3:42pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((How about you just fly in and land by the creek? Shad's still there so he can interact with you ^^))
3:47pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 3:50pm May 5 2010)
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((ok)) Sky was flying in the sky when she go tired and flew by the creek. She landes and saw a person. So she waked over. "Hi" she said sitting in the gras.s

4:03pm May 5 2010
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Shad looked up in surprise at the dragon who had just landed in front of him. He was still in the creek resting his elbows on the edge. The part he had fallen in had been deep enough that he couldn't touch the bottom and since he was covered in soaking wet cloths he was finding it difficult to haul himself out. "Hey," He said dryly. What kind of dragon just landed in front of someone without even figuring out who that someone was? Or maybe this one had. He hated to think someone had been watching him long enough to determine if he was safe to approach. "Mind helping me out? I'm kinda having a bit of trouble."
4:08pm May 5 2010
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Sky turned into a girl. "Sure" she said getting up. "im Sky whats your name?" she asked

4:19pm May 5 2010
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4:50pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm May 5 2010)
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Posts: 6,590
((oh gosh i gots nothin. sarai is far away...i'll make her come back, lol xD)) Sarai got up after several minutes ((there we goes :D lol)) of resting and strolled down a path. She turned into a dark, dangerous looking dragon.... a dusk screecher. She took to the skys gazing down upon the forest below spying a pair of dragons several miles away.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:02pm May 5 2010
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Shad blinked in surprise. The dragon was a girl? He groaned inwardly. In this form, Sky looked even more frail. Could she even haul him out of the Creek? He almost voiced his doubts, but then he remembered Anthony's lecture about thinking before he spoke. Shad sighed but gave her a small smile. "I'm Shad," he answered. He pushed his doubts aside and reached his hand up for her to grab. Hopefully, she could at least help him out a little.
5:05pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx forced a smile on her face.she looked up. " who....who was she...?" she asked. Cloud walked until he say Calyx and the other dragon. He walked out of the brush and Calyx started to bare her teeth. Cloud bared his teeth also, and then turned to the other : "who are you?" he snapped, still mad that he saved Calyx.
5:22pm May 5 2010
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Anthony turned to the newcomer, unaffected by Cloud's hostile attitude. "My name is Anthony." he said calmly before turning back to Calyx. "Her name is Mei. I knew her about ten years ago, but certain...events forced us to break ties. Seems as if she's turned into quite the devil." He watched the two dragons closely. They obviously didn't like each other much. He sighed. What a h*censored*le it would be if the started fighting. He didn't want to have to break up another fight with the shock from seeing Mei again still in his mind.
5:24pm May 5 2010
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" i see you have found my sister....." he hissed. " dont trust her....as soon as you do....she will control you....." he added turnign away. " dont worry." he said. " i wont fight......with you here..." he hissed. His real intentions were to get Anthony out of the way and get rid of Calyx. " and my name is Cloud." he added.
5:41pm May 5 2010
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Anthony bristled slightly, becoming impatient. He didn't like it when siblings quarreled. It was childish. Still, he kept his voice completely calm. "Don't worry about me. I'm quite certain I wont fall so quickly." He frowned as more water droplets formed on him and dripped into his eyes, freezing before he could shake them away. They formed almost invisible glas-ses and his first reaction would have been to scratch them off but if Cloud had meant that Calyx could use mind control them perhaps keeping them would protect himself if eye-contact was required for control. After all, they didn't irritate his eyes so they might do more good then harm.
5:59pm May 5 2010
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" oh shut up Cloud." Calyx hissed. " you lie." " i do not lie i do not." he hissed. " you lie yes you lie."he growled. "leave me be, leave me be." Calyx hissed, not wanting to fight." leave you , leave you." she added. Cloud hissed. " be you the baby be you..." he hissed to himself. " i be gone, i be gone...." he added.
6:07pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( -_- Please don't do that fun, "Sarai got up after Several Hours". Unless we say that it has been several Hours, Please don't do it solo ))
6:36pm May 5 2010
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The way Calyx and Cloud were talking was giving Anthony a headache. Yep, quarrellings siblings were defiantly annoying. He scratched his chin with his back claws again. Maybe if he just stayed out of it one of them would "be gone" and he could talk sanely with the one that was left.
6:58pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Mei swooped down out of the sky and back down to the ground. She shifted back into a human, Sending a cloud of black smoke behind. Mei got up and casually walked over to her trap. "Hellooo." She said, Swinging her head around to the front, Smiling. "Well, ello there. Mr. Elk." She said, A lustrous grin planted onto her face. Aaarrroouugghh!! The elk screamed, Missing its right leg, Hence the blood covering Mei's hand. In a flash of black, She was a dragon, Once again. She ripped the cage door off and dragged out the elk. With her long tongue, She licked the blood off of it's pelt.
(( o.o Mei is gruesome. xD ))
7:01pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( oh gawd.....*holds stolen pets close* xD )) " shut uo be you shut up." Calyx roared. " be me be me leaving be me..." he said as he nodded to Anthony. " trust her not." was all he said before leaving -fail-
7:05pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,662
With a loud crush of bone, Blood shot from the elk. Mei finished off the elk and shifted human once again.
7:06pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Mei needs friends xD )) ((umm...i gots nothen xD ))
7:08pm May 5 2010
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Anthony gaped. He just knew he was going to be talking in their strange way for the next week. Their grammar was like a disease! At least one of them was gone now. He turned back to Calyx. He tried to smile at her but it was more like a grimace. He seriously hoped it was just a thing between the siblings and the next words to come out of her mouth would not make him want to scream.
7:09pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((lol, just lol xD))