12:26am May 25 2011
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(what do you wanna do?? Time skip to later?)
1:03am May 25 2011
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(( Sure ^.^ ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:12am May 25 2011
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(alright. Itt'll be midnight.) Jake opened his eyes. He tried to move, but his body as so heavy to him. He held his back with his hand and looked around on the bed. He could see two figures. He was worried. Who was the other demon. He could barely remember anything passed a few hours ago. he looked at thte two figures and moved teh blanket from teh first one. He let out a sigh of relief. He wrapped his arms around Alex and pulled him closer. "Oh thank god..." Jake looked over at teh second one adn pulled the cover off. he held Alex tighter adn noticed the other one had black hair. his eyes widened and he looked at Riku. He growled slightly, wondering what had happened. He looked at Alex, not wanting the truth righ tnow.
1:14am May 25 2011
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Posts: 7,187
( I would SOOOOOOO reply to you on chatzy but it thinks ive spammed the boards so it wont let me post ): I even have my reply and everything D: )
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:20am May 25 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Alex groaned slightly, he could barely move his own body. He was exhausted. So, though the strong arms of Jake were trusted, they were unwanted seeing as they stirred him from his sleep. He opened his eyes to Jake for a moment, blinked, and then curled into him quietly, his wings tuckled tightly to his back as he did so. He felt the pressure that Jake was holding him with increase and he frowned but didn't protest. "Jake..." He murmured tiredly and went to kiss his neck gently a few times before tuckling his head against his chest once more.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:33am May 25 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(awww... how did you do that??) Jake released Alex. He hadn't realised how tightly he was holding him. If what he believed happened was true, then Alex was probably feeling how he was. he let Alex g, leaving one arm under Alex so he could still wrap his arm around him lighty. He got a little closer and noticed Riku stir from his sleep. Jake's wings folding tightly ag ainst his body. Riku opened his eyes and sat up. he yawned, seeing as he was the only one who didn't have a worn out body. He strecthed and looked at Jake, who pretended to be asleep. he licked Alex's neck. "Thanks for the good time... Better keep Jake close or I'll take you." he kissed Jake's lips and stood up. "You don't have to pretend Jake. Your energy is above the sleeping level... So i know your awake." he walked over to the balcony and spead his wings.
1:38am May 25 2011 (last edited on 4:32pm May 25 2011)
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Posts: 7,187
(( Posting too many times at once on my other Chatzy page? ); Im not sure.... )) Alex turned to see Riku moving as well, and even though he hadn't actually hurt him yet, he was still afraid on his movements. He couldn't help but to flinch slightly when he liced his neck, releaved that that seemed to be the only thing that he was giong to do to him. "Good-bye Riku...." Alex murmured, not wanting to upset him. He turned back to Jake once again. He felt safe with him. He would stop clinging to him and bothering him when Riku left. And if he wanted they could go again or Alex could go out and serach for more food for Jake.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:59am May 25 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake held onto Alex gently so he idn't cause any more pain than was already there. He tried not to face Riku, but it couldn't be helped since Alex was facing him and he didn't want to imturn his back to Alex. He looked at Riku, his eyes seeming to look passed him instead of at him. He growled. "Get out already RIku.. You've caused a lot of pain already.. Literally and mentally.. Now leave... I'll kill you.." Riku laughed. "How cute... Anwyways, I will leave, just keep an eye on teh angel. I like his scent. Adn you alreayd know me. WHatever scent i like.. I will take it.. That's how I got oyu.. Your previous lover is burried in teh ground because he tried to keep you to himself." he smield adn flappe dhis wings strongly, sneding flower petals from teh cheery trees flying into Jake's room. He flew into the sky and looke dback at the house. "What a cute little house.. I'll come back later.." he flew to the clouds and opened a hole in space. He flew through, returning to his own world.
5:03pm May 25 2011
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Alx remained quiet and still, listening to Alex and Jake talk to each other. He didn't move or speak until he could heard Riku's wings behind him as he left them alone in the room and in the house. He relaxed lightly, sighing. He moved to kiss Jake's neck again gently, not wanting to upset him either. He could already tell that he was mad at Riku, and possibly himself. "Jake.." He murmured but paused. He wondered if he had been close to his last lover. He moved so that he was even closer to Jake, it hurt to move. "Do you want me to do anything for you?" He asked, kissing his neck more. "Anything." He repeated. He wanted to both keep Jake from being mad and to pay him back for being nice to him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:29am May 26 2011
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Jake looked at Alex and smiled slightly. He was still pissed off, but that was not Alex's fault. he wrapped his arms aroud Alex's body. "Just... Just lay here with me and keep my warm. I don't want to loose you to that guy and I really want to just keep you with me. I don't want to let you go right now. Please just keep me warm." He held Alex a little tighter, not wanting to hurt his body tho. He hugged Alex and gave a demonic pur.
11:56pm May 26 2011
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Alex listened to Jake request quietly, looking at his face now. "Ok," He responded quietly, moving to touch Jake's cheek softly. "I'll stay with you." He told him, "And keep you warm." He added. He loved the fact that jake wanted to just lay and cuddle. He had always wanted to cuddle afterward. It was just something that he thought should happen. He purred as well as he closed his eyes to enjoy the closeness of Jake.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:04am May 27 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake smiled and brought Alex as close as he could. He held the boy like a kid would hold a favorite teddy bear. He placed his head on Alex's and just wanted to keep this moment forever. Jake was so happy and was just really happy to just have alex around him. His tail wagged and he let his wings drop down over them. He wrapped them gently against Alex to keep them both warm. he kissed ALex's head and purred.
