4:19am Mar 17 2011
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"I can't fly...." He replied, "My wings have been injured in the oast and rendered practically useless." Alex responded. He stepped a little bit closer to Jake in case of anything else happening that was odd. This was all a little odd to Alex.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:20am Mar 18 2011
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Jake looked at Alex. "hey... I'm sorry for forcing you to stay here... I don't really mean to, but your a friend of mine, at least.. I think so.. and I don't even have that right now.." he sighed and flapped his wings. He was hovering slightly above Alex. He held his handout to alex. "Do you mind flying with me? It's a fast way to get to my home.. I really can't get there by foot or it takes at least 1 hour.."
11:33pm Mar 18 2011
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Alex Alex didn't respond but instead looked at the hand that Jake had offered him, as if it could bite. he didn't want to the leave the ground again, having done so once within the past few days was more than enough for him. He eventually took Jakes hand, putting his trust into him and hoped that he would drop him. "Ok..." he responded, a little uncertain of his answer. he wou;d be far more comfortable if he were the one that was flying. And not being carried precariously above the city
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:38pm Mar 18 2011
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Jake looked at Alex and hoisted him up. He wrapped his arms tightly around the demon's waist and chest. He flapped his wings harder and noticed a few people picking up the black feathers his wings had shed. He flew above the skyscrapers and then rested himself on the top of one. He held Alex's waist still, even though Alex was on the roof and looked around to see where he could get to his house. "mmh.. My house is over there..." he pointed toward a large forest. "Well, are you ready?"
9:43am Mar 19 2011
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Alex gripped Jake as well, determined not to look down or around as they flew through the air. Jake grip on his waist and chest did little to comfort him from falling and smacking into the pavement. It was just hard to forget that something, anything, could happen and Jake might let go. When they landed on the roof top Alex dared to look around. Big mistake. His heart jumped into his throat and he also gripped Jake's wrist though he was holding onto him still and he crept closer to the other demon, trying to hide himself from the height. "I'm ready I'm ready..." He whimpered slightly. He'd though they were going to Jake's place anyway. not stoping to look at the view from a sky scraper.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:16am Mar 20 2011
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Jake wrapped his around around Alex tightly and pulled him closer than before when he flapped his wings. He flew quickly over a crowded street and his tail trailed behind him. "Anyways, tell me if you are uncomfortable about anything I do.." He flew over the forest and then over a small hill. His tail swished. "Well.. Let's go.. My house isn't too far.." He folded his wings and his speed increased as they came up toward the only house for miles. He spread his wings and his speed decreased. He flew over the roof and to the balcony in teh back trhat overlooked the lake's crystal clear side of teh lake. He landed and gently placed Alex down. His demon wings folded and disappeared. "Well, my home is protected by a barrier and none of the human's smog and polution would not even reach me." He smiled and looked at his crystal clear lake view. "So, are you willing to walk inside?"
10:48pm Mar 20 2011
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Alex tried his best to listen to whatever Jake was saying but he didnt quite catch everything. they landed and he started talking again while Alex recovered from his flight and then proceeded to look over Jake's house from the outside. "Of course Im willing to walk inside..." He responded, that was the only reason that he'd come in the first place. And Jake had asked him to stay.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:35am Mar 21 2011
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Jake smiled and took Alex's hand. he walked in and opened the japanese style doors and revealed the stair case to teh left along with the living room that was directly below and decorated with more of an elizabethan style time. he smiled. "Well. that was my room. There are two rooms down taht way. and one down the other way. Feel free to pick any room you like. My room is also available if you wish." He smiled.
2:33am Mar 21 2011
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Alex let Jake lead him into the house and through the beautifully crafted door. Inside was even prettier than the outside was, and it all looked so expensive. you'd think that all of these differect cultres would clash with one another and make the place look bad but it did quite the opposite. "Wow..." He breathed, looking around slightly. "Your home is beautiful." He listened to what he had to say about room selections but actually looked at him with a raised eyebrows. "In your room?" He asked curiously, wondering if Jake wanted him to sleep with him now. He was so used to being used solely for that purpose that was quite literally the only thing he really ever thought about anymore when it came to other men.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:54pm Mar 21 2011
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Jake looked at Alex and smiled slightly. "Oh yeah! sorry.. I havent been around a lot of people and my old.. well... he was more like a master the way he treated me... Had me offer my room to anybody he brought home with him. SO yeah... Sorry.. You don't have to sleep in my room if you don't want to." Jake smiled. "Tell me if you want something to drink or eat. I have human foods and drinks as well as some from my dimension.."
