7:14pm May 30 2011
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Alex looked up at Riku, surprised to find him back so soon, but even more surprised to find that he had Jake with him. Chained. He growled and glared up at Riku, listening to what he had to say about Jake. He watching him lower Jake close to him but didn't yet. "What does he want, Riku?" He asked, "Seeing as you know so much about him." He jumped suddenly, reaching out and grabbing the chain the bound Jake around the midsection and swung himself so that he flipped and caught onto the chain dangling from Riku's hand. "More importantly," He smirked and climbed up quickly and wrapped his legs securly around Riku's waist. "What do you want, Riku?" he climbed onto the demon's back and wrapped his arm around Riku's neck. This all happened in a matter of seconds. "You seemed to have gotten what you wanted last night..." Alex hissed. He brought his nails down to Riku's neck. "You've become a thorn in my side, Riku." He growled, suddenly not the weak demon he was yesterday before he had hunted. "Explain to me quickly why you've chained him before I lose my patience!" He barked and then paused and smirked again, flipping his long hair to the side. "And my fingers..." He dug into the skin of Riku's neck and he moved to lick Riku's ear slowly with a purr. "Slip." He threatened seductively. He was fast, flexible, and he knew every pressure point in the body. He could be used as a lethal weapon if he wanted, though he preferred not to get his hands, or nails, dirty. "What is it, Riku~" He purred again, "Money?" He asked, the clink of demon money could he heard in one of his hidden pockets. "Sex?" He slowly moved his pelvis against Riku, making a very lewd noise into his ear. "Power?" He coninued, moving his arm to show that he had the power to cut off his oxygen supply.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:45am May 31 2011
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Riku laughed and he flew up higher, as high as one of the clouds. "You know.... I've chianed him only because Jake is one of those demons that just seems to need somone to command him. To praise him when he's done good. And a demon who just wants to sit at his masters side adn wag his tail to any command given. If you wanted, you could always just say his one phrase to have him under your complete control. He can be used as a demonic weapon of destruction.." Riku rolled Jake up and held the demon close to his body. "And to answer your question. I chained him so that I can dump him into the very lake he created. His wingsare very quick to react when he is in danger. I dont intend to rid of him quickly however. I plan to use his power to take hwat I want from here." He dropped Jake by accident and grabbed the chain just as it was out of reach. "Almost dropped him onto cement.." "And as to what I desire... Is to see everything Jake has leave him just as he sees it in his grasp. He wants someone to love him... someone who won't leave him... However, this demon doesn't seem to able to find anybody like that. Every person he thinks loves him only ends up walking ouyt on him. Have you ever asked why he lives so far out? Why his home is hidden from everything in this world.. And why he has a barrier for demons up aroudn his home? no? well, I'd love to tell you... But If I drop him because you threaten me, he can't save himself. And I know you don't use your wings." He smiled. "Now, Alex... Will you release my neck... I can always threaten you with dropping this demon and hunting down the demon you plan to leave him for... What's his name... Malik? Malice? Around there... But anyways, just release me and I wont drop him... And I'll tell you anything you want to know about what he wants." Riku flew down quickly, stopping just as Jake's nose grazed the cement.

