10:51pm Apr 9 2011
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Jake blushed slightly and he smiled. He gently kissed Alex's neck again. "Your so cute Alex... Your also really sweet." His demonic tail swishing back anf forth. He nezzled Alex gently and kissed his head. "Well. Are you hungry Alex? I want to make you breakfast if your hungry." (so different.. T-T)
12:23am Apr 14 2011
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""I... could eat." Alex responded, slightly distracted by jake's nips and his bites on his sensitive neck. That was one of his definate weak spot and he oved that Jake was taking advantage of it. Whether he knew of the actual weakness ot not. He reached up to grip his torso gently to keep himself level and not falling over.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:35am Apr 14 2011
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Jake held onto Alex and looked at the demon. "Are you okay?? I mean.. You really look like your going to fall over.. and your blushing an aweful lot." he smiled and gently kissed Alex's head. "well, I'll head down to the kitchen." Jake let go of alex and walked down the stairs and headed intot eh kiotchen to begin cooking for his new lover.
7:12pm Apr 14 2011
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Alex watched Jake go, chills passing over his boy as he left. He'd never felt so safe before. So special. He smiled lightly and went to get dressed. He pulled on Jake's shirt that had been discarded in the night and pulled it over his shoulders and buttoned it up. He picked up his shorts and pulled them on as well. He flipped his hair out from underneath the shirt. It splayed out over his shoulders. He turned to go downstairs, he grabbed Jake's shorts as well and headed downstairs. He went into the kitchen to find Jake messing around in the kitchen and took the time to enjoy the view while he didn't know that he was there. He smiled, revealing his usually hidden fangs, and moved up behind him. He placed his hands on both Jake's hips and moved in close behind him, pressing his body against the back of Jake's. He nipped Jake's neck, sucking on it lightly, and purred. "Forgot something...." He told him in a seductive purr and moved one of his hands around to Jake's front and pressed the shorts against Jake lightly so he didn't hurt him somehow. "Hmm?" Jake was naked...
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:23pm Apr 14 2011
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Jake blushed with the nips and finally realized he had been naked. His cheeks grew tomato red and he jumped. He grabbed the shorts and quickly covered himself. "i-i'm sorry..! I'm so used to being alone.." he laughed nervously and he slipped the shorts on. He looked at Alex, still red from embaras.sment and he smiled nervously. He returned to making the breakfast, although, bacon was proabably out of the question since his top half remainded undressed. "So Alex, what do you eat when your in your human form? I mean.. Most of this stuff tastes like well... crap at times, but then again... Some things are good." He smiled and looked at Alex. "Well, just tell me what you would like me to make for you."
1:07am Apr 15 2011
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(( :3 http://www.chatzy.com/418529409189 )) Alex chuckled and pulled away from Jake once he had taken the shorts from his hand and moved away from him. "Don't apologize." He told him. "This is your house." He told him, "And you can walk around however you want." He said. "Even your demon form." He added quickly. "Besides, I've seen all of you." He reminded him as he pulled away to go and sit at the counter to watch Jake cook. He'd never fiddles with such things. Cooking. He preferred blood over anything else, him being a blood demon. "I find that if I dont eat in my human form as well as in my demon form then my human form becomes weak and sick." He informed the other, revealing a weakness to him, something he simply did not do regularly. "So yes. I eat in my human form." Question answered. "I don't really mind what you make though..." He told him. "Whatever you want to make is already too much for me ask for." He told him. "I never bothered with cooking human things." He told him. "I usually go to those restaurants." He said, "And eat there. I usually just drink from angels."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:55am Apr 15 2011
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Jake looked at Alex and understood somewhat what Alex had to eat and go through. He too, was a blood demon. But only half wich meant he couldn't only survive on only angel's blood. He had to eat flesh as well. He smiled. "Well, that's good then. I'm not very good, but I'll try my best.. I wasn't very useful to my last boyfriend because he was two timing me with a female and... yeah.. She cooked and cleaned... He called her our maid..." Jake looked down. He remembered how hurt he was when he found our what their real relationship was. His grip let go of the pan and it slammed down on his foot. Jake let out a small grunt and then breathed out before he bent over to get the pan. His wings coming out once again and dragged along the floor as he gathered ingredients.
