1:14am May 18 2011
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(bump? <3)
1:18am May 18 2011
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Alex made it into the city before choosing to walk down the main street in search of prey. There wasn't that many people out on the street, but that was a good thing. That meant vertually no witnesses and the next person to come down the street could easily be picked off. And just as that thought came to mind he spotted a young looking man, business suite and briefcase. He looked tired and like he could use some rest. Well, Alex could give that to him. He crossed the road and got onto the side walk that the man was traveling down. He walked right past him, trying to catch him in his trap, and knew that he had succeeded when the man stopped and turned around. He was trapped. Alex turned around, as if he didn't know what was going on at smiled at the man. The man looked dumbfounded, like he didn't understand what was going on and Alex knew that he wasnt gay, but found it odd to be interested in another man. Alex purred quietly to himself and walked back over to the man, touching his shoulders and walking around him slowly. "Like what you see?" He asked seductively, his voice low and soothing. The man didn't respond, "You look tired... you should go to bed...." Alex suggested, knowing that he would be thinking about Alex going with him. "Hmm?" Alex sighed. He walked off, seeming to loose interest, last test. The man followed him and Alex smirked and stopped. "My apartment is right there..." The man suggested, and Alex smiled at him. "Ok." He replied and turned to follow him up the stairs to an apartment building and as the man unlocked the door he looked around, making sure no one would see him go in. The door was opened and Alex followed him inside. He was immediately attacked by the man, pressed again the now closed door. Alex smiled at him, drawing him in until the man finally cracked and pulled him close, those he was still against the door. Alex purred, coaxing the man in as he went to kiss his neck, already tugging at his waist band of his pants. This is when Alex took the opportunity to link the exposed skin of the man's neck, something that helped healed wounds, but it was only a habbit and Alex planned on killing him. He suck his teeth in quickly before he could pull awa.y The man cried out, but Alex increased the pressure on his neck until he couldn't make any noises. soon the man was wuiet on his own, Alex's saliva had a chemical that caused his victim to feel pleasure, so the man would be very happy and relaxed as his life was taken from him. Alex backed him up to the couch and straddling him there to finished the job. Once done and he couldn't get any more from him he licked his neck again until the wound was gone and Alex laid him down and left the apartment quickly and was out on the street once again looking for an angel this time for Jake.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:34am May 19 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:37am May 19 2011
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Jake yawned and stretched out his wings. A sudden feeling of pain ran along his wings and down his back. He grabbed his wings and noticed that one was broken. He growled and walked back inside, the broken wing was dragging along the floor and limp. He walked into the restroom and grabbed some bandage wrapping. He tightly wrapped his wing and continued to try and transform himself into a slightly more demonic form. He wanted to quickly heal, but his demonic side already quit on him. Jake felt a slight twinge of pain when he could feel Alex with the other man. He growled under his breath and grabbed something to bend. He bit down on his bed post and left scratches. He looked around and noticed an ominous air about. He walked onto the balcony and noticed that dark clouds had begun to form. His eyes became worrisome. He knew that black clouds usually mean Riku. He clasped his hands together, hoping Alex would be okay.
9:12am May 19 2011
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Alex left the apartment building, feeling less tired and weak now that he had eaten something, though he was still hungry and now that he had had blood he was lustful as well. He couldn't help his body functions. Pain and blood aroused him matter what was going on, it was in his nature as an extremely sexual demon.
He was going to have to hunt harder for an angel this time. They were hard to find and they had to know that there were demons in this city, whether they knew how many or not.
He inhaled deeply, searching for an angel's scent in the air. It was a sweet scent, like honey suckles. He thought that he could smell something and started moving in that general direction. Heading toward the clouds without really thinking anything about it. Human whether was so unpredictable but that was okay.
The whether didn't hurt him here like some demons so he didn't have to worry too much about getting caught in a storm. The only thing would be that he would have to wait with an angel if he found one, doubting that he would follow Alex all the way back to Jake's house.
He was walking slowly, smelling for then angel that he had gotten a whiff of earlier.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:21pm May 19 2011
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Jake looked at the sky and sighed slightly. His wings were broken in several places and he couldn't retract them either. Luckily, humans couldn't see the wings when they were broken. It was a defense mechanism to conceal their real forms. Jake walked onto the blacony. He sniffed around in the air and caught Alex's scent. He knew Alex had eaten since he smelled of fresh human blood. Jake gave a nice and relaxed smiled. He knew Alex was going to find him a nice angel or human and bring him here. His feeling of peace disappeared when he caught the scent of a honey suckle scented angel. He could feel the power from this one. However, he could also catch the scent of its blood. He knew he was hurt, but the woud didn't really seem too bad to Jake. The blood was not running like crazy. "Come on Alex... Use your charm..." He sat down on the balcony wall and looked on at the lake.
