1:01am May 10 2011
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Jake sniffed the air and could smell something sweet. He growled slightly when it was beginning to be masked by another, more dense and sour scent. He looked around then finally looked up to the sky and saw that Alex was chained and carried by his ex. He growled more and it became more demonic and deep. His wings fluttered out and the feathers melted off to become leathery wings like Riku's but with more spikes. He flapped strongly and began to transform as he flew up to their height. HIs nails were an inch long and black. His canines grew to about two inches and were poking out of his mouth. He growled and his eyes were black spheres with a red slit. He glared at Riku. "Release him!!" His voice boomed demonically. Riku laughed and smiled. "How amazing! Your demonic form has really changed! Look at those hateful eyes! Those long and beautiful canines and nails! ha! Maybe now you can fight me for him!" Alex's chained were now wrapped around his body. Riku pried Alex off of him and held him over the lake. "Tch.. Should I drop him Jake?"

2:33am May 10 2011
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Alex saw Jake's transformation and felt small amounts of tears come to his eyes. That was what he was trying to avoid. He didn't want Jake to fight for him, he wanted him to let him go. He wasn't that important! Lots of others would let him go at the drop of a hat, why wouldn't Jake? He hadn't noticed his chained wrapping around him, having been focused on Jake. But he finally noticed this when Riku pulled him away from himself and hung him out so easily over the lake below them, threatening to drop him into the depths of it. He looked down, his eyes widening quickly before one of his chained hands flew over his mouth to keep himself from crying out. He closed his eyes, waiting to be dropped, hoping that it was be quick. Maybe hitting the water would break his neck and he wouldn't have to drown. He shivered, but not from the cold and whimpered slightly. He had never nor would be ever be so cruel as Riku was. Sure, he'd been hit and hurt and threatened of death before, but never like this. He'd never been treated this way before, not as bait nor blackmail before. And he'd never been so terrified in his life.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:11am May 11 2011
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Riku smiled and dropped Alex. His tail swishing "Now... Try to get the boy and keep me away from you..." He growled and flew at Jake. (sorry Riku's is really short.) Jake growled and grabbed Riku's wrist, flinging him like a twig down toward the lake. Jake flew down after him and grabbed the chain that was wrapped around Alex, catching him just before he had hit the water. He growled and pulled Alex to his body, closely then flew up to meet Riku face to face as he continued to fall. He grabbed his leg and flew up quickly, his wings pressig to his body to give him speed. Heg
4:56am May 11 2011
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Alex's breath caught in his throat then he was dropped, his heart was up in his throat. He shrieked briefly before he gained control of himself and tried to get out of the chains that were contricting him. He really did. But they stayed fast. He whimpered, wishing that he had never come to this city to look for Malice, but it was too late to go back now. The water was coming up and Alex knew he was going to die like this. Chained. And the only thing left for him to do as he fell closer and closer to the lake was to try and position himself so that he could at least die on impact. He was soon upside down and tears were in his eyes again, watching the water come up. He closed his eyes, afraid and hoping that Jake would somehow save him. He felt the chains contrict around him and he huffed, his breath being taken from him and he opened his eyes to see the water inches from his face and his hair falling around his face and comming into contact with the water. Jake had him and pulled him into his chest where Alex burried his face to try and hide from whatever was going to happen. "Jake..." He cried softly. He would have wrapped his arms around the other demon if he was not chained up like he was. He didn't care if they fought anymore, he just wanted to get away from this place to somewhere stable where there was no worrying about falling to his death.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:16am May 12 2011
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Riku spun down and coughed out some blood. He kew how strong Jake could be if he didn't release, but being as foolish as he was, he couldn't allow himself to release completely. He steadied himself but saw that Jake was headed right for him. He braced himself. (again...) Jake held onto Alex and grabbed Riku by the wings and flew up as quickly as possible. He growled and continued to fly up before he abruptly stopped and held Alex tightly. He kicked Riku down at a very high speed which sent Riku into the water. Although, it hadn't killed him because RIku used his wings as a sheild. Jake growled and flew down and held Riku by the neck. "You... You suck.. and If i ever see you near Alex again, i'll slit your throat with my nails." His demonic voice fading. Jake threw Riku up and he flew to his balcony, where he transformed into his normal demon form, but more muscular. He walked into the room and snapped the chains off Alex. "You okay?"
1:30am May 12 2011
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Alex kept his face burried into Jake's chest in hopes of not seeing what was going on around him and without freaking out about it. It was also a small attempt at hiding himself from Riku. He didn't se anything that went on between Jake and Riku. He only became aware of things when he set him down in his own apartment. "I'm ok..." He said quietly, looking down at the floor beneath him. He was ashamed to even look at Jake. He had done that only to try and get Riku to leave him alove and go away. But it didn't work and he had ended up fighting over him anyway. "Are you ok?" He asked quietly, still not looking up at Jake.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:08am May 13 2011
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Jake nodded and smiled. He was just glad Alex was okay although his strength was depleting right now. He hugged Alex tightly and relaxed his whole body. "Thank god your okay... I was worried I was going to not catch you in time for you to hit the water. I'm just glad I could bring myself to change back into my human form. I was really worried I may not be able to." He smiled ad getly kissed Alex's lips. His tail swished around and he continued to pull Alex close ad hug him. "Thank you that your really okay Alex. If anything like that ever happens, don't you dare hesitate to call me. I'm goig to protect you."
