4:36pm Mar 30 2010
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((Fine ^^))
9:21am Mar 31 2010
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10:43am Mar 31 2010
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5:09pm Mar 31 2010
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5:16pm Mar 31 2010
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Snakekit sighed, rolling back onto his stomach. He stood up carefully, and started to walk back to the nursery when one of the older warriors stepped on him. They mewed an apology and kept walking. He didn't hurt from being stepped on, but he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, because he was so small. He stalked past Silverkit silently.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:17pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Silverkit glanced at Snakekit as he walked past, "Snakekit?" she mewed quietly, her voice strangely serious, "I want to tell you something,"
11:34am Apr 1 2010
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8:13pm Apr 1 2010
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Snakekit turned to face her with flat, fathomless green eyes. "Yes?" he asked.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:41pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Northkit walked over to Silverkit and Snakekit, "Whats wrong?" she asked quietly.
8:43pm Apr 1 2010
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Silverkit looked at Snakekit silently for a moment, "Snakekit, just because your small," she stopped so she could put her tail over Snakit's mouth, stopping any protests, "I am too, smaller than you. But, even though you are small, a warrior's strength is not their size. Don't you understand? Bravery and courage make the warrior, not their size."
9:12pm Apr 1 2010
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Snakekit stiffened, drawing away from the she-cat with narrowed eyes. His golden tail tip flicked back and forth silently. "Do not," he hissed slowly, letting venom seep into his voice, "Ever, bring my size up again." His fur bristled from head to toe along his spine.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:19pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Northkit yowled and jumped on Snakekit, ooc; fail but I want it to live.
1:52pm Apr 25 2010
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Silverkit shook her head, "Stubborn mousebrain." was all she said as she ran away from Snakekit, silvery tears streaming down her fur. {Can they cry?}
2:15pm Apr 25 2010
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(( o3o I forgot all about this. -looks to see which cats are mine- )) Snakekit snarled, lashing out at the larger kit with sharp, unsheathed claws. Northkit was squishing the air out of him, but he was determined to get her off. He bunched his muscles, and then kicked against her stomach, hard. His claws dug into the soft fur there.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:16pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{xD, when I saw this bumped, I laughed}
2:18pm Apr 25 2010
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Squealing Northkit roleld off Snakekit, "Why are you so mean?" she screeched at him and ran backto the nursery.
2:21pm Apr 25 2010
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Silverkit's eyes closed with anxiety, her small, kitten sozed body shakign with fear. She was lost, that she knew, but this was an unfamiliar part of the forest. She curled up by a small birch tree, her silver fur acting like a small shinging beacon in the gloomy forest. She huddled down, wishing she could fall asleep and forget she was lost.
2:22pm Apr 25 2010
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Snakekit sat there, gasping for breath for a minute, until he finally got to his feet shakily. He didn't answer Northkit's question, because he didn't know himself. He was the way he was; anti-social, mean, and alone. That's the way he liked it, too. He didn't need anyone. Tail tip flickering through the air, he stalked into the nursery, and curled up in the den farthest from the entrance. He was completely doused in shadows. Invisible, except his piercing green gaze. ___________ Oakfeather sat in the center of the clearing, grooming himself lazily. His brown tabby fur shimmered, and taspy purrs escaped his throat. He bliked, standing up, and shook out his fur. He wondered faintly if he should go hunting or something. ____________ Limefeather sat in her den in silence, sorting through herbs and muttering crossly to herself about crows eating the junpier berries. Her long black tail lashed black and forth across the ground.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:26pm Apr 25 2010
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Silverkit shivered in her dream as she stood alone on a gras.sy field. "Where am I?" she mewed faintly, her ears folded back on her head. Suddenly, the sky brightened and a shadow of a cat came out of the forest, "You are in Whisper Woods, the home to those who have lived unfulfilled lives," whispered the shadow, it's voice smooth and comforting.
2:26pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Homg, they hsould meet in the dream))