1:48am Mar 22 2011
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Alex nodded, not understanding Jake's way but respecting them all the same. "Oh, ok. Well then, I'll just use one of the guest rooms. I dont want to take your room from you." Alex responded, taking one more glance around the room. He then turned to face Jake completely. "So," He started, "Is there a specific reason you wanted me to spend the weekend with you?" Alex asked, "Talk? Go somewhere? hunt together...?" He listed a few thing, wanting to knw exactly what jake wanted so that he would do it right. "Or did you jus want me to... be here?" he asked, not really sure how he was going to do this. He'd never just stayed with anyone before they would always want somerthing.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:10am Mar 23 2011
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Jake looked at Alex. "I just wanted you to be here.. I mean.. I'm really lonely because malice usually blocks his scent and the other demons don't even live anywhere near me. I couldn't really make human friends either because some of them smell so good and since I live off their meat and blood... I can't resist something that tastes so good." he looked at Alex and then looked away. He was somewhat shy. "But.. I mean.. It's difficult for me to really explain what I'm doing." He sighed and looked down. "damn.. I'm sorry. I'm just actually hapypy to have someone here. I mean.. it's rather lonely in such a big house since my last bf left me about a thousand years ago.. And I never changed the living room.. Which I should..."
4:57pm Mar 23 2011
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"Ok." Alex responded, "You dont have to explain to me." He stated simply with a nod. "I'm not leaving until the weekend is over." He promised Jake, feeling good that he was wanted just for the company and for someone else to be there with him instead of a boy toy like usual. It felt nice. He looked around the living room, he actually quite liked it. It was different from many that he'd seen and was definitely a beautiful place in the house.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:36am Mar 24 2011
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Jake smiled and followed Alex. He stepped into the kitchen and took out a cake mix, red velvet. It was the only human sweet that really pleased him with the aroma and the taste. He brgan to mix the mix and was soon pouring the batter into two cake tins, one smaller than the other. He placed them into the oven and turned on the timer. "well, Alex.. Do you like my home? Truthfully... I'll change what isn't liked..."
7:32am Mar 24 2011
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Alex followed Jake into the kitchen and watched as he began to mix batter for a cake. "I love it," he responded about Jake's house. "Its beautiful." He told him. It was very big too. He would have never expected Jake to be one with a large home or one that was this beautiful. "You don't have to change anything." He stated.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:18am Mar 25 2011
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Jake nodded and smiled. He finally pleased someone with his home. He walked over to Alex and hugged him gently. He smiled and gave a demon's pur. He yawned slightly and looked at Alex. "Your such a sweet demon.. And you give off a sweet scent as well." He smiled and let his demon form leak through, since he liked being in that one anyways. "So.. Where are you going to sleep? And do you need clothes?"
1:58am Mar 25 2011
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Alex allowed the hug, lightly hugging him back. "It's all part of my hunting skills." He said casually, referring to him smelled good. Thats another way he attracted his prey, but he smelled differently to differnent people. He glanced around, not sure what room he was going to use. "Uhm, which ever one you want me to use I guess." he responded. "Do you mind...? Me using your clothes?" he asked, a little surprised
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:34am Mar 28 2011
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Jake shook his head. "I don't mind you using my clothes for yourself." He smiled and looked Alex up and down. He knew that, by the way Alex was when he asked him over just for company, that Alex probably was just used for his body. "hey, Alex.. If you don't mind me asking you.. Why did you let others use you? Your such a sweet demon and a nice guy overall... I mean.. Why let them treat you like that?" He looked at Alex and got a little closer. His demon form was half out and that side of him couldn't take the sweet scent Alex gave off any more.
2:36am Mar 28 2011
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"I let it happen because I felt wanted by them when they did what they wanted to do to me." He answered simply, not minding Jake getting closer to him. "Not many like me for me, but they like my body... so I figured that that was close enough." He stated. He tilted his head slightly, his lond hair falling over his shoulder. He stepped a little bit closer to Jake without even realizing he had done so.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:14am Mar 29 2011
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Jake smiled and gentyl placed his hand on Alex's waist. It may have been his weak mind and his stronger demon form, but that didn't matter right now. He smiled and got closer to Alex. His face only inches from the others. "Your... Your really cute.. And well... I could see how demons or any other male would find you sexy.. It's very good.." He smiled and looked at Alex. "Your very sexy and it's very nice.." He smiled slightly. "So... would.." He smiled and kissed Alex's lips gently. He wrapped his arms around Alex's waist. He ppulled away quickly one he realized he may use Alex. "I-I'm sorry! Don't take that the wrong way... Please.."