2:41am Apr 21 2011
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Alex frowned, still leaning forward toward's jake, trying to make out just what Jake was trying to get across to him. It looked like he was going to go hunting for the two of them either today or tomorrow at the most. He opened his mouth to try and calm Jake when he was interupted by someone else coming into the kitchen. Alex was instantly quiet, unsure of just how to react. He watched him, listening to the way that he was talking to Jake and referring to him. It didn't offend him, he was used to being referred to this way. He allowed him to look him over as well, but continued to remain quiet. It wasn;t his place to say anything at this point. (( Ohh.... sexy o3o lol ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:09am Apr 21 2011
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Jake's eyes were wide and he gasped when the man held his chin and looked him over once more. "Y-You... When in hell did you get back?! An d why are you here?! You left me a century ago and now you back!" Jake leaned against the counter and looked over the man. "Aww.. Don't tell me you forgot my nme.. Coem on.. Your being really weird now my cute kitten... I flew all this way and got here to only find that you here with some... thing... and you've already done everything to him that I did to you." he smiled adn licked his lips. "Well.. Then.. Why don't I approve of this one.." Jake grabbed Alex in a defensive manner and his canines were longer, like they were earlier. He growled adn his wings came out, black feathers flying all over. "Riku.. Get out.. This is mine.. He's mine I tell you!"
12:18am Apr 22 2011
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Alex watxheed quietlym the scne unraveling and playing out in front of him and he quickly, if not immediately, knew that this as Jake's former lover. Come to take him back and Alex just so happened to be standing in this demon's way of doing just that to Jake. When the demon turrned and pulled Alex out of his seat forcibly he gripped his hands defensively. He didn't want to be hurt and was going into defense mode quickly. He snarled and quickly lashed out, scratching his face, summoning blood, and pressed pressure points in his hands to make him let go of his shirt so that he could back away. He moved away a few steps and stopped, glaring back at the demon. He hadn't eaten in weeks and would be weak....
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:53am Apr 22 2011
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Riku felt the blood on his face and growled slightly. He glared at Alex and bared his canines. His tail swished around and the end, which had a spiked ball, smashed the vase on the counter. "You... You drew blood for that boy... For.. For Jake... He's so stupid and he's nothing to the demons." He growled and looked at Jake. "All he's good for is his damn body.. His cooking is horrible and he just can't live without a demon to take him by his leash and lead him around.. Like before Jake." He held his hand up and a collar and chain wrapped around Jake's neck. "You dog.." Jake felt teh collar once again and he tried pulling away. His hand touched the leash and his had retained a burn on his hand. He growled slightly and his wings burst out of his back, feathers falling. His eyes were black with red and his nails had grown longer. His canines were long as well. "You! Stay away! Get this off of me!" He pulled again and burned his neck a little. "Alex... I-I am a dog.." (sorry! Jake's persona is changed because of memories coming back to him.)

12:14am Apr 23 2011
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Alex didn't even flinch as he glared back at the demon in front of him. not when he growled, nor when he smashed one of Jake's many vases. He found himself growing more and more frustrated with the way that this demon was referring to Jake. He was not stupid and he wasn't only good for his body. What was going to happen? Would Alex be able to fight him if he had to? He wasn't sure and knew that he shouldn't even try it at all if he wasn't sure about it. But if it was nessesary then he would protect Jake from this demon. It looked like jake wouldn't hurt him. He was horrfied, on the other hand, when a leash and collar appeared around Jake's neck and he snarled at Riku. He wasn't sure if he should go to Jake or not. There were so many things that could go wrong and demons could kill one another. He decided quickly and went to Jake to try and get the collar off of him. "You're not a dog!" He said quickly, looking at the collar, looking for weak points and wondering if he would get hurt if he touched it like Jake had been.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:15am Apr 23 2011
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Riku pulled the leash and sent Jake onto all fours. "Tch.. Why do you struggle Jake? And why do you insist on trying to save this dog?" He referred to Alex. "Come on.. Jake isn't really all that great. He loves me and he knows it. He likes it when I abuse him and he loves it when i tug his collar and when i give him what he wants." He smiled and walked over, pushing down on Jake's hand. "Beg me you dog! Or are you going to try and get free?" Jake bit his lip when Riku stepped on his hand. He growled and tried to shake off the pain. He looked at Alex and nuzzled up against him. He looked at Riku and wrapped his tail around Riku's leg and pulled on it, causing him to fall back and the leash snapped. He grabbed Alex. "Sorry.."
