6:57pm Jul 26 2010 (last edited on 9:32pm Jul 28 2010)
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Posts: 2,097
Note: I missed all of you. I've been gone for so long. And I miss RPing. I hope someone remembers me. Not many knew me. But that's okay. :> Here's my comeback roleplay. Status: Join Away! We're always looking for new members! :> Mr. PLOT: You are a dog. I am a dog. We're all dogs. We live in the Trieme Dog Fight Arena. Here, we are forced to fight. There's pain. There's blood. There's scratching. And biting. And death. I don't like it here. The air is always filled with tension. It smells like blood and infected wounds. Our minds are constantly trying to comtemplate why the humans make us do this. The inside of our eyelids are etched out, the picture of fighting. And the innocence chokes me. It just rips our hearts our to see new dogs, young and scared, fighting the others because they have to. The humans inject stuff into us. It makes us aggressive. My human is harsh, just like the rest. We live in these old and rusty (yet strong) cages that are locked. We can't unlock them. The huge, muscly, lumbering human has them. He smells like tabacco and fresh blood. He can smell fear, I bet. Behind his shades are these fireballs... Are those his eyes?! ... We must escape. Escape and start a new life. Before we die. It's as simple as that. Mr. RULES: We must have rules. o.o 1. Please respect the others. Be kind. 2. No PMing or GMing. 3. No spamming or advertising without permission. 4. Unless it's an emergency (something important), bump or accidental double post, don't post more than 3 in a row. 5. Ignore this unfulfilled spot. 6. To join, read all of the rules, obey them, and post a bio. 7. Mating is allowed. Don't add details. XD You may mate over Rmail or just timeskip. 8. Cussing is allowed. Violence is allowed. Don't be too... detailed. Romance is allowed (wait I already said that). 9. If I do appoint a co-owner, it will likely be someone I know. I'll appoint one when necessary, but don't ask about it. You don't have to. 10. Don't control the humans, unless it's your dog's owner. 11. I will call fights, and pick who they are between (or if it's a group fight, which includes everybody). 12. Have as many characters as you can handle. Unlimited, just be sure to actually use them. 13. Be as active as you can in the roleplay, please. 14. I dun like having so many rules. I'm so sorry. D: 15. No page-stretcher pics. :< 16. Please be as lit as you can. <3 This means good spelling, good grammar, and no one-liners. And remembering that some things belong in OOC... (Don't be all babyish in your post. Don't use short form stuff like w/, ect.) 17. No Mary/ Gary-Sues.irst bio. Mr. BIO: Name: Nickname: Gender: Age (Just the stage): Species: Crush/Mate: Family: Looks: Experience (in dog fighting): Other: In the Roleplay: The dogs' cages have been cleaned. Right? Nope! They weren't cleaned. They're still rusty and grimy. Why? Because they got new cages! Filled with blankets, food, bones, and toys, it's a great place! Plus, there's a lot of space for the dogs. Why?
