4:38pm Feb 5 2011
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Private Jake x Alex Ruru13 and LadyTsunade
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:39pm Feb 5 2011
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Name: Alexander Age: 7000~ his B-day is coming up soon so you better get him something >;D Gender: Male? ;D S.O.: Gay~ Mate?: More like short term partners.... one night stands >3< Never permanent though
 Personality: Hyper. In one word. He's like his own ball of sunshine and is very fun to be around though you can easily get tired of all the cheerfulness. Hes a total flirt and everything he does usually leads to something sexual if it isn't directly so. Abilities?: A little bit of hypnotism-seduction. He spots, tracks, attracts, and seduces his prey. His main attack and defense is being about to distract you for at least long enough to fight or flee. Other than than, he know all of the pressure points in the body and most martial arts that there is, not to mention the use of sword/guns. Nothing really supernatural with this one... And oooohhhh sooooo flexible ;3 Likes?: Bright things, Sweet things, Cute things, Jewelry, Getting into arguments so that he can 'make things better', bad guys/girls, being bossed around {sometimes}, being complimented, quick relationships, the bedroom~<3, getting things from others, others doing things for him, having powers of others Dislikes?: Being labeled, judged, underestimated, being ignored, being insulted, relationships getting too serious, being committed to any one person of thing for too long, baggage, meaningless tattoos, birds >< being alone and... the dark O.O Friends?: Malice~ [Open] Family?: He considers Malice his only family though its complicated since he flirts with him too o.O [Open] Past?: He can't remember the first 500 years of his life but he woke up in a human hospital and killed dozens of people before he escaped. He's had lots of short term partners. He'll do anything if you ask nicely~ :3Song?:Love Game - Lady Gaga http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy2dlJDjtQc
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:03am Feb 7 2011
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Name: Jake Kirishira Age: too old... not as old as many.. but old..
Gender: Male S.O.: Gay! He loves the men. XD
Mate?: none but open Personality: He is little on the wild side. He loves to get out and just chill when he is calm. He doens't have anger issues, but when you piss his off, he's pissed off. He has a soft spot for cute people. (mainly guys) but he doens't really open his heart to anybody. He's not quiet most of the time, but will be quiet when other are speaking to him. He is loyal to those whom he is under, whether a male demon or a femal demon. He likes to have fun and to just play with people. He isn't harsh, but he isn't easily pushed around. Abilities?: flash stepping- he can appear and disappear at will to another place as long as he has a visual of what it is. He deons't use it often because this drains a lot of his energy. But he will use it as means of escape from angels if he is way outnumbered. Like 50:1 ratio... control of lightning- he can use it and create it at will. He hasn't completely mastered that but he can control it enough to where he doens't hit those around him that he doesn't want to hit. He can even create weapons from the lightning just as Riku and Kyin can. He can shoot it from a gun he has and calls: HADES
Likes?: men. XD, chocolate,tatoos, piercings that suit the wearer. He has one two on the top of his ear and one on the lobe, any kind of food, fun, playing, killing agels, making new friends when he's in teh mood, fighting with those who insult him, respectful demons, finding people to have fun with. if you know what i mean. XDhe also likes to play music on several instruments
Dislikes?: angels.....disrespectful punks, angels, fighting when he deosn't have to, angels, things that are loaded with sugar. and did i mention Angels? Friends?: Riku, Kyin, Mordekai [open] Family?: none Past?: He doesn't really talk much about it, but he has scars from several encounters with angels and such. he is really quiet when it comes to his past.

1:08am Feb 7 2011
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Yay! So where should we start with these two? :3 I'm already starting to love the two of them XD <33
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:12am Feb 7 2011
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lolz. XD anywhere is fine. For one, let's not have them instant love.. We can have them know each other... but like.. a friend type thing, where Alex is still free to flirt with many boys. XD <33 i am also loving them already. <3
7:46am Feb 7 2011
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lol Ok :3 I can't post right away though XD Sorry :/
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:10pm Feb 7 2011
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(its fine... u need to start off tho XD)
6:51pm Feb 7 2011
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Alex walked out of the alley that he had just been in after having drank from his latest victim. He walked slowly as if he hadn't just taken the life of a sacred creature, its shining silver blood staining his lips slightly as he sauntered along. [fail D;]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:08pm Feb 7 2011
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Jake stood up from his rooftop meal, the bright red blood dripping down his neck. "Angels... Gotta love their pure blood.." He smiled and walked ot the edge of the roof. Of course, people were always scared of demons that came to this world from another and even knew many exsisted. People could be friends with demons and not even know it. He smiled and licked his lips. He let his wings spread out and it made an eerie shadow against the moon, that was just coming into view as the sun began to set.
7:40pm Feb 7 2011
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And though he had just drained a full grown Angel, he was still starving. He was also having a hard time hiding his markings though these days they coulld easily be mistaken as 'tattoos'. Or whatever the humans called them. So that was fine except his eyes were something totally different. His usually light blue eyes were currently white with black surrounding them. He'd have to lure in another angel. He always lured his prey in with his body and at least he could say that his victims died happy. He didn't exactly mind it either, he purred at the thought of his last victim. It was too bad that he had been an Angel and that Alex had been hungry or he might have giving him some more memories to take back home with him. He sighed, wondering if he should just take a human when he saw a shadow cross the ground in front of him. He stopped, looking down at it and its too obvious wings and smirked, getting rid of all of his markings and fixing his eyes for a moment. He might be able to bag another Angel tonight. He turned around and looked up at the figure on the top of the building. [[ I'm going to have him mistake Jake as an angel XD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:04pm Feb 7 2011
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Jake looked around. He was still hungry. His wings were outstretched and they made angel like patterns on the moon. Kind of creepy, but then again, not so much. He stretched his arms and looked around, another angel was flying close by, but he didn't btoehr to want to stop it. His red eyes foccused on the landscape in front of him. Not many tall buildings, but then again, he did live on one of the tallest. His black wings flapped slightly to give him some air on the warm day. his horns and tail were not with him and his markings were hidden well. Maybe he should just eat a human. (go ahead. XD I wanna see what happens.)
