10:13am May 2 2010
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ulquiorra looked out into the sky he sniffed the hair for signs of blood he smeled dragon blood but just simply bowed his head
10:14am May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( raza.......can yew use more detail? like i did?.....plz?))
10:17am May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( raza like dis....)) Alex woke up and sniffed the clear air. He made a excited face and got up, time for the first days hunt....Alex thought.He followed his keen since of smell to a herd of elk. ill take down the leader.....he thoguht looking at the strongest elk there, the bull elk. he got in his attacking position, and got ready for his meal.
10:19am May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx raised her head and spoke:" i am so sorry.....i did all i could....." she said sorrowfuly.Cloud burst into the cave to see his mate, dead. he rembered her last words:' what ever happens...i will allways be with you.....no matter what....' Now, Cloud is a mean, cold, only cares for himself and bad to the bone.
10:24am May 2 2010
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ulquiorra heard the cries of someone greaving and let out a roar then flew into the skies he wondered wat happened and why but simply minded his own he didnt want a part of it suddenly he saw a female that was stalking him he didnt know why but had a feeling he kept moving and so did she
10:26am May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gots nothen.....))
10:29am May 2 2010
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ulquiorra landed as the female dragon did also he turned to face her and was astonished she was beautiful a blue and black dragon with large wings and a smooth body she came close and cicled him she saw he had big strong muscles and was very powerful he just stood there
10:30am May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( r u interacting with mai charrys or no....?))
10:33am May 2 2010
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in a minute yes remember when i said he smelled dragon blood which your dragons mate was dead ulquiorra and the female flew over to where he smalled the blood and saw cloud there
10:36am May 2 2010
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(( <--------can u use these--------->)) Cloud growled, baring his pearl, white teeth at Ulquiorra. The ex pression on his face said:'leave. im not in the mood.' Calyx nudged Cloud, but he diddent care. The flames inside Cloud started to get hotter and started to rise telling that he was mad, sad, and willing to kill if he had too.
10:40am May 2 2010
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((yep)) ulquiorra showed no signs of being scared he simply looked at him and showed a face that said"as u wish i will leave" the female nuddged him telling him to stay and show sypathy he showed a face saying"he obviously doesnt want us here fighting him would be pointless and unchallenging"
10:43am May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( umm.......would stop useing mai charrys O.O Calyx is still by Cloud.......))
10:45am May 2 2010
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(ok ok calm down)
10:49am May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( lolz xD *turns into the hulk* xD jk jk jk ))
10:52am May 2 2010
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(no dnt im srry ahhhhhh oh are u gonna make ur dragons do somethin)
10:54am May 2 2010
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(( YUSS AHHHHHH I DA ZOZO_HULKEH xD jk jk )) Cloud calmed down and stared at his dead loved one. he bent down and lit her on fire and watched her burn. Calyx nudged him, and out her head under his head.
11:00am May 2 2010
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ulquiorra and his new mate sanatia flew and went hunting ulquiorra still wondered what happpened to clouds mate but he knew cloud was too protective to even step a foot in that place
11:02am May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( lets wait for raza ^^))
11:05am May 2 2010
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1:36pm May 2 2010
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