Schedule: Sunday: 8:00 AM-Morning Fight (3x3) 1:00 PM-Afternoon Fight (1x1) 11:00 PM-Late Night Fight (1x1) 12:00 AM-Midnight Match (Full Group Fight) *may include guest (other dogs, wolves, foxes, badgers, ect.) Monday: 12:00 PM- Monday Mash (Half Group Fight) 9:00 PM-Evening Fight (1x1) 11:00 PM-Night Fight (2x2) Tuesday: 8:00 AM-Morning Fight (1x1) 12:00 PM-Tuesday Tangle (Half Group Fight) 5:00 PM-Late Afternoon Fight (3x3) 8:00 PM Evening Fight (1x1) Wednesday: 5:00 AM-Dawn Fight (1x1) 12:00 PM-Noon Fight (1x1) 2:00 PM-Afternoon Fight (2x2) 4:00 PM-Late Afternoon Fight (3x3) 10:00 PM-Night Brawl (2x2) Thursday (aka Rest Day): 3:00 PM- Tiny Tussle (1x1) Friday: 6:00 AM-Dawn Fight (2x2) 12:00 PM-Friday Flames [Idk. XD] (Half Group Fight) Saturday: 4:00 PM-Late Afternoon Fight (2x2) 7:00 PM-Evening Fight (3x3) 12:00 AM-Midnight Match (Full Group Fight) *may include guest (other dogs, wolves, foxes, badgers, ect.) If there aren't enough users to have a 3x3 or something, it will shrink. Okay? Characters: DjMan12545: Angie (Female), Storm (Male), Singe (Male) wolf18834: Trylen (Male) shadowolf: Bone (Female), Kronos (Male) ashdog554: Ash (Female) DrEaMxxEaTER: Balto (Male) Daisy98: Seneca (Female), Scrapper (Male) nononolick: Bethany (Female)
Dustfeather: Nor (Female) lakendrashley1234321: Aria (Female)
Name: Angie Bauwe Nickname: Angie "Halfear" Bauwe The Terror/ Ang/ Angel Gender: Female Age (Just the stage): Young Adult Species: German Shepherd (Plus deformities) Crush/Mate: No one yet. (Angie- ;3) Family: Currently unknown. Looks: Imagine a German shepherd. She is golden. The black back marking goes from the top of her head halfway down her eye. It trails down her back, and reaches forward, covering some of her shoulders. Then it crawls across her back again and stretches to her heel. On the right side, it goes down to her hind paw. On the right side (upper leg), it goes down to her paw in 'V' shape, with the point at the middle of her paw. Oh her tail, it goes halfway. Her tail is extremely fluffy and pretty long. But there isn't much flesh there. It's mostly long, long fur. Her right ear is very, very long. Halfway, it goes fluffy and the black marking stops. Her left ear is all black, but most of it was bitten off. Her teeth are amazingly sharp, but they can't really fit into her mouth properly (like a sabertooth, but with smaller fangs!). She is pretty thin where her ribs are; you can see them, even with all of that fur! On her left side, by her showing ribs, are four scars from a scratch. On her right side, her shoulder has on long scar going down her arm. She has various scars everywhere, but they are smaller. Her eyes are goldenish brown. She is well-muscled at the front, making her look top-heavy. Experience (in dog fighting): Pretty good. Has been fighting in the Arena since she was a pup! So, as soon as she was able to actually fight and... Well... Move. She is miserable, but getting much stronger each fight. She releases her anger (which is normally pent-up inside, but the aggression stuff lets it out) by fighting. She is starting to control herself (while she's on the aggression stuff) a bit. Other: Her paws are strangely large. She's Storm's friend.
Name: Storm Vern Nickname: "The Lightning" Storm Gender: Male Age (Just the stage): Young Adult Species: Siberian Husky Crush/Mate: Maybe someday... Family: Dead. Dead. Dead. Looks: A muscular husky. Scars everywhere. Icy sky blue eyes. Bushy tail. Thick fur. Experience (in dog fighting): Good. But not as much as Angie. Other: He actually likes making friends, but he tends to lurk inside his shell. He is very miserable, due to his past. Why do you think his family is dead?
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:24pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Name: Trylen Nickname: Silent Fury Gender: Male Age (Just the stage): Young Adult Species: Doberman Pinscher Crush/Mate: Not right now Family: His sister (dead) Looks: Trylen is a large doberman pinscher with a ragged blue-gray coat. His eyes are a pale brown color. His left eye is slightly scarred from an old fight, causing it to look a bit cloudy. Trylen's body is scored with scars, but the most are located on his muzzle. Even though he is large, Trylen has always been quite starved-looking. A detatched look seemed to always be in his eyes, making others think that he is weak and broken though he isn't. There are signs that his legs had been bitten constantly by other dogs. Experience (in dog fighting): Trylen is good, just enough to keep himself alive. At first, he was displayed as weak to the other dogs. Now, he seems to let his anger show. The years of being pent up in cages and fighting other dogs has had an effect on him, making him sometimes eager to fight. Trylen wants out of here before he becomes a full-blown monster. Other: Trylen used to be kind and caring to other dogs. Now, time is starting to change him way too much. He hates fighting, but he can't help himself. It is like a new dog is emerging in him and Trylen doesn't like it. My favorite fruit is an orange.
