She smiled. "I..i don't know..." Before she could say something else, to change the subject. She felt something buzzing in her pocket. She looked at her phone, a text. from her mom. What a way to embarress her daughter...text her while she's talking to someone very special right now... She looked at him, then back at her phone and turned red as she opened it up. Hoping it didn't say anything embarressing, like asking to get some type of medicine for her cramps. She chuckled to herself at the thought then read.
-Past cerfew! Where are you? -
Paradise didn't know what to say, so she swallowed hard and said. "I'll be right back..." She walked away, far away from Senshi, and called her mom.
When Paradise came back, and looked at him. "I have to go..." She didn't want to leave really. She wanted to stay with him. As she said she had to leave, she hoped he'd somehow offer to come with her, or suggest to see eachother again.