1:08am May 27 2011
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Alex sighed. He felt a lot warmer with Jake wing over them. And he even felt like sleeping a little bit more since his body hurt so much. We wondered if Jake was tired too or not. He wouldn't sleep unless Jake fell asleep first, not wanting to be rude to his host and current partner and roommate. It was going to be hard to leave this weekend.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:55am May 27 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake continued to pur but his eyes welled with tears when he noticed what day it was. He let them fall but he didn't let any of them hit Alex to tip him off. He burried his face in Alex's back. His tail flopped down over the bed and his wings went limp. he shut his eyes tightly. He didn't wqan tthe weekend to come. he didn't want this to end adn he didn't want to be left alone again. He kept his hold on Alex. "Dont go.."
3:32am May 27 2011
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Alex wasn't aware of Jake's thought process or his feelings. But he was aware of his movements and he left them happen. He heard what he had to say and moved a little underneath Jake's grasp, not trying to get away, just getting more comfortable. "I'm not going anywhere..." He murmured softly, reassuring Jake. He didn't know that he was referring to staying with him even as the weekend came. "I'm right here." He told him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:00am May 28 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake shook his head. He seemed to feel vulnerable to Alex. If Alex left this weekend, he would have nobdy and would have to rely on other demons for companionship and est to have even just to have someone around him. He kissed Alex's back gently. "No.. I mean.. Don't leave me this weekend. You told me that you would only stay with me until the weekend.. And we aren't very far from that day." he hugged Alex a little more. "please Alex? Stay with me and be mine forever.. I won't treat you like some piece of tash like others have... I will make you feel at home."
11:37pm May 28 2011
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Alex opened his eyes, quietly listening to Jake. His stomach seemed to come alive and was filled with butterflies as he told him that he would treat him well. But he was still sad about the fact. About the fact that he was still in love with Malice. It was too soon for him to love someone else. He turned around and faced Jake, putting his hands on his chest, feeling the strength there, he rubbed the skin there a little, very slowly. He laid his head against his chest and was quiet. "I... don't know Jake." He told him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:13am May 29 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake looked down. He didn't even want to face Alex right now with how he was feeling. "I....i.... see.. I'm sorry." He pulled away and continued to avoid eye contact with Alex. He felt so heartbroken. This always happened to him. he would fall for someone who he thought would be the person who would treat him right and keep him, but then it turned out to only be a fleeting romance. He clenched his fists a little and let his emotion take over. His whole body seemed to shut down on him and he just walked to the balcony. His wings spread but he didn't even want to flap them. He let out a sigh of sadness and felt the same aura he did when Riku was coming. Riku flew down and landed on the balcony. "I see that you've been troubled Jake... Come on... You know I treat you how you should be treated. and you know you don't really care about someone loving you. You just want someone to control you." He placed his hand around Jake's neck and squeezed. "You... You will never leave me again.. Understand? You don't deserve anything outside what I give you..." He squeezed tighter.

4:19am May 29 2011
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Posts: 7,187
(( sorry... chatzy wouldn't let me sign on ): )) Alex frowned, feeling Jake move out from under his touch, making him feel very cold with the sudden loss of the other's heat. He felt like crying. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't everyone just leave him alone. DIdn't he deserve happiness too? Instead of just giving it to others? He wanted happiness but it seemed like no one thought about anyone but themselves and he was always left with the hard dissisions like this. Go and have a chance to meet his true soul mate, or stay and possible be miserable. Never to find the one that he had been made for. He watched Jake get up and out of the bed. He continued to lay there, abandoned, before he acually shifted to get up as well. It hurt and he whimpered slightly. They had been so rough last night. Cure, he had needed it, wanted it even, but he didn't think about the next day. Once out of the bed he moved around his slowly to grab up his underwear, jeans, sweater, and heels and got dressed quickly. He was unaware of Riku outside so he didn't bother to try and help Jake. Instead, he moved out of the bedroom. He went downstairs, moving slowly, and out into the front years. He would hunt, and then he would leave this town behind. He may go back to his own world, or he may continue to travel this one in search of something that he would never find. He moved slowly, his body aching. He needed a shower and human food for his human body. It was worn out and he may get sick. BUt he couldn't stay here and hurt Jake anymore or be hurt by him. He was nice, he would find someone else that would love him immediatle like he was expeted Alex to do.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:36am May 29 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake began to choke. He didn't expect Riku to come when he was feeling like this. He grabbed Riku's wrist with both his hands and pulled. He could no longer breathe but he also felt Alex's scent getting dimmer and dimmer. He didn't want Alex to leave. He didn't want to loose someone who had actually loved him He wanted to have Alex. He only wanted to have Alex to himself. His head began to go blank and his body started to go numb. He knew this feeling all too well. His thoughts stopped and his eyes shut. He took his final breath before he passed out form lack of oxygen. Riku smiled and chained Jake's arms and legs. He chained his midsection and wings so he would carry him. He flew up and sniffed around for Alex. He flew to where the boy was and hovered above him. "Hey, you... Look at what you did to him... He couldn't even fight me back.." he smirked and licks his lips a little. "You know... Jake had something.. But he did exactly what you did... He loved another man... and well... Jake was abandoned. This time, Jake just got up and you left him... This poor demon... Needing to come back to me just to get what he wants..." He held the chain rope that bound Jake and held Jake just above Alex. "Tell me.... How long did it take him to break his heart again? 2 days? 1 and half days?" Riku laughed.
