2:31pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Who? o3o Snakekit and Silverkit? )) (( Snakekit shares his dreams with Tigerstar. (He's a bad kitteh >:C) But okay; if you mean Snakekit, than they can. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
2:34pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{Yarr, 'cause doomsong has to meet all the kits}
2:45pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Norhtkit will come back out. Northkit blundderd back out of the nursery, as it was very boring. She followed Silverkits scent and followed it out into th forest. An unearthly cold washed over her as she got closer to her sister.
2:49pm Apr 25 2010
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"I am Doomsong," whispered the shadow again, making Silverkit tremble, "and I have come to tell of great danger," Silverkit nodded slightly, "Unfulfilled duties?" she squeaked in curiosity. "Yes, for my dreams were not heard," was all the now visible she-cat said, her ebon fur glttering with small stars.
3:11pm Apr 25 2010
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Snakekit slipped silently into sleep, but instead of waking up in the blackened forest he'd become acustomed to, he woke up somewhere else. He hobbled out of the bush, confused, and came out behind Doomsong. He stopped dead in his tracks, bristling slightly. "W-Who are you?" he asked, unsheathing his claws.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:15pm Apr 25 2010
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Silverkit's fur raised as she heard Snakekit's voice, "Why are you in my dream?" she asked frostily, her eyes narrowed. Doomsong padded forwards, "He is needed here," she mewed admonsihingly. Silverkit nodded but kept her eyes on Snakekit. "As to your first question, I am Doomsong, the prophecy kit," she meowed, "But I died before my voice was heard,"
3:28pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Scared, orthkit lay down and slept. Her dream was filled with darkness, seeing Snakekit and Silverkit she ran up to them ,"Whyare you here?" he asked Snakekit rudely, "And who are you?" she asked the ebony she-cat
3:32pm Apr 25 2010
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Snakekit bit his tongue, letting poison flow freely from his teeth. The candy-sweet venom filled his mouth, and he was forced to swallow it. He finally mumbled, "I'm not welcome here. I have another cat waiting for me in another dream. Say what needs to be said so I can leave." His voice was blunt and heavy; the other kit's not wanting him around was starting to grate on his nerves.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:36pm Apr 25 2010
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Doomsing stepped forwards, "I called you here, and I am never wrong," she said quietly, though sternly. "I have gathered you here to tell you of my prophecy, for you must learn it," Silverkit bit her tongue and nodded, "Sorry," she muttered, a hot flush spreainf through her fur,
3:39pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Snakekit sat in silence, shadows falling lightly over his soft fur. Her sunk his claws into the dirt, thinking to himself silently about how angry Tigerstar was going to be with him when he found out he was sharing dreams with a cat from StarClan. His eyes met Silverkit's for less than a second before he looked back up at Doomsong. His ears flicked. "Go on," he said quietly.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:42pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Doomsong nodded, "When I was a kit, I had a prophecy come in a dream. It wasn;t from starclan, and I wasn't a medicine cat apprentice either. So no one believed me, because it talked about the future, about you," she meowed softly. "It went like this," I see you standing, In a battle-ravaged field, Yet you did not yield, Your paws stained with blood, Your heart filled with sorrow, Your mind filled with pain, You realize, in this battle not gained, Were the peace and the longing, That your heart desired, You slowly walk, From this sad, sad place, May you be blessed, With StarClan’s grace, "I didn't understand it, but I knew it meant something. And now I know. You kits will hold mighty powers in your paws, to save the clans. Because a new one shall arise, from the ashes of TigerClan,"
3:53pm Apr 25 2010
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Snakekit stiffened automatically. He did not have StarClan's grace; he hardly even had his own Clan's affection. He ground his teeth together, and stood up abuptly. "I have to go." he muttered, unable to meet any cat's eyes. "T-" He cut himself off before he could say Tigerstar's name. "There's a cat waiting for me." Without warning, he spun around started to sprint away from Silverkit, Northkit, and Doomsong. Chills travelled up his spine, making his fur stand on endand his ears pin to his head. He started to run faster, the forest around him melting into the blackness that felt like home.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:55pm Apr 25 2010
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Doomsong shook her head, "Foolish apprentice," she murmured, closing the doors out of Whisper woods. "For I control this place, and he cannot leave in this time," Silverkit stared at Snakekit as he ran away, her eyes wide.
4:00pm Apr 25 2010
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Slam. It felt like Snakekit ran into a barrier or a block. He was thrown onto his back, and he got up slowly, confused and unhappy. Beyond him he could see the start of the dark forest, as clearly as daylight. He started to walk towards it, when he was kicked backwards again. He couldn't leave. Stiffling a curse, he sat down and swept his tail around his paws, looking downright angry. Snakekit snarled, eyes narrowing into lime green slits. Tigerstar was going to kill him now; all because he couldn't get into the dark forest.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:03pm Apr 25 2010
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Doomsong appeared next to the kit, "Leave and you destroy the forest. In fact, you hae already begun to cross to the darkside," she hissed, "Is Tigerstar alright?" she asked, her face close to his.
4:06pm Apr 25 2010
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Snakekit remembered Tigerstar's third lesson; don't back down or show weakness. He puffed himself up and growled at her. His voice was quick and harsh like a whip, "He's fine, and so am I. I'm not crossing over to the darkside or whatever; I'm learning how to be a proper warrior." His tail lashed as he dug his unsheathed claws into the dirt.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:08pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"So was Lionblaze," she hissed, "All i shall say is, watch your back, be brave, and you will be a great warrior. But a warrior shows compas.sion, kindness and interacts with his or hers peers." she admonished lightly. -- Silverkit padded up to Doomsong, "are you aalirght?" she asked Snakekit, seeing him lying on the ground.
4:14pm Apr 25 2010
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Snakekit was about to lunge at Doomsong, until Silverkit walked up. He struggled to flatten his ruffled fur. "I'm fine," he said coolly. He took his eyes off of the ebony she-cat to look at his front paws. He sheathed his claws again and sat up, shaking himself off. "But I want to leave this place. It's weird."
wuss poppin jimbo
4:16pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Doomsong nodded, "Remember my words," she whispeerd, fading into the night. as if by magic, the boundaries lifted, letting sunlight stream in. Silverkit blinked and nudged snakekit, "That was random," she mewed, than disappeared.
4:24pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Snakekit didn't think twice. He glanced around, eyes wide, and then sprinted across where the boundry had once laid. His heart pounded in time with his paws hitting the forest floor, and he struggled to pump his legs fast enough. "Gotta get there before I wake up," he muttered crossly. "Hurry. Hurry. Hurry." He skidded to a halt, nearly tripping over his own paws. "Snakekit," Tigerstar called, mas sive tabby body pushing through the undergrowth. "You've kept me waiting." He started to explain what had happened, but the tom cut him off. "Enough gibberish about Doomsong and her prophecy! Let's get onto today's lesson!" Snakekit bobbed his head, and started to follow his mentor deeper into the dark forest. He only paused for a moment to glance behind him guiltily.
wuss poppin jimbo