1:09am May 31 2011
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Alex growled, listening to what Riku had to say, showing his fangs as he spoke. He was really starting to make Alex angry. "I dont think you understand your situation here Riku..." Alex growled. "I dont care if you drop him." He hissed, "I left him... remember?" He chuckled. "But if you so much as hurt him I'll kill you without thinking twice." He pressed his nails into Riku's neck. He could tell that the were on the verge of breaking skin. "And I would... absolutely love for you to go and find Malice." Alex purred, looking down at Jake, chained below them. "Then I'll never have to see your face again." He smirked, then sighed. "It would be such a waste." He stated, "You are very skilled in the bedroom..." He said quietly. He paused, "Oh well..." He said, "Whats in going to be?" He asked. "Do you want to die today Riku?"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:22am May 31 2011
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Riku sighed and since Jake was only inches from the ground, he released the chain and jake flopped onto the cement. Riku looked at Jake only to see his eyes were open and already wet with tears. He chuckled and pulled Alex's hands from his neck. "Listen.... Look what you've done now... He's already on teh verge of tears." He flew out from under Alex and looked at Jake. He could finally hover upright. "So anyways... I should be heading off.." he began to fly away. Jake let the tears spill. "So that's what you think.. Alex..." His wings pressed agianst the chains and his eyes turned from white and brown to black and red. His canines and nails growing to about an inch each. His markings begant o creep all over his body. His tail stretched out more and the end was now a mess of spikes. His wings shed all the feathers and were now leathery. They broke the chains and he growled. He was already half way to be released. He flapped his wings strongly, which sent out a gust of wind toward some people walking. He growled deeper adn his voice became demonic and twisted with his human voice. "I'll just get rid of myself if you don't care if I had fallen.."

1:57am May 31 2011
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Alex hit the ground hard, landing on his feet though it hurt him slightly. He had succeeded in gtting rid of Riku, but Jake had heard everything. He panted slightly so that he didn't make any noises of pain. "Jake.. wait." He said quietly. "Th-thats not what I think." He told him, afraid to move toward him. "I only said that so he would let you go...." He told him. He felt his heart throb but he refused to let himself cry. He hadn't meant for Jake to hear any of that, it wasn't fair that he had he knew it wasn't. "Please..." He stated, looking at Jake. "Hurt me... instead. " He told him, "Dont get rid of yourself... get rid of me... make it slow and painful I dont care just... Dont do anything rash." He pleaded.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:19am May 31 2011
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Jake shook his head. "It's too late. I already see what you want...." Jake began to walk into the forest. "i'm going home..." Tears fell from his eyes as his demonic form began to loose shape again and he reverted to his human form. He ran quickly, his heart acheing and his head throbbing. Why could he never find anybody who wouldn't use him for sex or run off when he thought they loved him. He growled. "You idiot.. Your stupid to think anybody would ever like you.. Idiot.. Idiot! You should die because you fail at all this..." He ran to teh lake and looked over at the water. "Maybe... I should just drown myself..." Jake couldn't bear any of this anymore. He couldn't find any happiness, which was what he came here in teh first place for. He couldn't keep anybody with him for a certain amount of time. And he couldn't let himself get over someone. He growled and flopped down on teh sand, tears spilling from his eyes. "Why me... Why can't I find someone who will just love me.." He turned onto his stoamch, hoping to inhale sand adn dust and clog his windpipe.

3:46am Jun 1 2011
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Alex turned and watched Jake go. He took a quick step toward him but then forced himself to stop and calm down. This was best. He couldn't stay here and hurt Jake anymore or be hurt by him. He was nice, he would find someone else that would love him immediatly... like he was expeting Alex to do. Alex stared after the space that Jake had disappeared into. He didn't want him to hurt himself though. He raised his hand to his chest where his fingers instantly found the necklace that he always wore. It was black and beated and held a crystal crusifix on the end like the one that appeared on Alex's forhead. He gripped it tightly before he moved into the direction that Jake had disappeared into. He followed a scent trail to the lake and saw Jake on the sand. He sighed and walked over to him, pulling the necklace off of his neck as he walked. "Jake..." He murmured, looking down at the demon. He bent and dropped the necklace next to Jake's hand. "I.. want you to have this." He told him. "It'll bring you luck." He told him, "I really didn't mean what I said.... And...... I hope you find someone.... that deserves you... Jake." He told him. Alex straightend up and turned away from the nicest demon that he had ever met and began his never ending journey in search of something that he would never find. He would hunt and move on to the next city, the next town. Away from here and from anywhere with a lake or anything to remind him of Jake.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:43am Jun 2 2011
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Jake held his head up to look at the necklace that had fallen at his hand. He grabbed it and looked it over. The design was nice and he looked for Alex to thank him, but the demon had already left. He sat up and splashed his face with the water from teh lake before he stood up and placed the necklace around his neck. He looked down at it and it still had alex's scent. He frowned slightly and walked toward the direction Alex had gone. Jake sniffed around, trying to catch Alex's scent. The necklace lightly bouncing off his chest as he sniffed high and low to catch just a wiff of Alex. He finallt caught a small smell and followed it. It was faint from all the shrubs and trees around him, but he could still lock onto it. He followed more quickly and had his hand up. His nails long enough to slice through the branches that hung low. He wanted so desperately to find Alex.