2:26pm Apr 23 2011
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"Its ok." Alex said hurridly, still trying to figure out the collar. He decided to just try and get it off and grabbed it. He felt for a weak spot, sort of like human pressure points, and if he could find it he could break it. He found it and applied all the pressure that he could without hurting Jake and it broke into his hands. He discarded it, all the while letting Jake hold onto him. "Are you ok?" He asked, moving his hands up to run through his hair. He'd never been treated this way before and was just going on how he thought that he should react to the situation. It was really uncomfortable for him to do so.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:51pm Apr 23 2011
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Jake nodded. "Yeah... I should be fine." Helooked at Alex and kissd him gently. "Thank you! This was all real." he sm,iled and stood up. "Listen.. Riku.. I know how much you loved to control me, but I can't let that go on now.. I found someone who loves me for who I am.." His nails grew longer and his canines now exposed. "Lea-" Riku kissed Jake just as he was about to finish. His tongue sliding into Jke's mouth and he felt Jake melt in his arms. He held the limp demon in his arms amdlooked at Alex. "Yur scent is sweet and may have intoxicated him, but my kiss is like poison to him. He can't help but let his body be taken over." He grabbed Alex by the wrist and licked his cheek. "You taste sweet too. Maybe that's why Jake liked you."
1:52am Apr 24 2011 (last edited on 1:55am Apr 24 2011)
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Alex moved to kiss jake back before he moved away and confronted Riku about what had been going on and what he had done to him in the past. Wait... did he say love? Alex's heart skipped a beat. Love? He didn't love Jake did he? He'd only known him for a day. And they'd had sex... but did that mean that he loved him? He didn;t know! He watched as Riku kissed Jake and then tried to rub it in his face. And Alex had to admit that he was a little upset that Jake had let that happen, even after what had happened. And then Riku licked him. He glanced quickly at Jake, and then back at Riku. Alex growled. He didn't want to be touched by this demon again. He glared at him for a second. Hurt, confused, and disgusted, he actually slapped Riku, hard, with everything that he had left in him. And then pulled himself free before escaping. Jake could have him, he was getting out of here before he was sucked into this madness. He wasn't going to love anyone ever again and have to feel the hurt that he was feeling now. And he couldn't handle another weekend here and wait for Jake to deside which demon he wanted to be with next.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:04am Apr 25 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:29pm Apr 25 2011
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Jake opened his eyes again and looked around. He rubbed his eyes and slapped Riku hard. He growled and noticed that Alex had left. "Riku! You.. You!" He fell to the floor when Riku dropped him and sniffed around. He couldn't really pick up Alex's sweet scent. "damn it.." he ran toward the door and flung it open. His demon form taking over. "Alex! Alex! Where are you?!" He sighed. Riku smiled and walked upstairs. He looked around and sat on Jake's bed, wanting to take it in. "Man.. My job is done.. But I still want that cuter demon he was with." He turned over and sniffed the bed. He could smell two scents. "Jake.. and... someone sweet.."
6:55pm Apr 26 2011
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Alex had no idea where his own clothes were and didn't know if he would have the time to look for them and didn't even know where to start. He didn't know where Jake washed clothes as. He past the bathroom quickly, hearing the smack from the other room and wondered what it was. He heard his name being called and actually slipped into Jake's room quietly. He couldn't do this again. This was only supposed to be a fling. Actually, not even that, he was only staying for the weekend to keep Jake company. Some tears filled his eyes as he turned around only to see Riku sitting on the bed. He would ignore him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:06am Apr 27 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:52am Apr 27 2011
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Riku smiled and walked over to Alex. He grabbed his wrist and held his chin in his hand. "And why is someone as cute as you crying over some trash like him?" He sniffed Alex's neck and recognized it as the one on the bed. "Ahh.. So your the one he slept with last night..." He brought Alex around and pinned him on the bed. "You understand that I'm the stronger demon and the better lover.." He smiled and licked Alex's neck gently. Jake sighed and walked back inside. He sat on the couch and laid his head back. "Damn.." He sighed heavily this time and let his wings come out and just wrapped them around himself. He curled up on the couch and looked around. He could still sense Alex's presence. "I screwed up.... His venomous kiss.... put me to sleep and under his spell again.."