7:27pm Jul 26 2010 (last edited on 8:11pm Jul 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,060
Name: Bone
Nickname:Bone Gender: Female Age (Just the stage): Young Adult Species: Munsterlander Crush/Mate: None Family: Deceased, or at least that's what she thinks Looks: Bone is a very tall, lanky dog. She has an extremely skinny build and her ribcage is evern slightly visible. She has minimal muscle along her legs, shoulders and neck and very sturdy shoulders that act as a good defense. Long, slender, legs, but they don't make her look awkward. Bone's main fur colour is jet black. However, her hind legs have white "socks" the border between black and white are specked with white spots. The tip of her tail is also white, and so is her left ear. Bone has intimidatingly large claws and pearl white, jagged teeth. Her muscle strength isn't that great. Bone's right eye is an amber colour while her left is misty grey. Experience (in dog fighting): None at all, just brought her in. D8 Other: My favorite fruit is... Lychee >.>
7:35pm Jul 26 2010 (last edited on 8:43pm Jul 26 2010)
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Posts: 12,384
((Join?) Name: Ash Nickname: Ash Gender: Female Age (Just the stage): Teen Species: German shepard Great Dane mix Crush/Mate: Open, No Family: Dead Looks:  Not my pic Experience (in dog fighting):None. She is new to it. :c
Other: My favorite fruit is a mango!
7:39pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((I remember you guys! 8D *happy* Accepted, Wolf and Ash. Shadowolf: *noms head for not obeying all of the rules* I think we should wait for others before starting, 'kay?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:01pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 3,029
Name: Balto
Nickname: Toto / Al
Gender: male
Age: adult
Species: american pitbull
Crush/Mate: open / she died
Family: They are around...some where
Experience: he has killed so many...his claims that his heart is gone along with the dogs he has killed.
Other: Balto and me love pomegranates!
8:03pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Accepted! :D))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:09pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 1,060
8:18pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Name: Seneca
Nickname: Sena, Claw.
Gender: Female
Age (Just the stage): Young Adult
Species: Great dane.
Crush/Mate: None. He dosen't have time.
Family: All dead, either tortured because they attacked masters, or died in a dog fight.
Looks: She's is huge and muscular. She's all black with glowing red eyes. Part of her tail is ripped off, and her right ear is torn. She has a scar on her muzzle and down her sides and back.
Experience (in dog fighting): She's been fighting since she was old enough to walk, She's a fighting master. No one can even count how many fights, Death and blood she's seen and caused. Her heart is completely black, evil. Some say she's insane. But someone must be able to crack her....
Other: My puppy is insane and I like Grapes. 8D
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:20pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Sure! I'll start, if you don't mind. I'll set the scene.)) Scene: It's quiet. And it's dark out. We can rest until the Midnight Match. It's Sunday. The MM is on the weekend days. The dim lightbulb above our heads glows... dimly. A few moths flutter around it. The window that shows the stadium looks dirtier than ever. There're many fly corpses inside it.As we sit between the cracked walls and crates of dog food, the humans nearby begin to chatter noisily. "It's so cold in here." Angie barked. She lied down on the cold cage floor and wrapped her tail around herself. She looked up at the light bulb. "Moths, I envy your freedom." she muttered. Her fangs glinted in the pale light. The humans forgot to replace it. At least they have light in the room. Angie could just smell the dog food in the crates when she begin to warm up. She was hungry. Her food bowl was empty. Angie took a few sips out of her other bowl and rested her head on her curled tail. Storm lied down. He said nothing, but watched the other dogs quietly. He read their faces. Storm was getting sick of fighting. In his blood ran the aggression fluid. He felt the anger dissipating when he remembered the night his parents were slaughtered and his siblings and himself were brought to the Arena... All of his brothers and sisters died in fights. But he survived... At a terrible price. He had to live in pain. He was trembling in sadness, and his ears were pressed to his head.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:24pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( May I join? :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:24pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Accepted! ^^))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:26pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Yesh you may, Dust. :D))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:31pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Thanks)) Sena stood in her cage, Her black fur glinting in the dim light. Her fangs poked out of her mouth slightly as she moved to sit down. She licked her food bowl until it was clean of crumbs. She was hungry, but taught to be happy she was even fed twice a day, even if it was much to small for her appetite. She lapped up a large amount of water and looked ahead. "You should be happy you mutts are alive." She growled lowly and looked at the clock. 11:45. Fights would start soon. Her sleek tail lashed back and forth in the Wood shavings they called a bed. She could barely stand in her cage.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:33pm Jul 26 2010 (last edited on 8:39pm Jul 26 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
Name: Bethany Nickname: Beth Gender: Female Age (Just the stage): Mid adult Species: German Shepherd Crush/Mate: Open... Family: None that she remembers
Looks: Experience (in dog fighting): Bethany was introduced to dog fighting when she was only 6 months old, she practiced with the old and weak dogs, the ones who were closest to death. She practiced for about 6 months and then faught with the big boys. She hated fighting, but was raised to be ruthles and bloodthirsty. Other: My dog likes to jump on random people. My favorite fruit is bananas!
