12:53am Dec 10 2013
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Posts: 1,255
The interval is drawing to a close and the dread Red Star is looming high on the horizon. Thread will soon fall and the dragonriders must make ready. But there has been something odd happening in the newly established Nexus Weyr. The great golden queen Rirara has laid a clutch of only eight eggs, and not one of them looks normal. Characters needed: Established riders of cannon colors (green, blue, brown, bronze. I will select one other gold rider from applicants) Headwoman Various weyrfolk Candidates (male and female I can add or remove eggs as needed) Crafters (healer, smith, weaver, beast, ect.) Holders (also Lord Holders) Rules: Please ensure that you can post at least three sentences and leave a way for others to tie into what you post. Characters that refuse to speak or leave themselves open to be spoken to will be removed. Please be active, at least one to two posts per week. Please check your spelling and grammar. You may have up to five characters. All I need is a basic profile. I will assign eggs randomly to candidates. Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Open to relationship or not: Position: (bonded rider, weyrfolk, candidate, crafter holder) General personality:

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:06am Dec 10 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 945
((This sounds interesting! It is a little confusing, perhaps explain what things are, such as the dread Red Star and the Nexus Weyr? I'm guessing it's a town/city, correct? You should probably explain things in a little more detail. But I'm going to join because I love dragons so much!))
Name: Seth Sykes Age: 23 Gender: M Sexuality: Bi (bisexual: will go for girls and guys) Open to relationship or not: Yes Position: Bonded Rider..? I'm confused as to what the Dragonriders are called... General personality: Calm, serene, isn't angered very easily, and usually handles everything in a more professional manner. He doesn't speak much, but he isn't opposed to voicing his own opinion when it matters. Seth is very intelligent, both book and street smart. If you have a question, he most likely has the answer.
((Hope that's good. I'll also post a picture so you know what he looks like. If you would like a longer personality deion, or history, let me know and I'll add it! ^^))
4:09pm Dec 10 2013
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Posts: 1,255
Ugh! I meant to post a link explaining things. You should read the series if you like dragons though. Anne Mcaffery. I'll post the link now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragons_%28Pern%29