1:30am Jun 2 2011
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Alex was still heading into the city. All he wanted was a human. He had fed already and recently so a human would hold him so that he could make it to the next town. From there he could try and find someone else to stay with and possibly stay in this world. But it was a strong idea to go back to his own. He reached back and tried up his hair, he would keep it that way until he had a shower and erased Jake and Riku's scent from him with a nice and hot shower whenever he got it. And he had o remember to get some human food into his rapidly sickening human form.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:14am Jun 2 2011
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Jake ran along the scent trail and it became stronger as he got closer to teh city. Does he plan to leave without tellign me. No... It would be natural.. he doesn't love me.. So.. Why would he tell me.. Jake stopped as he neared the city. He could smell another demon and a strong angel. He growled slightly and quickly slipped into an alley. He looekd around. "Where is that angel..." His demonic form began to push its way out. His tail and nails already longer. His markings flitting onto his body. (done. but sleepy so it's crappy.. Night. T-T)
2:48am Jun 3 2011
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Alex could smell the angel, bt he wasn't going to try and find it. If it came to him on its own he wouldn't refuse it's wonderful blood. He had wanted the angel's blood that he had lead to Jake. He had mselled its blood even as he laid in he guest's bedroom upstairs in Jake's home. He could smell it on Jake when he came to take him from that room and Alex had lusted for its taste. But he was in a hurry to leave before Riku returned or Jake came after him in rage or to return his necklace. which Alex didn't want to happen, it would devastate him. Alex stopped in the middle of the street, smelling for human for a moment before moving off of the street and onto the sidewalk instead so that he didn't stand out too much.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:32am Jun 5 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:07am Jun 6 2011
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Jake rana through the bushes and out into the street. A car came qhizzing by him and people starred as tehy saw the scratches on the car from Jake's nails, which were grazed by the car. Jake looekd around and walked off, following Alex's scent. He wanted desperately to find his love. he knew he had to have him. Whether or not he didn't like him back. He ran into an alleyway so he could transform, but was quickly slashed all across his back. His blood splattering on the walls. He let out a small yelp and fell forward. He looked at the necklace, making sure the chain wasn't broken He turned over and looked at his atacker. The angel he had sniffed earlier. Why hadn't he sensed his prescence?! He looekd at the angel and his body was already healing itself. He could smell his own blood and he cringed at the scent. He didn't like his own blood scent. But pother demons couldn't resist it. He glared. "W-What the hell.." The angel smiled at his attack. "I've been ordered to kill a demon who has been here forever adn killing innocetn people adn many many angels. The 'Fallen Angel' demon... The only demon here with black feathered wings and leathery demonic wings when he's released. I'm here to give you the final blow of life... ANything you regret?" He raised his hand, a light saber coming to his palm and he raised it above Jake.