10:04pm Feb 7 2011
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Ales watched the so called Angel up on the top of the roof top and tilted his head. How was he going to get up there? By the time he will have traveled through the building the angel might be gone. And his pathetic excuse for a pair of wings wouldn't support him and they definitely wouldn't lift him. He hated his wings. He sighed, extracting them from his shirt, they were small enough to maneuver themselves out of the shirt without him actually having to touch the horrid things. He didn't want anything to do with them but getting rid of them would be costly if not fatal. And it looked like he was going to have to go up there and get it. That or h was going to have to attract it down or forget about it all together. [[ lol Do they know each other or no? :3 I think that they shouldn't know each other >3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:12pm Feb 7 2011
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(nope.. they don't know each other.) Jake let a scent catch himself. He smiled and knew it was either an angel or human. He quickly jumped off, flying stright down along the side of the building. He let the scent catch again. it was right below him. He let his wings fold and disappear as he landed. He looked at the boy in front of him and sniffed. "You.. What are you?" He tilted his head slightly. He changed his scent to match an angel human hybrid and he looked at the boy even more curiously.
10:31pm Feb 7 2011
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Alex backed up slightly, looking at the one in front of him. He tilted his head slightly, allowing his hair into his face so that he could run his fingers through his bangs and pull them out of the way. "What an awfully rude question to ask someone..." He said with a pout, pretending to be hurt and offended. He looked the other up and down quickly, feeling attracted instantly. He was extremely hot and different from most angels already, not many angels had that devious look about them. "Especially when you don't even know that someone." He added. He could smell the other's scent. He wasn't a pure angel, perhaps that was why he was so hot.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:59pm Feb 7 2011
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Jake looked the male up and down. He didn't smell like a full human or angel at all. "You... Your not an angel.." then why is his scent so sweet?? Human? Maybe... He looked at the boy and noticed another angel start flying. "I'm sorry for offending you.. But I was just asking because your scent isn't that of a full human and not at all like an angel.." He got closer and walked around the male, looking up and down. His tail beginning to show. He made is disappear. "Well, since you were offended by what I said, why don't I treat you out to something? It's rather warm today.. There's a lake to swim in and an ice cream parlor not too far from here.." He smiled slightly and held his hand out for the other male. "I wouldn't mind treating you anyways."
11:20pm Feb 7 2011 (last edited on 11:22pm Feb 7 2011)
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Alex allowed a smirk to play across his lips an he took Jake's hand. "How old do you think I am?" He asked him, referring to the ice cream parlor. He cleverly danced around his question of 'what was he'. His black feathery wings folded back into his shirt. He knew that his wings looked like that of an angel's and that he certainly looked too much like and angel to be a demon. His whole look was a sort of camouflage, but it was also a choice to look this way. "I wouldn't mind being treated, though." He said with a smile, "I dont think I've ever been treated to anything." He said truthfully, not in all of his 4000 years of life that he remembered. Not even his victims treated him to anything, he usually got treated... to a dark ally somewhere. Angels were scum bags.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:26pm Feb 7 2011
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Jake smiled. "About 4000 years old if I'm correct.. Your scent is musty as though you've been around for a while, but not musty like my grandfather." He walked down the street and opened the door to the parlor. "Anyways, let's sit and chat a while.. I want to know what you are.. and why your here." he walked to a booth and sat Alex down. He licked his lips slightly with the scent of the ice creams. "Mmh.. Ice cream is still good even if your not from around here." He looked around, not many people were here. He let his tail come out, but it was on the seat to Alex would not see. He yawned and opened the small menu. "You want something?"
11:49pm Feb 7 2011
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Alex smiled again, this one was gonna be tricky. "Seven." He replied simply. Not only 4000. He knew that he was 7000 but he could only remember 4000 years of his life. "And I'm glad I don't smell like your grandfather." He replied, "I try to stay fresh." He told the other as they sat down at the table. He was curious as to how his man could tell so much about him and they had only just met. He flipped his own menu open in front of his on the table and looked down at it curiously. He did like ice cream, he liked most sweet things, but he had never been to this particular parlor before. "Why do you want to know what I am?" He asked, "What about who I am?" He tilted his head slightly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:02am Feb 8 2011
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"Ah.. I see... 7000 or so years.." He smiled. "I rather know what you are than who you are.. Humans don't smell like angels.. and angels smell nothing like demons. And for one. And i like to eat humans as a substitue.." His tail flicked up and then back down. He looked at the menu. "So.. that's why.. More or less..." He smiled and looked at the boy. "Your scent changes.... you smell like a devlish human.."
12:15am Feb 8 2011
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Alex listened to Jake. Well, looked like he was a demon and that he had mistaken him for an angel. Bummer. He sighed and closed his menu and leaned forward onto his knuckles delicately. "Then we're both demons." He answered simply, "And here I was thinking that I was going to get another meal..."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~