1:19am May 13 2011
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Alex kissed Jake back quietly and him pull him into a hug. "Why are you being so nice to me? I said that I was going to be Riku and went with him... And you're hurt and..." He sighed. "I just dont understand why you didn't just let him take me.... dozens of others would have let him take me with him. But you didn't." He said. Then he remembered that Jake hadn't eaten in a long time. "I'll go hunt for you..." He said and turned away from him to go and start hunting.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:08am May 15 2011
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Jake reached out for Alex's hand and took it gently. "listen Alex. I can't let demons from my past come and try to take what I want and what happiness I finally have." He held Alex's hand tightly. "Anyways, why are you leaving to hunt for me? I can hunt for myself as long as I keep my human body in control." He looked at Alex, the look of worry in his eyes. "i don't want Riku to come back and take you.." His tail licked the floor in a slow swish to show he was worried and sad.
2:47am May 15 2011
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Alex stopped when Jake grabbed his hand and looked back at him. "I'm going to hunt for you, because you're sick. And I owe you for everything you've done for me... and will do for me." He told himseply. "Im going because I want to." He told him. "riku wont come for me. He only wanted me because you want me.... You're the only wan.... that wants me." He told him. He didn't try to pull away from Jake. He decided to just let him make a decision on whether or not to let him go. He wouldn't let him go if he owed a debt either. He wouldn't trust him asfter what had just happened with Riku.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:52am May 15 2011
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Jake let go of Alex's wrist and nodded slightly. "Alright.. I'm sorry.. I'm just really worried.. I mean.. I havent gotten used to having soemone with me and I don't want to leave you." he smiled slightly and kissed Alex's cheek. He purred. "Can I watch you off? I can always fly above you and watch to make sure Riku doesn't come back." he looked at Alex. His tail wagging.
3:10am May 15 2011
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Alex let his wrist fall limpy to his side once Jake let go of it, and closed his eyes when he kissed his cheek. He opened them once again to look at Jake afterward, wondering what this demon saw in a slut like himself other than a cheep ride. He swallowed, not seeing a reason for him to come seeing as Alex was hunting for him so that he could rest and wait. "Thats ok." He responded with a slight nod. Soon he wouldn't be able to catch prey the way he did. He was loosing his touch to draw in other males. It was stressful and actually quite painful to think about. What was he going to do once no one was interested in him anymore. Like Riku. He didn't want Alex, he wanted Jake.... and Alex had been in bed with him. Alex hid he depression as well. "Lets go.." He stated and started to move again. He was still ashamed to be with Jake after what he had done. "You'll have to go slow since I cant fly anymore." He mentioned. He wasn't fast or anything special. He wished that Jake would have let him hit the water.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:26pm May 15 2011
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Jake looked at Alex and suddenly felt as though he was doing something wrong. He looked at the floor and his tail dragged on the floor. "Umm... I guess I won't go.. I don't feel like this is something I should be doing.. You don't seem to want me to go... I'll just see you off... I'll let you go and you should also hunt for your self.. You seem really pale." He looked at Alex and all his demon aspects disappeared. He looked only like a human now. He walked to the door and opened it to let Alex out. He looked at Alex.
12:57am May 16 2011
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Alex watched him go over and open the door for him. He came over to the door but stopped at it. "Why not?" He asked, "I said you should come." He told him. He didn't want him thinking that he didn't want him to come. He just didn't want him thinking he had to and wanted him to feel better. "... You can come. I just want you to get better." He told him out loud.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:36am May 16 2011
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Jake's eyes widened a little. He wasn't used to people telling him they wanted him to be better. He looked at Alex. "Ahh.. Sorry.. It's just... Riku.. and other exes... they've just raped me and usually send me out to get them food... I mean.. I'm used to being sent out even when I'm sick or weak... I end up hurt, but it was a habit.. I'm sorry.." He looked at Alex and smiled slightly. "I'll stay just for you.. I'll get better or at least try to in the time that you are gone... I mean.. Your being really nice.. I should do what you want." he smiled and gently kissed Alex's cheek.
3:41am May 16 2011 (last edited on 5:15pm May 16 2011)
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Alex allowed him to kiss his cheek. "I'll bring you someone back." He promised him, "Be ready to attack when I come back." He told him. He would go out and hunt for himself first to gain strength, drain a human and then hunt for Jake. Preferably and angel and lure his prey back to the house because he couldn't kill them then carry them all the way back here. He wasn't strong enough to do that, plus the blood would have run cold after waiting and no one liked cold blood. He moved out of the open door, heading back into the city to hunt.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:34am May 17 2011
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Jake nodded. "Alright.. If you can't get them to come here, since I know how you hunt, just call me and I'll come to kill right away.. I mean.. Angels aren't too hard to get... Especially with your looks, but tell me if you run into trouble." He smiled and looked at Alex as he left. He waited until Alex was a good way away. He smiled and gently shut the door. He yawed and walked upstairs to get onto his balcony.
1:36am May 17 2011
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Alex traveled slowly through the darkness, letting the quiet cool air calm him from what had recently happened as he made his way into the city alone. It was nice to be with Jake, knowing that he had a place to sleep and something to eat for his human form. And now he was going out to quench his thirst for blood that his demon body was lusting. And then he would try and bring someone home with him. This would be wasy for him to do. he had been doing it all his life. And just because one demon didn't find his attractive didnt meant that he was oosing anything. And sure he didn't get to go home with that many guys lately, but that was probably because he had been focusing so hard on finding Malice. He sighed. He'd be fine.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:27am May 18 2011
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bump <3
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:33am May 18 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake yawned. His human form had taken over again and he was seeming to be very very hunrgy. He walked into teh kictehn and his tail was swishing against the floor. He walked over and picked out of the pantry, a cookie bag. He ate the cookies and the crunch was satisfying to him. He smiled and his tail wagged. He yawned and walked upstairs. "Man... This is way too boring!!" he growled and his tail wagged. He was happy to eat, but his demonic form was tired and about to pass out on him.