3:26am Jun 7 2011
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Alex hadn't seen Jake, but he had smelled him. Had be followed him all the way from the beach where he had left him, through that forest, and into the city? Alex inhaled deeply, smelling for a location and turned in the direction the scent was coming from strongly. He smirked and moved across the street in search of where the scent was actually coming from. it was probably one of the many alleyways in the city. But he could feel himself getting closer, feel jake getting closer to him and he moved a little bit faster. Even more eager to find him now that he could smell his scent. He looked down one of the many alley ways he had passed to see some sort of light. He stopped and focused on what it could be, and saw that it was clearly and angel and Jake. He frowned and then realized what was happening. the angel was going to kill him. He couldn't let that happen. Alex growled and his wings slid out from underneath his shirt and he dashed down the ally, his wings flapping so that he would move even faster. It was really the only useful thing they could do now. He hit the angel head on and knocked him right off of Jake and to the side. He didn't care if he got hurt, he only wanted to help Jake.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:41am Jun 8 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:21am Jun 9 2011
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Jake jumped when he saw Alex rush the angel. The sitar landed in front of him and Jake looked at it as it disappeared. He stood up and held his shoulder, which took major damage in the first swipe the angel gave him. He panted slightly with his blood loss. He looked at the two on the floor and he smelled his own blood again. he cringed and quickly ran to Alex. He grabbed him adn pulled him away, holding him tightly in his good arm. "Alex.. Dont.." The angel looked at Jake and his sitar appeared in his hand once again. "You know what... Look at this.... An angel of high age and high power.... Here with another demon... " He raised the sitar and swiped at Alex. It his Jake's wings and flung back. "Damn.." He looked at Jake and Alex. He back up slightly, not wanting to face two demons even if he was able to injure one.
11:24pm Jun 9 2011
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Alex glared at the angel, ready to press pressure points and free himself from Jake's grip and defend them. He might be able to make a meal out of this demon. He could smell Jake's blood and it smelled wonderful. He gripped Jake's arm that was around his wait with his nails, "I'll show you a demon!" He hissed, his wings still revealed from underneath his sweater. The ruffled, showing how angry and clearly defensive Alex was.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:26am Jun 10 2011
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Jake looked at Alex and he could tell that he couldn't restrain him anymore. Jake's arm bled from the puncture wounds Alex's nails caused. He released Alex and put his hand on his wounds. He began to go demonic. His wounds began to heal and he placed his wings around him to act as a sheild. The outside as strong as steel. He began to heal himself. The angel looked at Alex. "Tch... Really? Do you want to face me demon.." his wings spread out and he smiled. His sitar came to him again and he walked closer. He held his sitar to Alex's neck and pressed the point into his neck slightly.
5:29am Jun 10 2011
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Alex felt Jake's grip loosen and his arm was finally gone as Jake moved away from him. That was good, he wanted Jake to heal. He couldn't do anything for himself if he was bleeding out ono the sidewalk. Alex, on the other hand, raised his chin as the sitar came ino contact with his neck. He kept his gaze on the Angel, his black markings slowly appearing across his skin. His fangs and nails lengthened and his pupils narrowed into small slits. He reached up and wrapped his fingers slowly around the weapon at hand and smirked. "Yes." He responded before gripping the weapon tightly. "But the question is..." He pushed hard on the weapon toward the angel. It hit the angel's shoulder hard. He snarled, "Can you handle me?" He asked.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:35pm Jun 12 2011
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Jake's vision began to blur and his heart was pounding in his head. He knew he could survive the cut but the angel's wounds were the hardest ones to heal. He panted slightly as he kept all his energy focused on the wound on his back. He could barely hear anything but he could hear them well enough. His back slightly smoked with the holiness of the wound on his tainted skin. The necklace around his neck was the only thing he could actually feel on his numbing body. "Alex... Please don't..." He slipped into unconciousness and his hand came to rest on the floor, pale. The angel smiled and healed his wound quickly. "Ahh.. The question has an answer of yes. Now.. All I want to ask is.. How will you fight me when I can easily slit the fainted demons throat.." He flapped his wings and flew up the alleyway and landed on the roof of the taller building. He gathered all the light he could and made himself a whole new sitar. "come get me demon. I'll keep up a barrier so humans cant see or hear us..."
