4:08pm May 4 2010
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(( KKz. )) Mei sat on a tree brach, Not far from the place she called home. A baited trap lie below her, As she sit on the tree filing her nails. Foot fall padded into the trap. Mei hung down her head, Only to see a Mischievous fox looking for a bite to eat. Mei felt a connection towards Canid's. She jumped down off the limp of the tree and released the ropes on the trap. "Come here you little black footed cutie." The fox followed suit, Crawling out of the cage and barking lightly. Mei pulled a knife out of her side pocket and cut a piece off of the bait for the fox. She handed it to him and slipped the knife back down in her pocket.
4:29pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( where ish i ? xD ))
4:32pm May 4 2010
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Kiru sat beneath a large hawthorn tree, closing her tired eyes as she leaned against it. She felt the tickling sensation of leaves on her cheeks and smiled lightly, the grin lighting her face up. She lifted a hand and placed it on the trunk, wondering how old the tree was. {She's up in a tree ^^}
4:34pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( You should be by the house, Mei lives noooo where near there. :O )) Mei leaned her head up against the trunk of the tree as she gapped open her mouth, sighing. With a fluent leap, She jumped into the tree and back into place. She held the rope tightly in her hand.
4:35pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 17,364
( ima be in a tree xD )) Calyx hummed a soft tune as she sat on a branch from a large pine tree.It was itchy, but she diddent care. " what are you doing up there?" Cloud asked from the ground. " nooooothen." Calyx teased. Cloud sighed and tried to climb the tree, but ended falling on his back. Calyx laughed and Cloud shot her a look. " oh just get down!" he snapped, smiling to himself.
4:40pm May 4 2010
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Mei suddenly heard the footfall of.. Humans. Two kid looking for adventure clambered into the trap. Mei smiled. She jumped down and ripped one out of the trap, Whilst busting out of her clothes as her body began to get hot and expand into a large black dragon. The child was merely enough to hold her until dinner. She flew up into the air, Releasing a ear shattering roar; Seeming to say, "This is my land.".
4:42pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( are you interacting with mai charrys? :D ))
4:45pm May 4 2010
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(( Kinda. xD She's Hundreds of miles away, Though. xD ))
4:50pm May 4 2010
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(( lolz i thought that was mehh...*sighs* :D )) Calyx jumped down to Cloud. " there." she said annoyed. " sheesh dont have an attitude..." Cloud hissed. " i dont have an attitude!" Calyx snapped. Cloud smiled. " yupp thats a attitude allright....." he said. " i dont have an ATTITUDE!!" Calyx yelled. " oh god..."
5:42pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 6,590
((umm i dont know xD)) Sarai stalked through the empty forest... she breathed in the fresh pine needles. She stopped at a creek and sat upon a rock... However, so faintly a stick cracked in the distance, she whipped around a surveyed her surroundings
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:50pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((I don't know either Fun xD)) Anthony leaned against the trunk of a pine tree, breathing in the fresh air contently. He loved the calmness of the forest almost as much as he loved the Arctic Ocean coast. He looked over at Shad, who had been following quietly behind him during his walk. He didn't mind the boy's presence. Shad was one of the quieter ones in the group and didn't cause him much trouble. In the back of Anthony's mind, he wondered where the rest of them had gone off to.
5:59pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Mei flapped her wings, Propelling her through the air. The top of the tree's hissed as she p*censored*ed by. "What to do, What to do." She said.
6:04pm May 4 2010
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((lol zombie....)) Sarai's ears perked up knowing she was not alone, she was ready to transform and fight...but she didnt want to reveale her true identity to an unknown foe
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
6:08pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 17,364
A few minutes later Calyx was chasing Cloud on the trees. Cloud jumped to the next tree,what did i do?he thought. Calyx followed after him thinking:i am soooooo going to KILL him!!! she saw a creek and smiled evilishly. she hid by a tree trunk. i lost her...he thought as he stopped to catch his breath. Calyx snuck up on him and pushed him into the creek.
6:12pm May 4 2010
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Shad looked around. He thought he had heard something but he couldn't be sure. He took a few paces and looked back at Anthony, who didn't seem to be paying him much attention. Shad took a few more steps. He could hear the sound of a creek and quickened his pace. His foot got caught in a root and he stumbled the last couple meters until he fell face first into the creek with a large splash.
6:20pm May 4 2010 (last edited on 6:20pm May 4 2010)
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" ahhhhhh!" Cloud screamed as he fell from the tree. Calyx smiled evilishly and waved to Cloud. Right at the last moment he turned to his dragon form and glided away, but since he wasent a good flyer, he crashed landed. Calyx smirked before going the other direction.
6:31pm May 4 2010
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Mei smiled. A black orb with purple sparks flying at the edges formed at the base of her mouth. From a high Altitude, She released it. "Black Fire Time." She said, Smiling. At the moment of impact, It made a huge ring of White, Then bursted into black flames. Mei flew down and glided through her Kaos.
6:31pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gots nothen...xD ))
6:33pm May 4 2010
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(( Well, Black Fire Spreads Quickly. Maybe you could react to the fire and someone could go accidentally find Mei? :o ))
6:37pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Calyx finds Mei :D .....but most likley Mei will kill her xD )) Calyx watched Mei, then turned to the black fire. she smiled and jumped up and imedietly turned to her dragon form. Cloud is sure to die.....Ca;yx smirked as he flew toward Mei. -fail-