1:45am May 20 2011
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Alex continued in the direction that he was going, he could smell some blood now as he went and knew that the angel was hurt somewhere. He didn't mind it as long as he could follow him back to Jake's place on his own without Alex having to do too much for him to get there. Eventually he could smell the other as if he were standing right around him, but he couldn't see him. He moved off of the sidewalk and leaned against the side of a building to look around without having to suddenly stop and look and be suspicious. He looked nonchalant as he looked around until he noticed the angel. It had to be him. He looked like he was in pain and he was the only other one on the street. He smirked, and moved forward, stalking his prey. He came up behind him. "You're hurt..." He said gently, his face concerned. The angel whirled on him, looking like he was going to attack. It took everything that Alex had for him not to flinch or flat out run for it. "I wont hurt you... Im just concerned." Alex said, completely honest. He wasn't going to hurt him, Jake was. And he was concerned about carrying him back to Jake's. "I can help you..." Alex told him, watching the angel's ex pression change from defensive to hurt again. Alex placed his hands on the Angel's chest. "In more ways that one..." He said quietly. Looking up at the angel. Alex had the ability to turn any man on, straight or not. Once Alex set his mind on them, there was no way to escape. It was his demonic charm. "You can come back to my place... And I'll make you feel better...." He said slowly, walking his fingers up the Angel's body. "And you don't even have to call me later...." He purred, looking up at the Angel. "...Ok..." The angel responded before following Alex as he walks away
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:58am May 20 2011
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Jake could smell the blood begin to move. The faint scent getting somewhat stronger as they approached over to him. He growled slightly but knew Alex was only there to get him food. He smacked his lips already. He could already feel the warm angel blood drip down his chin and the other meat and skin go down his throat. He smiled and his tail siwhed around a little. He walked inside and walked back into the house. He shut the sliding door before he got too excited about his next meal. Jake walked to the bathroom and he looked at his broken wings. He sighed. "I knew there was a toll for going full demon... My wings broke with his power... Too much flight and way too fast... But... better these then something else.." he sighed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. His tail swished around adn he began to pick up the pieced to the smashed vases. He threw it all away and sighed. It was his favorite vase because of the small sunset roses that were growing in it. He picked up the smashed flowers and walked outsdie. He let the petals be carried off his open hand and into the breeze.

2:12am May 20 2011
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Alex moved his hips more than really neccassary as he walked, flipping his hair every once in a while to keep the male interested. He was happy to find that he really didn't have to do any of these things since the Angel was simply following him anyway. He was actually getting close and more aggressive, like most men did when they were hooked on his scent. He moved his body against the back of Alex, staying there and bumping him every few minutes to make him move faster. Alex was ok with it, he was used to Angels and their ways. All of them did this, get aggressive over their partners and pushed them around to show dominance. Whereas demons just knew, they didn't have to hurt once another like Angel's did. The angel seemed to purr behind him once he saw the house that they were looking for. Alex purred back and was pushed again and strumbled a little forward. Alex opened the door and let the angel go in first and he was immediateky pressed to the closed door and being felt up. Alex tilted his head up, closeing his eyes and enjoyed it. The blood was getting him in the mood, making it hard too resist any sort of sensual. But he knew that Jake would attack the angel soon as he went after Alex's zipper to his jeans. Alex huffed hotly, letting it happen. "
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:14am May 21 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:25am May 22 2011
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Jake growled deeply when he could sense that the two were inside his home. The blood trail wa smuch stronger but was much too close to Alex for Jake's comfort. Quietly, Jake snuck out of his room and to the stairs. He smiled when he saw the angel. He jumped onto the railing and then fell down to the floor. He landed lightly on his feet and grabbed the angel. He pushed him to teh floor and his canines grew longer, ready to get the blood flowing and ready to shred up the flesh and crush the bones. Jake's nails grew longer and created a trap around the angel's wrists. His tail flicked side to side. He looked at the angel. The honeysuckle smell was coming from the wound. "You smell delicious... I hope you enjoyed your time here... tell the big guy that you were taken by a demon.." He bit into the angel's wound, tearing it into a gash and suckling the blood from the flowing wound.
