7:54pm Jul 28 2010
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((Im here, just woke up from a nap))
7:55pm Jul 28 2010
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((I got nothen.))
8:04pm Jul 28 2010
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Balto watched. He barked to say that he was going to follow suit. He lifted his front paw and began to whine. He limped to the front of his kennel and started to whine and whimper. His paw was already covered with minor scratches, but his claws were split and broken. The human would feel like his quick was damaged or something.
8:15pm Jul 28 2010
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The man turned around. He quickly took Balto's cage too. "Two injuries... This ain't good." the man said, walking out. Angie played up the 'hurt' factor. She howled loudly. ((The ironic thing is, I was listening to Survivorman on the comp and Les just howled. 8D And I repeat: After the dogs escape, will you guys still stick around? To like, RP them free? It'll be a little bit like maating season, really. But... still...))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:23pm Jul 28 2010
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((of course I will still be around. Cant just let a pitbull wander around mindlessly))
8:26pm Jul 28 2010
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((I will still stick around, too.))
8:28pm Jul 28 2010
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((Me also.))
8:35pm Jul 28 2010
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((Aww... <3 And wolf: To confirm my guess, is the DC eggie in your sig a Hellfire Wyvern egg?)) "It's time for the Monday Mash!" the speaker said. "Please bring the requested dogs to their stal- what do you mean Balto and Angie are injured? Too bad, I guess. Bring the requested dogs to their stalls, please! Storm, Singe, Trylen, Bone, Kronos, and Ash have been requested!" Angie sighed. "Good luck, Storm." she whispered silently. Even if someone didn't attack him, fake fighting could reopen the scar which had dried up just last night... Storm mustered up his courage. "I can pretend to fight... I can try not to die..." Singe stared at Storm. What was wrong? He decided to simply find out later... ((It's time for the humans to bring the cages to the stalls (little rooms with two doors: one leading to the building, the other to the ring. When the cage door opens (it is unlocked and pulled up, not like hinges, to prevent escape, the doors leading to teh ring also open. Of course, the dogs are given treats and water+food first. Then the shot... But yeah.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:41pm Jul 28 2010
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((Yes, it is.))
Trylen froze as his name was called again. His heart beated rapidly. One of the humans was coming over to take his cage to the stalls, unleashing him into the ring. Trylen just hoped he didn't break his bones for real in there.
8:41pm Jul 28 2010
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Balto listened as the others were called out. Storm should have faked injury also. He let out a sad howl to Storm as to say goodluck, but he continued to fake his paw injury.
8:42pm Jul 28 2010
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Storm's human took his cage. He brought him downstairs to the stall. In went the food and water. Storm did not eat. If he didn't have the energy to fight, maybe the shot would wear off sooner, because he would just get more tired. Then Storm tried to tire himself by running around in circles and jumping. He even ignored the treat. His owner had placed it in his food bowl. He could eat it later. Then the needle slid into his leg. Storm stopped jumping and running. His vision turned bloody and red. "Arrawrff! Grrr.... Raowwrr... Gherff!!" Angie was taken to a large room, with white walls and everything. The human opened her cage. Angie leaped out quickly... She slipped away before the humans turned back to her. Running too quickly, she skidded to a halt. Then turned and bursted through the open door. She bounded through the hall, too quickly for her eyes to see where she was going. But she had pure instinct. Angie hopped into the room with the dogs and hid behind a cage. "Are you ready for the Monday Mash?!"
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:48pm Jul 28 2010
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Trylen felt himself lifted up in his cage and being carried to those stalls. Soon, he would no longer feel like himself. No longer feel a shred of decency in his heart. The food and water were shoved in along with a single treat. Trylen looked at it disdainfully. The needle was coming and it pierced his left leg. His common sense slipped away. Trylen snarled for no reason at all.
8:48pm Jul 28 2010
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Ash was brought to a stall by her human. She wasnt hungry or thirsty, so she ignored the food and water. When the human gave her the shot, she thrashed wildly trying to get it out. She growled aggressivly.
8:54pm Jul 28 2010
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The doors to the stalls all slid open. "Here they are, folks!" the announcer yelled. Cheering. Singe leaped out. You couldn't tell if he was just being himself or if he actually got a shot... He snarled as his claws glinted in the light. He charged forward to bite whatever was in his reach. Storm roared in blind anger. He felt like he was being restricted. Well, the sane bit of him anyways. He looked around for anything to shred. Angie was panting, still hidden behind a cage in the Dog Room. She had escaped... For now.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:01pm Jul 28 2010
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Ash ran out, barking madly. She glared at Singe for absolutly no reason at all. Her tail lashed back and forth. She then began charging at him.
9:04pm Jul 28 2010
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Trylen raced out, his eyes blazing in fury. He bared his teeth and searched for a target to tear at. Another growl started in the back of his throat.
9:13pm Jul 28 2010
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Storm crashed into Trylen. He aimed a slash-then-bite. His heart pounded, adrenaline in his blood. The tiny, tiny bit of him that was still sane said (inwardly): "If I can keep this up... I'll be too tired too fight.. Ugh... I can't fight the aggression. ARRGHHH...!!!" Singe had Ash crash into him. He whipped around and tried to bite her.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:14pm Jul 28 2010
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As the humans watched Angie run away they began to panic. To take procaution with Balto the strapped a muzzle to his face and put his leash on. When they pulled him out he began to pull and thrash about. A vet came out to give a sedative shot but only managed to stick the needle into another person. Balto managed to run off heading in a diffrent direction than Angie. He found the lounge for the vets and a man was smoking out of the open window. Balto growled, startling the man . The man raced out of the room and Balto leaped out of the window. "I...I did it."he said happily as he continued to run.
9:18pm Jul 28 2010
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Trylen gave a huff as he was crashed into by Storm. He whipped his head around, not even noticing who his opponents were. Trylen or what used to be Trylen swung a paw at Storm, trying to aim for the head.
9:21pm Jul 28 2010
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((TWO DOSES OF DRAMA AT ONCE. <333 8D)) Storm yelped as he was hit, and stepped back a little. Against his tiny bit of sanity, he aimed a blow at Trylen's neck, claws sharp and ready to puncture. A human suddenly appeared at the door of the Dog Room. Angie was cornered. Her heart raced in terror and panic. She howled. "BALTOOOO!!!"
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3