5:29pm May 23 2010
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Krash was sure she heard a growling dog, "hello?" she called timidly. She tilted her head and tried to see through the dog-door that led to the inside part of the cage, but it was too dark.((fail XD))
5:38pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 880
Brune jumped up to his feet. "Who's there?!" he said as he turned around in his cage. His body hitting the cage roughly because of his size.
5:40pm May 23 2010
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Krash laughed, "come out here and find out." she taunted, sitting on her haunches and waiting. Her tail was wrapped around her paws in a catlike manner. Krash's ears were pricked up and her head was tilted slightly to one side.
5:47pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 880
"I can't i'm locked in this cage" He said to himself as he sat down once again.
5:49pm May 23 2010 (last edited on 5:49pm May 23 2010)
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Krash laughed even louder, "theres a little hole in the back wall, you can go outside through it. But you will still be fenced in. I've seen dogs get out of it before. But we will cross that bridge when we get there." she said with a yawn.
5:56pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 880
Brune turned and looked for the hole. He saw it and began to widen it so that he could fit through. He scrambled to get out but once he did he shook the dirt from his fur and looked around. With a sigh of relief he began trotting around the fence line.
5:59pm May 23 2010
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Krash's eyes widened, this new dog was BIG((all dogs seem big to her XD)), a lot bigger than the pup whos cage he had been put in, "Hi there." she said with a smile, "I'm Krash." she looked around the fenced area, "Maybe you could jump over it, I think you are big enough."
6:06pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Yeah... I'm too lazy to read... So, what happened? xD))
6:07pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 880
Brune turned and saw the red husky female. He then looked up at the fence. "..I'll try" he said as he backed up a few paw steps and then ran and leaped half way up he quickly scrambled over it and landed on the otherside with a grunt. "finally free" he said half to himself as he looked back at the fence.
6:27pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 880
((oh well lets see Neruke is looking for a home, Brune was about to get in a dog fight but the cops came and took him to the pound and he found Krash and he just jumped the fence of the pound.))
6:29pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Ohh.... Cool. xD I'll post in a second.))
8:59pm May 23 2010
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3:55pm May 24 2010
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Krash stood and started wagging her tail, "congratulations." she barked, "now lets get out of here before they see us." she said, turning and heading back the way she came.
4:02pm May 24 2010
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Brune quickly nodded and trotted quickly away from the place. "What are you called?" he asked as he nervously glanced over his shoulder to make sure there were no men following them. Neruke sighed and walked on towards the pet store. He sat down and waited for someone to notice him. Every since he saw men walking into the place and coming out with a cat or pup, he decided it would be a good idea to make them think they could have him. He quietly waited for someone to see him or call him over to them.
4:07pm May 24 2010
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Krash smiled, "My humans call me Krash. It's the only name I know. What about you? You obviosly arent a housedog." she said. He wasnt like the other dogs she usually convinced to break out, they were usually housedogs that had gotten lost.
4:24pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 880
Brune gave a growl at the back of his throat "the men who had kept me called me Zero and made me fight other dogs in an old wearhouse. But my mother named me Brune." he finished. He had never really had a chance to talk to anyone so this was a bit odd for him.
4:27pm May 24 2010
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Krash nodded, "I like Brune. It's differenk, kind of like Krash. You dont meet many other dogs with my name. Or yours for that martter." she said with a laugh.((SnowehFAIL XD))
4:34pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 880
((lol)) Brune gave a bit of a laugh he spotted a van pull up infront of a shop a few bits away. He saw a couple of men get out one of them pointed and made a highpitch noise and claped his hands at him. Brune's fur began to bristle as he showed his fangs at them. The man instantly stoped and went back into the shop with his friend. He gave a silent curse at the back of his mind and sighed. Neruke saw a couple of dogs across the street. One was big and looked rough enough to have rabies. He shivered at the thought but at least the other one didn't looks so bad. She was a pretty red husky. How could she hand out with someone like that? He wondered as he continued to wait.
4:39pm May 24 2010
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Krash laughed, "they were calling you to them. They didnt look to dangerous. Why did you growl at them? Somewimes, men hand food out to strays."((XD my dog is outside laying in the shade and for a second, he looked dead! then a fly landed on him and he spazzed out!!))
5:19pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 880
((xD)) Brune looked at her oddly "how can you trust something like that? They only want to cage you and keep you locked up in big homes." he said a bit confused at what she was trying to say to him.