Why the cloud, Sunny?
8:36pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Trylen laid down in his cage. He felt tired and defeated. The fights, they were killing him on the inside and darkening his mind. Trylen still remembered when his sister and him had been thrown into these cages and forced to battle. His sister, Lina, became obsessed with the fights. She grew insane and finally Trylen was pitted against her. Lina had not been the dog that he had known long ago. She was frothing at the mouth, her eyes that had been once sweet, wild. She had attacked and Trylen had been forced to retaliate. Next thing he knew, she was dead. Trylen sighed. Now, the fights were doing the same to him. He couldn't take it any longer. He needed to be rid of this place.
8:39pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Np.)) Angie stared at Sena. "You should be happy you actually get fed." Her golden eyes glinted. She was the first dog at the Arena, and was very tiny back then. She had fought a young great Dane. The first splatter of blood on the Arena ground. Sad, sad. Storm raised his eyebrow. "I just want my cousins back. They were some interesting dogs." he said. Storm chuckled. Then he ate the food in his bowl. It was some nice, raw meat from his owner's previous hunting trip. "But a she-dog with eyes that gorgeous has to know what's best." he mumbled. His tail swished back and forth. The clock read 11:50. The chatter of people grew louder. There were even some in the seats. All disgusting and ready to see gore. ((We should have at least most of our RPers before the Midnight Match, so it's more realistic. I just see you and I, Daisy.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:41pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Hooray. 8D )) Mr. BIO:
 Name: Nor.
Gender: Female.
Age (Just the stage): Young adult I guess. She's grown out- since dogs do that within a year xD- but still very young. She's not even two years old.
Species: She's a wolf-dog mix. Not sure exactly what she's mixed with though.
Crush/Mate: Nooo.
Family: Though most of her family was killed at some points in the fights, there are a few siblings who remain. She doesn't care about them; they're all bloodthirsty anyway.
Looks: See above. ^^
Experience (in dog fighting): Fairly experienced. She was born and raised at the Pit so she knows how to fight with enough skill to survive for a while.
Other: Isn't this wolfdog purty and my favourite fruit is. Um. 8D Apples.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:44pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Accepted. :>)) She then turned to Trylen. Angie felt sympathy for him. She gnawed on the bars of the cage. They tasted good. Nice and rusty. And metally. Her plume of a tail flicked and thumped down on the cage floor, behind her. Immediately, the warmth from her body began to seep away. More talk between the people. Two were conversing about chains. And the dogs. What were they talking about?
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:44pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Yeah. o.o)) Sena muttered something and lay down. "I know I'll be picked tonight. No matter." She growled, then turned to Storm two cages away. She dipped her tail in the water bowl and flicked water at him. "Don't try to charm me, mutt." She hissed. "It won't work." She then turned to Angie wich was in front of her. "Are you a giant, 300- pound dog?" She growled And then lay her head on her paws. "You dog's don't apreciate that your alive right now." She muttered. Deep inside, she did want out though.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...