3:31pm May 25 2010
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Krash shook her head, "not all humans are bad. My humans leave me to do as I wish. They give me food, shelter, water, and friendship, but let me do as I please. Most of the people who put you in cages mean well, they are trying to protect their children. At the pound, you are their until a family chooses yo uto take home, but most want out, because not all dogs want homes." she shrugged.
4:48pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 880
"But they put a rope around your neck so that everyone knows you are owned. I would never follow their commands. I would rather die free then live as a slave." He said as he lifted his gaze up from the ground where he had been looking.
11:02pm May 25 2010
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3:48pm May 26 2010
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Krash looked at him with a baffles ex pression, "rope? my collar? actually, it gets you out of tight spots, like when the dog catcher finds you. And my humans reward me with real food to just sit down." she wagged her tail and grinned, "its childs-play."
8:33pm May 26 2010
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"To sit? Your man feeds you for that? They must be like a pup and be easily ammused." He said with a small smile.
3:36pm May 27 2010
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Krash laughed, "yeah, the human pups enjoy it. They also like to shake and lie down. Its really simple, but they make a big deal out of it!" she said, "its actually a pretty good life, I get fed to do things I was going to do anyway!"
9:01pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 880
Neruke watched them boredly he saw a small child walk into the animal store he was sitting next to and decided to peek through the window. He saw the child smile at him and wave it's hand at him before getting a metal rope wraped tight around his neck. He gave a yelp of surprise as he was thrown into the back of a truck and he soon realized he had been caught by a human. Brune flashed around to see a dog put into a cage. He saw the man walk into the store he had put the big machine infront of. He quickly ran over to the cage and tried to unlock it. Neruke looked a bit stunned "wh-what are you doing?! I'm finally going to a home! don't ruin it for me!!" he said to the large dog that was pulling on the gate. Brune gave a growl of frusteration and continued to naw at the cage.
9:02pm May 27 2010
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Krash padded over, "do you really want to go to the pound?" she asked Neruke, "there are other ways to find a home." she said with a shrug.
9:24pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 10
((Would it be too late to join?))
9:24pm May 27 2010
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((Would it be too late to join?))
4:31pm May 28 2010
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((no no go ahead and join :3)) Neruke twisted his head at her "pound? whats that?" he asked but his voice trailed off as the man came out of the store and saw the dogs. He quickly rushed over and began to yell unknown words at the large dog. Brune snapped and growled as he showed his fangs at the man. The man began to back away. Brune made himself look bigger by making his fur bristle at the man. He wasn't about to get caught by another man as long as he lived.
4:53pm May 28 2010 (last edited on 6:11pm May 28 2010)
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Name: Skylar "Sky" Age: 7 in human years Gender: Female Personality: She's extremely wary of humans, as well as other dogs to an extent. However, she is a devoted mother to Toby and is determined to keep this pup with her. Past: She was stolen from a police dog academy when she was a few months old and placed in a puppy mill. After six years she managed to escape in the confusion caused by a humane society raid. She's wondered the streets since, and gave birth one more time, to a litter of shepherd mixes. Other: Toby is the only pup she still has with her and she's trying to keep him alive. Looks:  Name: Toby Age: 3 months in human years Gender: Male Personality: A playful, rambuncious little pup and a real handful for his mother. Past: Born on the streets and somehow survived when his five siblings died. Other: The only surviving pup of Sky's last litter. Looks: 
9:21pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 880
((aww little baby dodoo...*cough cough*..yaay))
8:19am May 29 2010
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((I'm not quite sure where to bring them in at, so I'll wait to see what happens.))
9:57am May 29 2010
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Krash whined low in her throat, "Brune! I think we should just get out of here, we can go after this other dog later." she said nervously. She backed away from the human slowly.
11:33am May 29 2010
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Posts: 880
Brune looked at her and nodded he knew even if the man ran off he would still not be able to get the other dog out of the cage. Neruke watched as they began to run off. "wh-what about me?!!" Brune looked back as he ran "we'll come back for you!" he said as he turned and ran down an alleyway and hid under a building. He had been here before. No one really knew of this place except for a couple of other strays.
9:17pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 10
((Thanks for the great lead-in Frightt.)) Brune wasn't the only one under the building, but luckily the was enough space. There was movement in the shadows before the shape of a pup materialized in the dim light. Toby stared at the older dog, tilting his head curiously. After a moment he headed towards Brune, curious but a little cautious too. "Toby stay close," a voice called from the shadows, minutes before Skylar moved into view. She watched her pup, but her attention was mainly focused on Brune waiting for his reaction.
11:59pm May 29 2010
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Brune jumped back and bent down as he was taught in the fighting place "..who are you?" he asked as he relaxed a bit.
8:26am May 30 2010
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Toby jumped back, running back to his mother. Skylar remained calm, her ears going back slightly at first as Toby ran behind her. "I'm Skylar, or Sky," she said, her voice a bit on edge but with the gentleness of a mother. "This fuzzball," she said as her pup peeked out from behind her, "Is Toby." Toby gave a small yip as tried tackling his mother before settling on his side and trying to chew on her paw. Sky took it all in stride, after all she'd never gotten to keep a pup this long before...and his puppy teeth weren't too bad.
9:45am May 30 2010
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Brune layed down and watched "only one.." he thought to himself as he watched the mother and pup "im sure its none of my business but..what about his siblings?" he asked as polietly as he could.