2:54am May 22 2011
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Alex sighed, the angel gone from him and now on the floor with Jake. He moved away from the door and around Jake and his meal and away up the stairs and to one of Jake's guest rooms to lay down. He wasn't tired. He'd just fed and that Angel's wound had gotten his own blood flowing. Unlike his own meal who had only brought back his stamina. He wasn't sure if Jake wanted him in his bed either after what he had done to him. He pulled himself into a comfortable position on the bed and sighed, making himself calm down so that he could possibly sleep. He hoped that Jake would finish soon and that the blood smell would go away.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:01am May 22 2011
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Jake drained the now limp angel of every drop of blood. He smiled and licked the blood from his lips. He looked at the flesh and saw that it began to disappear more quickly than the usual meals. He growled and grabbed up the bones. His demonic form took over and he ate the bones quickly. His wings were healed now and his human form took over once more. He made his wings disappear and he walked upstairs. He looked into his room and found that Alex wasn't there. He sniffed the air and caught Alex's scent. He walked to one of the guest rooms and opened the door cautiously, unsure of what he will see. He entered and walked over to the bed, placing his hand on Alex's head. "hey.. Why are you here? You should be with me, in my bed.. It's way more fluffy than all the other matresses in my house." Jake smiled and gently kissed Alex's head.
3:57pm May 22 2011
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Alex looked up at Jake when he came into the room, he smelled thickly like blood. He inhaled deeply as he came over to the bed and put his hand over Alex's head. He would have gone to Jake's room in the first place if he had known that he wanted him there. "Sorry..." He apologized. "Did you get enough?" He asked, sitting up, "Do you need more? Should I get more for you?"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:43am May 23 2011
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Jake smiled and chuckled. "no no.. You need to calm down.. My demon form only needs one angel for 2 weeks.. I'm fine right now.. Plus, i'm going to hunt something down later." He gently kissed Alex's head and held his hand. "You don't need to worry about me anymore." he smiled and wrapped his arms around Alex's waist. He carried him and walked out to his own room. He walked in and placed Alex on the bed. "Sorry if I shouldn't carry you, But i want you in this room. I;ll treat you like royalty.. And you don't deserve that lumpy bed."
11:19pm May 23 2011
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Alex continued to look up at Jake as he explained that he would be okay for the moment and that his demon body would be satisfied for the time being. He nodded, he would have gone out for more for him if he needed it. He wanted to make up for going with Riku even though Jake had asked him not to. He wrapped his arms automatically around Jake's shoulders, though he was surprised to be picked up, as he carried him to his own bedroom. He didn't want to be dropped again. Once today was already too many times for him. He was set gently onto the bed and he immediately knew how he could try and make up for going with Riku. "I deserve a lumpy bed..." He said softly, "I dont even deserve a bed." He told him and sat up on his knees in front of Jake on the bed. "I'm sorry..." He apologized and wrapped his arms around Jake's shoulders once again and began to kiss his neck. He nipped the skin there and left small red marks as he did so.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:47am May 24 2011
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Jake blushed as the nips began to get closer and closer to his sensitive spot on his neck. He purred slightly and wrapped his arms around Alex's waist. "Oh really? I think you deserver the best bed money can get you.. I mean. In the human world... The demon beds are much different.. But you deserve the very best.." He smiled and kissed Alex's lips. He wrapped his arms tighter around Alex's waist, not wanting to let him go. Jake's tail began to swish around and he pulled Alex closer to him. The heat on his body from Alex was already a big turn on for him. He licked Ale'x neck gently and nipped slightly, leaving some light pink marks. He waitied for Alex's response, unsure of what to do.
1:07am May 24 2011
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Alex purred, knowing that Jake's response was a good sign. And he needed this, the blood from that angel like him aroused and he could do something about it now. He loved that Jake pulled him closer, he wanted it too. He moved so that he could get to his neck. He closed his eyes for a moment, his breathing already increased. He moved after a moment and went to nibble his earlobe gently. "Sleep with me..." Alex said quietly against his lips, hoping that he would, he'd go crazy if he didn't. He licked his ear down to his neck and collar bone. There he moved one of his hands down to his pants tugged on Jake's pant line once, getting his message accross.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:03am May 24 2011
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Jake smiled. "How can i deny you? Your scent had me already." He got up on teh bed and gently pinned Alex to the bed. His tail swishing. He kissed Alex's collar and overt to his ear. He placed his hand gently on Alex's chest and licked his lips. "Your scent is really... arousing.. I can't help this any longer." He wrapped his tail around Alex's waist and smiled. He already wanted him. His tail tugged at Alex's pants.
2:26am May 24 2011
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Alex allowed himself to be pinned, loved it even as Jake crawled above him and accepted his request. He moved his jaw up so that Jake could have more room around his sensitive neck, shives running along his body at every touch Jake gave him. He purred, loving the attention he was getting.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~