. He wasn't cold, though it was early morning. Incense was right next to him, dreaming about who knows what. Most likely the mountains back home. Halien mused, idly scratching her in between her ears, thinking. It's already been 3 weeks. 3 weeks before, I was just a common criminal, with no one to understand my feelings. This farm... It's not a prison, for why else would Incense come and stay here? This makes no sense... I better get breakfast. I'm starving. Swinging his legs away from him, Halien stood up, and sighed, looking at Incense. "I 'spect you'll be hungry too, you beast." He muttered, harsh words toned down with quiet affection. Lifting her up in his arms, Halien walked slowly down to the ground, taking his time, still thinking about the past. His black t-shirt was wrinkled, and his dark colored cargo pants were too, but Halien wasn't the type to worry about how he appeared.

11:13am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 11:23am Aug 10 2010)
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Ash looked around the room not knowing what to say. He was horrible when it came to talking to others...Of course so was his whole family but that didn't give him and excuse. "Yea...Everyday seems to be a surprise. I was surprised when I got here that it wasn't just another prison to torture us." Ash said finding something to say. Sinne walked out of his room. He walked down the long hall towards the kitchen. He hadn't eating in a few days and the smells of food made his stomach hurt. He heard tiny footsteps behind him as Lucky followed close behind. Io stopped as Stranger covered up her good eye making it hard to see. She peeled off the snake and set it on the ground. She watched it hiss, flicking its tongue in and out. She watched as the snake slithered ahead to bearly be stepped on several different people.
11:19am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((can i join??))

11:21am Aug 10 2010
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Niamh sighed and decided she was hungry too. Her soulmate, Scree, lifted her head lazily then put it back down. "No way," Niamh growled, "You're coming with me." Scree's face had a mixture of indignation and resigned silence on it. Niamh smiled and patted the rough fur on the mountain lion's head. Niamh and Scree slipped through the entrance to the cottage, the smells of french toast and waffles filling her nose. "Ah," she sighed, taking her place at the table in the kitchen.
11:27am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((Soulmate...can i join now?))

11:33am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~ Sorry, didn't see your post. Of course you can :) ~}
11:38am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((*Pokes Minirent* I though you had left?))
11:41am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,584

11:42am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~ BIO please ~}
11:43am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((You are? Cool!8D))
11:56am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 12:11pm Aug 10 2010)
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Name:Kiona Leigh Age:15 Gender:Female Form of Abusment:beating and verbal abuse also Crime: lots of theft. Appearance:Kiona is tall with light skin. Her eyes are a dark silvery color that shine in the moonlight. her hair is a silvery white color that falls down to the backs of her knees. she stands at about 5'9" and weighs about 99lbs.Scars cover her arms and bruises too. She also has a small tatoo of a tear right below her right eye that she got when she was 13 with someone from the gang who said that they were her guardian. (thats all i can come up with at the moment) Personality:She is very playful and loving. She loves to read and write. She loves to pullpranks on people. she doesn't do it to be mean just to have fun. Some people misinterprit her for a girl that is mean and a bully but really she is just a little kid inside.
History:she was beat and abused by her mom ever since she was little. Her mother was a alcohol adict and she was always drunk. She always wanted her mother to love her but it never happened. when she was 12 she joined a small gang and would steal stuff and not get caught. Her mother never knew because after Kionas daily beating from her mother her mom would p*censored* out and Kiona would sneak out. One ndight They were breaking into a shop and they almost got out but Kiona was left and she was caught. Family: None, her mother died after leaving a bar and being shot.

11:57am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~ No murder please. They get excecuted for it ~}
11:59am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk's stomach growled, but she wasn't comfortable with the food here, it made her stomach hurt. She sighed and brought the rabbit that Feyth and given her to the kitchen. Se turned on the burner, making people stare at her. she pushed those away who asked her if she jneeded help. Just because she was blind, didn't mean she was helpless. She makeshifted a spit with a stick and shoved the rabbit onto it. She felt a bit wierd doing this as the rabbit roasted. Feyth poked her when it was done and she started to cut it, getting wierd looks as she did so...
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12:03pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Woa...Kiona remind me of Iona and I just relized I also use a character named Fiona...And my dad's, friend's, daughter's name is Kiona.))
12:04pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~ My dragon charrie's name is Iona ~}
12:05pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Can I make someone a pet edit? Bump))
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12:06pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 911
ooc; 5'9" and 99 pounds? O_O She is thin, scary thin... haha. bic; Alexa laughed, "I know, right? Especially since people think it is okay to torture children these days!" she exclaimed. Lola padded over towards Alexa, taking his attention off of Claw and onto her. "Hey, Lola," Alexa said quietly, patting his head. "I'm surprised they actually gave us company too," she said, referring to the soulmates.
12:06pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~ Pet edit? ~}