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:24am Dec 13 2013 (last edited on 4:30pm Jan 1 2014)
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Posts: 9,781
(I read one of the books and started to read another,but lost time to. I love what I've read,though.)  (Her eyes are silver and a blood red highlight goes from her roots to the end of her bangs,which completely cover her left eye.) Name: Zarisa Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Open to relationship or not: Sure Position: Candidate General personality: Zarisa is very mysterious and has serious anger issues,which most fear her because of. Fights are a type of 'hobby' for her. She loves to get into dangerous situations and finds an adventure without harm coming to her is no fun at all. Obviously she is a violent person and will lash out at anyone near her in times of anger,which is very frequent. If you get to know her though,then her personality will change completely. She will show a soft and loving side of her that a choice few will ever see. She is a major tomboy,but likes guys,and isn't afraid to 'get down and dirty' as you may call it. When she was small she always hung with the guys and wrestled with them any time possible,always winning the fights. Rp the rest out.
 (Like his sister,he has silver eyes.) Name: Rolasi (Pronounced Row-lah-see) Age: 19 1/2 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Open to relationship or not: Yes. Position: Candidate,but only because his sister made him. General personality: The total opposite of his sister. He seems to just be her follower by the way he listens to Zarisa and goes everywhere she does.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
3:12pm Dec 23 2013 (last edited on 5:54pm Dec 30 2013)
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Posts: 2,422
( Picture :http://tinyurl.com/ms4vl73 ) Name: S'kel Age: 19 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Open to relationship or not: Certainly Position: Candidate, preferably blue General personality: Childish and immature, he's always cracking jokes, playing pranks, and talking. He nearly never shuts his trap, and is always in trouble for it. He isn't one for authority or rules, but it takes a lot to get him to act out against them. He enjoys anything to do with nature, especially at night. Nocturnal creatures and plants, the moon and stars, anything and everything. He has a tendency to 'tinker' without realizing it, taking things apart and putting them back together, figuring out how they work and trying to make them better, he just needs to do -something- with his hands or he gets temperamental. He's generally pretty gentle, even the mention of blood makes him squeamish, but he wont hesitate to start a fight if he needs to.
Name: I'tira Age: 23 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bi Open to relationship or not: Sure Position: Canidate General personality: Afraid of everything, nervous, very doe-like. Stutters a lot, when she does happen to talk.
OOC//: I went ahead and posted a picture for him, if that's ok? Also, he's got heterocrhomia because different colored eyes are <3 one blue and one brown-blue. Also, I haven't read the books, I did go through the wiki pretty thoroughly, but I may need some help at some point, so I apologize in advance x3 ))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
4:14pm Dec 23 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(My bio is finished.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:07pm Dec 30 2013
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Posts: 1,255
OOC: Sorry I've been MIA! I've been pretty busy with Christmas stuff. But I'm back now! Spirit, none of the eggs will be one of the normal dragon colors, but I think I have one just right for your charrie. I'd love it if each of you could create one more candidate character, so you have one of each gender. I'll go ahead and post the begining of the hatching though. Merlin I'll just make your character a candidate for a dragon egg, that way he gets one of the special ones. Name: Calynx Age: 27 Gender: female Sexuality: straight Open to relationship or not: yes, from an older rider Position: Weyrwoman Dragon: Gold Rirara General personality:Calyx is tough and no nonsense, but she is desperately worried about Rirara's latest clutch.
Name: Kalla Age: 19 Gender: female Sexuality: bi Open to relationship or not: yes Position: Candidate General personality: Kalla was a healer, and that shows through in her personality. She unfailingly puts others first and has a sweet sensibility about her.
Name: Gareth Age: 22 Gender: male Sexuality: bi Open to relationship or not: yes Position: candidate General personality: As a former harper, Gareth is a bit of a dreamer, with his head in the clouds. That has never stopped him from protecting his friends when he thought they needed it.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:31pm Dec 30 2013
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Posts: 1,255
The sands were excruciatingly hot as Calynx crossed them slowly, taking in the sight of her beautiful sun gold dragon crouched protectively over her eggs. She smiled at Rirara, but her eyes were fastened on the shells of the eggs. They were unlike any eggs that anyone had ever seen. Dragons were five colors and those colors showed in the eggshells. These eggs... These eggs were wrong but they were Rirara's and that was all that mattered. She observed each, one by one. The first was enormous, bigger than any gold egg she had ever seen. Its shell was pitch black, dark as between. The second was a brilliant, reflective silver color, like a well polished mirror. The third was a pure, snowy white, with traces of gray like shadows along it. Fourth was shimmering, multifaceted garnet, a stone cut into egg shape. Fith was an egg the color of an orange, warm and sultry, like a tropical sunset. The sixth one was almost the same size as the black one, only its shell was a piercing amethyst, the purple rich and clear. The seventh egg was multicolored, with splashes of tropical blues and greens and a wash of old bronze, and the eighth was some sort of shifting pearly grey that faded to blues and greens and pale purples at the edges, like a moonstone. The dragons' sudden humming alerted Calynx and jerked her out of her reverie. She yelled for one of the nearby riders to run to the candidate barracks to fetch them. The Hatching was about to begin!

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:46pm Dec 30 2013 (last edited on 5:55pm Dec 30 2013)
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Posts: 2,422
OOC//: Who gets what egg? Second bio is done ))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
6:01pm Dec 30 2013
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Posts: 1,255
((OOC: Thank you. Once all the candidates assemble on the sands I'll post which dragonet goes to which candidate. It's a surprise! Go ahead and post your characters intros and how they get to the sands and their thoughts on the eggs and we'll go from there!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:09pm Jan 1 2014
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Posts: 9,781
(Alright. I'll get up a male bio,and change that candidate thing too. Then my intros will be up asap.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
11:06pm Jan 10 2014
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Posts: 945
6:18pm Jan 12 2014
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Posts: 1,255
OOC: Guys, the post is up. If you respond to it, we can get going...

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:13am Jan 13 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 9,781
(I'll respond. Sorry,been busy with school.)
Zarisa and Rolasi were the first to respond to being summoned into the The Sands. Their bare feet burned on the hot sand,but they didn't care. Something had drawn all their attention away from the pain. Colorful eggs unlike any other they had seen before! After looking over each from afar they eyes seemed to be drawn to two of them,seemingly the plainest ones. Zarisa's own eyes fell on the large black one,admiring its color and the enormous size of it. Rolasi stared carefully at a white one that seemed shadowed with grey. "Look at them. Our gold dragon seems to have altered the colors into something that is not the original five.",said the older sister to her brother. "They are much more brilliantly colored than the original green,blue,brown,bronze and gold. I think I like this change.",the quiet young man responded as they looked over the eggs again before looking up at their mother and giving her kind smiles.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.