7:28pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 7:33pm May 5 2010)
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((lauren, i didnt realize...omgizzle i meant minutes! im sooo sorry! o.O why do i always make a fuss on your rps xD sorry everyone if it seemed i were going solo...ill go back and change to minutes :D)) ((and where is everyone?)) Sarai flew through the air inhaling the fresh scent of pine needles and the calm breeze. She heard other dragons, but where was her real question...
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
3:19pm May 6 2010
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3:36pm May 6 2010
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((Don't just bump Zozane! Post something! xD))
4:38pm May 6 2010
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"Hey do you need help shad?" sky asked

4:40pm May 6 2010
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(( im totaly braindead! xD ))
4:57pm May 6 2010
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((zombi i posted))

5:11pm May 6 2010
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((I saw it, Anti. Just post something Zoze. Drive Anthony crazy or something xD Oh and awesome sig btw :D)) Shad growled, becoming impatient. "Yeah I need help. I can't pull myself out! Just grab my hand and pull as hard as you can." He answered.
5:19pm May 6 2010
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(( tank yew :D ....ummm......)) " im sorry about that.....' Calyx muttered to Anthony. -fail-
5:29pm May 6 2010
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"Oh! Don't worry about it, it wasn't your fault!" Anthony said quickly. He was so relieved that Calyx was talking normal that he could cry. "So what are you doing out in a place like this?" he asked. As weird as it was, he really wanted her to speak more normal sentences.
5:31pm May 6 2010
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" hrmm.......i dont exactly know.......i was folllowing Cloud....but we split up....now i dont know what to do....." she said. " why are you here?" she asked.
5:35pm May 6 2010
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"I came here with a friend of mine." Anthony answered, thinking about Shad for the first time since Mei had shown up. Where had that boy gone to anyways? "The forest is a good way to get away from the city and it inspires my paintings. If you need a place to stay, you're more than welcome to come back and stay with us."
5:38pm May 6 2010
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" that would be nice." Calyx smiled. "you...paint?" Calyx asked. " im not really a painted...but i doodle." she added. -fail- (( i suck xD ))
5:50pm May 6 2010
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Anthony smiled as well. "It's always nice to meet a fellow artist." He paused to shake more water droplets and ice from his scales and scratch his chin again. It was so troublesome having to constantly be fighting off his own element from turning him into an ice statue. He scratched off the ice from his eyes, figuring Cloud's warning had only been made from spite, and shook his head once more before looking over a Calyx and giving her and awkward grin.
6:13pm May 6 2010
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"Ok" Sky said pulling him really hard and eventually getting him out. "There you go." she said turning to walk away

6:16pm May 6 2010
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"i wouldent call myself an artists...." she smiled. "what you grinning about?" she asked playfully.
6:19pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 6,590
((oh wow.... um where are your charries?))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
4:09pm May 10 2010
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((sky is in the forest by a river))

5:47pm May 10 2010
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((Shad is with Sky by the river and Anthony is with Calyx in a charred part of the forest. I don't know where everyone else is.)) Shad flopped down onto the bank, both glad to be out of the water and surprised that a scrawny girl had managed to pull him out. He rubbed his shoulder, all the tugging had nearly pulled his arm off. Closing his eyes, he heard Sky move to leave. He considered stopping her but what good would that do? He decided he'd rest for a little while before finding Anthony. Anthony's grin widened and he chuckled slightly. "I always feel goofy doing that in front of other dragons. It makes me seem like I can't sit still."
5:49pm May 10 2010
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" sometimes that happens to me." she giggled. " she rubbed her neck where the other dragon bit her. " ouch.." she whimpererd. -fail-
5:57pm May 10 2010
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"is there anything you need shad?" Sky asked turing to him. "cuz i will be glad to stay." she smiled
