6:24pm Aug 10 2010
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((Dusk is a wolf))
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6:35pm Aug 10 2010
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Io glared at the three animals. "Can't you tell them to stop or something?" She asked Stranger. I can try. Stranger answered as Io set down the snake. Stranger slither towards the animals taking her time at getting there. You guys! Cool down...I don't think that your soulmates would like it if one of you were seriously injured. Stranger said in her mind to the other three animals.
6:38pm Aug 10 2010
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(( Whoops, that was unclear Feyth XD It was directed to Scree, or whoever the mountain lion was. o3o))

6:40pm Aug 10 2010
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You stay out of this! Feyth growled and snapped at the snake. Her blue eyes glinted with fury and she dug her claws into the carpet...
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6:43pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((I find that whole conversation rather funny XD Anyways, could someone help me pick Castors soulmate. I need to choose between a brown bear, black bear or the 'spirit bear' the Kermode))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:44pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 6:46pm Aug 10 2010)
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The snake let out a hiss. Well excuse me for trying to help this problem instead of making it worse! You guys should be focusing on helping our soulmates NOT ripping each other to little pieces! Stranger said. She gave the wolf a look as if daring her to tell her what to do again. Her tongue flicked in and out as she heard Io shift her weight worried.
6:45pm Aug 10 2010
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(( What temperment is Castor? If he's calm or shy, try brown or black, temper issues, maybe grizzly? Zen-ish/hippy/ anything else, try spirit bear 8) ))

6:48pm Aug 10 2010
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((Lol. It is kind of funny.XD And I don't know about that soulmate though...I had a hard time choosing my characters soulmates.))
6:57pm Aug 10 2010
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(( I chose the one that suited Halien most. I do lots of research on this sorta thing XD)) Incense shrugged and continued glaring at the mountain lion. Well, obviously, they aren't DOING anything right now, so we can't help them. We CAN help this little kitty over there with her temper issues. Incense snarled, talking to the strange snake.

7:03pm Aug 10 2010
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Stranger let out a loud hiss. I don't think she is the only one with temper issues. And they shouldn't even have to do anything. Strange retorted. She felt rather small around these large animals but didn't mind for it seemed like a lot of things were bigger then her.
7:36pm Aug 10 2010
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7:49pm Aug 10 2010
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((Well Incense came over and started to tell Scree how she should fear canines and then Stranger came and tried to tell them to stop fighting or what ever they were doing and then Feyth told her to stay out of it and that is pretty much it.XD))
7:51pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 7:51pm Aug 10 2010)
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((Nothing much. What Fluff said. Anyways, I've finish my bio and decided on a bear. His partner is a brown black bear yes weird I know, named Koda.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:53pm Aug 10 2010
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Temper issues? asked Scree cooly, slitting her amber eyes at the dog. Watch who you say such things to. My paw may accidentally slip and you might find yourself with only one eye. She bared her teeth in a feral grin, ivory fangs glinting. Care to challenge me? she taunted, lolling lazily on her back, watching Incense.
7:59pm Aug 10 2010
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Stranger hissed. Why are you even fighting? Stranger asked looking at them like they were all stupid.
8:08pm Aug 10 2010
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Incense bared her fangs lazily too, unsheathing 2 inches worth of sinew ripping teeth. And if you're not careful, my jaws might miss my meal, and end up shredding your head. She retorted lazily, scratching dents into the tiled floor. And why not kitty? I challenged you first, so shouldn't I be asking that question? Stretching lazily, Incense sat and watched Scree, with icey brown eyes.

8:11pm Aug 10 2010
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Scree rolled back onto her stomach, and gave a low growl that only the animals could hear. Careful, mutt. I wouldn't be so quick to challenge a full grown mountain lion. You're just a pampered lapdog, you haven't had to survive in the wilderness with no protection. What do you know about the wild thrill of true battle?
8:41pm Aug 10 2010
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Stranger watched them. She let out a loud hiss. She growled slithering back to Io. They aren't listening. She thought to Io. "Stupid animals." Io said she looked around for their soulmates wondering if she should tell them to control their animals.
10:43pm Aug 10 2010
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Maybe she hasn't, but I have Feyth thought cooly. She had survived on her own for much longer than the cat. Stupid, insolant fool. Feyth called Scree in a laughing thought speak..
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12:25am Aug 11 2010
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