11:46pm Mar 2 2011
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Jake walked out into the bright light of the sun. "Anyways, tell me if you recognize any signal you feel while we waalk." He held Alex's hand tighter and began to walk toward where they met each other. "mmh.. I seem to recognize this building.. I wonder if those angels were picked up already.." He drifted off and walked across the streets and down the whole walkways. "Man, it's going to get very hott his spring and summer.." He sighed and senses a new signal." Seems like.... Ketsubaki maybe... or Kyin again.. Is this Malice??"
1:00am Mar 3 2011
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Alex perked, feeling the signals and beamed. "yes!!" He said excitedly, straightening and squeazing Jake's hand a little in his pure excitement as it rushed through him. He wanted to see malice so bad it hurt, wanted to hear his voice. "This is his signal! I'm sure of it!"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:18am Mar 3 2011
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Jake laughed slightly. "how cute. Well, alright. This isn't taking too long" He smiled and walked toward the signal. It grew stronger as they neared a house that was pretty lavish. (going off the Malic's house from other rp.) He smiled and walked closer. "Will he be happy you found him?" He walked up to the door. "Well, here he is.." (is the oterh one dead for reals??)
1:23am Mar 3 2011
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[[ Yes :/ ]] Alex's heart beat faster and he couldn't help but to feel excited that he'd finally found Malice after all of this time. He breathed a little. He could sense a number of demons inside of the house, quite a few. And Alex had thought that Malice preferred his privacy. he shrugged mentally and moved forward and into the house.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:37am Mar 3 2011
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(ooh.. aww. Mordekai and Riku just mated.. T-T oh well...) Jake followed Alex and he sensed many of the feeling he felt before from demons he know earlier in his life. "Riku.. Kyin... THey're here too.. Where is Malice?" He looked at Alex and noticed that there were quite a few of the demons around the living room and kitchen. Some were also kissing and hugging with mated marks on them. He slightly felt sick, but then again, he kind of wished he had a mate. He shook his head. "Alex, where is he??"
2:16am Mar 3 2011
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"Maaaalllice!~~" He called, walking away from the door, heels clicking ever so slightly and hips swinging. He walked past the kitchen. He spotted a mas$ of blackness in the corner and stopped, placing his weight on one hip and turned to him. "Alraeus~" He purred, eyes shining playfully. "Long time no see? You never call anymore." He said, "Have you seen Malice?" He cooed smoothly, cocking his head slightly, causing his hair to fall out of his face. Alraeus stepped out of the corner, humming silenced. "Alex, you are aware Malice has a mate now, yes?" he asked, moving his shadows to form an umbrella, shielding himself from the light. "He may not be too happy, no offense," he said, dark red eyes focusing onto the other demon. He ruffled his wings, then curled them around himself, tilting his head slightly. The ancient demon sighed softly, then drifted to the kitchen, itching for actual food. Alex straightened up, clearly surprised by the news. "No, I wasn't aware..." He answered, watching him come closer and finally pas$ him and go into the kitchen. "You didn't answer my question..." He pouted, sticking out his lower lips slightly. On the outside he was fine, but the inside felt like he'd just died. He'd come all this way to find that Malice had a mate now....
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:20am Mar 4 2011
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Jake looked at Alex and walked over. His eyes darkening to blood res and the whites turning black. His tail swished back and forth. "sorry to hear about Malice getting a mate before you could get to him." Jake placed his hand on Alex's shoulder. "We can go talk to him if you'd like to." Jake's wings folded into him body. He looked around. "I think he may be upstairs."
4:55pm Mar 4 2011
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Alex looked up at Jake, for he was slightly taller than him. "No, it'd perfectly alright. I came all this way..." He smiled up at him, "I'll go see him." He let his demonic features show, seeing as everyone here was doing the same thing and shrugged out from underneath Jake's grasp and moved up the stairs in search of Malice.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:39pm Mar 4 2011
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Jake's horns grew asnd curled around to make a spiral. His wings shredding and returning to how they were before Jake got here. They were nothing but bone now. Jake's tial swished back and forth as he folloed Alex up the stairs. He noticed hiw much Alex's hips would sway when he walked. He smiled slightly. "Se.xy walk neh?" He smiled and let out a soft demon pur.