1:31am Apr 27 2011
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Alex locked his jaw as Rikua came over and gripped his rist and chin. He glared at him and blinked hard, getting rid of the few tears that had managed to find their way into his eyes. He was all over him, something that Alex was used to but this particular demon had hurt and humiliate him. He was no where near ready to just give himself over to him. He was spund around and forced down onto Jake's bed again, twice in the past twenty four hours that he had been here, with Riku on top of him. He squirmed underneath him but knew that he was too weak to really fight back. He hadn't hunted in weeks and he was still recovering from Jake last time. There was no way that he was going to be able to fight back. Riku licked his neck, a very sensitive part on his body and he couldn't him but shiver. It was hard, he was an incubus that fed on sex along with blood. He couldn't help himself, but he was determined. "Get off..." He growled, "No on touches me unless I let them." He added lowly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:06am Apr 27 2011
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"Tch.. Whatever... I can do what I want to you.. Your mine... I'll claim you and make you mine.. Your just going to be another one to have a collar and leash around your neck. Like that piece of trash you call a lover..." He licked Alex's neck once again and kissed his lips, sliding his hand to grab both of Alex's wrists and then one on Alex's hip. Hius nails grew black and long, his eyes stayed normal but a pattern was sprawled across them. his black wings came down on them like a drape. He bit Alex's neck gently and licked off whatever blood flowed from Alex. Jake turned over and sighed. He growled slightly and stood up. He wanted to find Alex and he wanted to find Riku. He walked over to the backyard and then picked off a peach from his tree. He sat down on the rock and bti into the fruit. he sighed. "Alex.. Please come back.." He sighed.
2:19am Apr 27 2011
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Alex was getting very upset and he didn't have enough energy to waste of trying to look human in a place that was filled with demons. He lost his grip on his human form and the markings showed up on him again. He suddenly wished that he actually had some sort of power that he could use against Riku other than being a slut. That was only going to end up getting him into trouble now. He struggled violently until he bit him neck, then he whined beneath him, the pain pleasureable to him no matter how much he didn't want it or how much he wanted to excape. "Get off!!" he snarled, bucking his hips trying to throw him off. He tried to pull his wrists away but they were held fast. He growled loudly, closing his eyes as he did so.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:26am Apr 28 2011
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Riku smiled and looked at Alex. "Tch.. How weak.. I wonder what that boy saw in you.. I could use you in my home back in my world... I run something better than a dating site." he smiled and licked Alex's neck. "Well, how about you just take your clothes off and let's get this started. I can't be here all day. Jake has a sharp sense of smell.. And I just drew your blood.." He smiled and kissed Alex. Jake sniffed and turned around. Alex's blood filled his nostrils and he growled. His wings flew open and senblack feathers flying around his stone garden. He walked in and continued to growl. He may as well have been full on beast with how he felt. He walked upstairs and bounded down teh hall, his feathers scratching at the wall. He plusked one and threw it into teh room, hitting Riku in teh shoulder and embedding itself. "You! get away from him!"
1:44am Apr 28 2011
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Alex suddenly hated this demon he'd never refused another demon before. At least not that he could remember but he suddenlly didn't want to even look at this demon anymore. "I'm not doing anything with you..." Alex responded. He wouldn't open his eyes so he didn't know that Riku had actually leaned down to kiss him. He growled and bit his lip quickly, tasting blood. He was too weak to do anything else. Alex looked to Jake as he came in and couldn't help but feel overjoyed that he'd come in. He didn't want to be with Riku and he was too weak to do anything about it. He already wasn't a vry strong demon, only a seductive one and that didn't help much when you seduct without wanting to. Though he was very close to biting Riku's throat, it was close and vulnerable and his teeth were sharp when he needed them to be.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:21am Apr 29 2011
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Riku's shoulder bled and the blood dripped down his bare arm and onto Alex's hand and Jake's bed. He growled and sat up, turning to face Jake. His canines barred as though he would attack. He growled darker. "you dare to stab me? Of all People? Your being a little kid again.. I still have that collar and leash on your neck and you can't get away. You know that you are a bit out of hand right now. I will just put this around you neck and you will submit." Jake growled and his canines were barred as well. "no! Get away from Alex!" He stepped closer and tore Riku from Alex. He grabbed Alex and wrapped his arms around Alex's body tightly, not wanting to let go of him. His tail swished around and he growled. "Don't you dare come and take him.. I will not allow this!" He growled and pulled Alex closer.