2:23am Apr 15 2011
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Alex watched Jake change in front of him. Knowing exactly what he was feeling. He watched Jake drop the pan and was worried that he'd hurt himself but he seemed to be just fine though the pan had dropped right on his foot. "Jake..." He spoke, "Don't dwell..." He told him. "It does things to you." He said. He only remembered being with Malice. There were no other longer term relationships. The longest his realtionships lasted was moment and only consisted of sex. And that was with Angels before he killed them and the occasional one night stands he had here and there. "You are worth so... so much more than that. Dont let yourself dwell..." He repeated. He didn't want Jake to feel bad, though he didn't know why. He just knew that Jake was a good being. "Ok?" he asked.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:26am Apr 17 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:14pm Apr 17 2011
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Jake heard every word and nodded soberly. He gathered what he needed and began to cook something that even seemed odd to him. He sighed and continued to add what was needed then he reached over and grabbed some cherries, smashed then in his hand and dropped the pieces into the mixture before he mixed it all up. He placed the pan on the stove and turned the heat on. He waited for it to heat up before pouring some of the mixture into the pan. "How many pancakes do you want? Or do you just want to try them??" (i might bring in Jake's former lover just to create confusion for Jake. :3)
12:00am Apr 18 2011
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(( chatzy? :D )) Alex watched him mix things into a bowl, making an odd colored, thick liquid. And then he added Alex's favorite human food into it, cherries, and mixed it all together and poured in onto a black surface where it started to sizzle loudly before settling down slightly. "I'll jst try them first." he answered, crossing his arms on the counter in front of him and leaned on it. ( Ohh :D That will be fun )
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:13am Apr 18 2011
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(yes. :3) Jake nodded and his wings burst, sending a few black feathers to fall on the floor. He flipped the cherry pancake and watched it sizzle and settle. he smiled with satisfaction. he looked at Alex. "Alright. then I'll give you this one and if you would like more, i'll give you some more." he smiled and flipped the pancake again before he placed it onto a plate. He handed it to Alewx before turning off the stove. "Do you want anything on it?"
9:41pm Apr 18 2011
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Alex watched one of Jake's various form changes, each more and more original than the rest, and just as interesting. He wondered if Jake was going to make himself something to eat and felt weird eating without him in his own home. But he pulled the plate that he had set down in front of him toward him."Ok." He responded. ....Pancake.... He ate it, surprised to find that it was actually good and wondered if it would taste the same in his demon form since his human form was fond of sweets.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:11am Apr 19 2011
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Jake looked at Alex and smiled. "how cute your reaction is.. And you've never seen a pancake before?" he leaned over teh table and gently kissed Alex's cheek. He licked Alex's lips and nuzzled him gently. "well, what about your demon form? Your human form is accustomed to sweets, right?"
6:31pm Apr 19 2011
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"No...." Alex responded. "Only french fries and hamburgers..." He replied. He looked up at Jake, "And... sometimes... when demons get really creative... spaghetti." He smiled, referring to when demons took him out when they wanted his sexual attentions. "Yes, my human body likes sweets." He answered, "what about yours? what does it prefer?" He asked.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:17am Apr 20 2011
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Jake laughed at Alex's little mentions. "I see. " He smiled and gently licked Alex's cheek like a puppy would his master. "Umm.. My Human body is more preferred to.. Sweet things... Not specifically candy.. but more like.. desserts.. I like red Velvet stuff more than anything." He smiled and looked at Alex. "How do you like the pancake?"
2:39am Apr 20 2011
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"Its great." Alex responded happily, referring to the pancake that Jake had made for him. Really good. "Thank you." He told him, thanking him for making it for him. "Shouldn't you eat?" He asked him, wondering if he was hungry too.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:05am Apr 20 2011
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Jake shook his head. "My bodies are worn out and the human side of me can't keep food down right now.. I've been well.. throwing-up for about three days now... The demon side only eats blood and flesh and I haven't gone humting.. But I'm fine." He msiled and looked at Alex. He licked his cheek again. "But thank you for being concerned for my eating." he bowed and smiled cutely.
6:43pm Apr 20 2011
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Alex frowned, "How long has it been since you've gone hunting, Jake?" He asked, concerned. "If its been o long your human body has started to reject you then you need to hunt." He told him. "Even if I have to hunt for you, you have to eat." He scolded him lightly, a stern look on his face. He meant it when he said that he would hunt for Jake.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:22am Apr 21 2011
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Jake's former bf. :3 ~~~~~~~ Jake looked at Alex. "I-It hasn't been too long.. Maybe.. A few days since I hunted for humans and angels... But they are scarce right because of this.... I mean.. I'm just really not in teh mood.. There is... another aura really close and I can't seem to hunt for long before that Aura gets close and I have to l-" Jake was interrupted by a sudden wind. A man, or demon, appeared in teh door way "Jake.... You haven't changed too much..." He walked over and noticed all teh little marking on his neck. "Hey! Who the hell is marking you.... Your mine Jake.." he looked at Alex and walked over. The claws on teh end of his wings dragging on teh floor. He put his hand on Alex's face and smiled slightly. "How cute... What a cute pet you have here." he smiled and walked back to Jake.