12:25am Mar 5 2011
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Alex turned to look over his shoulder at Jake, he'd followed him? Oh wel, that was fine. Not like there was going to be anything happening between Malice now. He mentioned his walk. Did that mean he liked the way that he moved when he walked? Or the way he put on foot in front of the other? "You can look but you can't touch~" He teased, continuing to move up. Once at the top e waited for Jake while he searchd for Malice's signal behind one of the many doors on this level of the house. There were so many! But then again, the house looked big on the front, meaning it was probably big on the inside as well. right? He found the signal he was looking for and continued. Hee couldn't help but wonder what kind of mate Malice had taken. Male or female. Short or tall. Powerful, or a new born. Could they make Malice feel the way he felt about him? He stopped outside of a door with Malice's scent all over it. He knocked on the door and waited until the pink haired demon answered it, his lengthy form appearing with a growl. Apparently he was already in a bad mood. Alex cocked his head, "Aw. not happy to see me?" He asked, making Malice stop and look at him. Recognition coming across his features. That felt good. Alex couldn't help but try and look over Malice into the room and see if he could spot the new mate. "What're you doing here?" He asked, moving out into the hall and closing the door behind him. "Is that the way you treat me after searchign for you for so long?" Alex asked, it actually hurt a little. "I heard about the new mate and yet I see nor smell any marks on you, Malice dear." Malice looked down at the sorter demon. weaker demon. "You heard and yet you still come?" He asked, angry rising slightly. "I've only just heard. From Alraeus. You should tell me these things if you do not want to see me, Malice." He glanced down at Malice's chest. "Alex..." "Malice!" Alex replied, not allowing himself to be sad in front of Malice, letting him win for he thrived on pain. "I know your name as wel.... But if you dont mind.... since I've come all this way. I think I'll stay here and leave tomorrow." And with that he turned and headed toward the back of the house in search of a preferrably empty room.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:14am Mar 5 2011
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Jake wad shocked slightly. His gaze followed Alex and his body soon followed. Jakes wings disapeared. "Alex, that doesnt seem good. Are you upset?" He wrapped his arm around the demon. "Hey, what's wrong?"
(sorry. wii is hard to use)
2:39am Mar 5 2011
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Alex looked down at the arm around his waist, and then up at the demon that owned it. "I'm fine, just tired. I've been looking for centuries.... now I can stop." He told the other simply. In truth... he wanted nothing more than to leave this world and to go back to his own. Forget malice and jump intp a lake of lava... "How can I thank you for helping me?" Alex asked, not really thinking about anything other than rest at this point.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:21pm Mar 5 2011
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"I don't need anything from you for helping you out." Jake smiled adn looked at Alex once again. His tail swishing. "Just allow me to accompany you to your room and to escort you out of here once we are done.. I would lik efor you to at least spend the weekend here before you disappear.." Jake smiled.
5:16pm Mar 5 2011
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Alex shifted his weight. "Why the weekend?" He asked wondering what this demon really wanted from him for him to not want anything in return for helping his out and then wanting him to stay in this city for the remaining days of this week and then the weekend. It was odd to him that anyone would want to be around him for any other reasons but for the bedroom and that was the only idea that came to mind as to what he wanted.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:24pm Mar 5 2011
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Jake looked at Alex as the blacks of his eyes melted away and spilled like tears down his cheeks. "Anyways, that's all I ask. Your the only other demon who really talked to me and for one.. You thought I was an angel.. That's not good.." His tail flicked around. "Come on.. I'll show you around town and then I'll take you whereever it is that your heading home to.. Whether it's to your own realm or to another city. I don't mind taking you there." His horns began to grow smaller and they were mere nubs.
9:38pm Mar 5 2011
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Alex thought about it with a quiet sigh, looking at the door that they were standing in front of to conclude that the room on the other side was empty. "I'll stay the weekend." he agreed finally, "And keep you company as you show me the city." he stated. But then he was going home.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:51pm Mar 5 2011
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Jake nodded and opened the door to the empty room. His tail swishing back and forth and he wrapped his arms around the demon. He was happy that there was a demon who would talk to him. He carried Alex like they had just gotten married and walked in. He was probably a little too happy for a demon. He placed Alex on the bed. "Your walk.. Your hips sway a lot.. like a girls.. Is that how you always have walked?"
10:09pm Mar 5 2011
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Alex really didn;t mind being carried to the bed, his only reaction being to place his hand on Jake's shoulder. Once his back met the bed he let go, allowing Jake to straighten up away from him. "For as... long as I can remember I have..." What an odd question. "No one's ever complained before..." He said, raising an eyebrow at Jake
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:17pm Mar 5 2011
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Jake's cheeks filled with color from embaras.sment. "N-No.. I'm not complaining about it.. I'm just.. really... attracted to the way you walked.." He looked away and walked to the window that was across the room. His heart pouded. Was he really attracted to the way Alex walked? They only just met.
10:28pm Mar 5 2011
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Alde smiled, actually showing his teeth, a real smile and watched Jake walk over to the window before he chuckled a little. "I was kidding." He informed the other demon before her allowed himself to realax. "I know attraction when it see it." He rolled onto his side, his face toward the other so that he could still talk to him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~