4:07am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 726
Okay guys this is just....its like 11pm and me and Emma were feeling spontaneous SO! this might seem a bit confusing.... but heres what its all about So basically this whole roleplay is going to be based on what ever dream you had lastnight. So lets say Emma had a dream about guns that looked like bananas And I had a dream about dancing cucumbers. Well now emma will write something about banana guns, and i have to somehow incorporate dancing cucumbers into emmas paragraph about banana guns. So depending on how weird your dream was last night, this may be challenging. If you didnt dream last night, take something from a dream you remember having a while ago.
side note: Cheese dreams are always welcome
RULESSSS: -umm no bios are needed, this is all spontaneous randomness -normal res rules apply (no swearing etc) -no powerplay -HAVEEE FUN AND BE AS RANDOM AND WEIRD AS POSSIBLE
4:12am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 4,043
4:15am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 726
4:20am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 4,043
I screamed battle cries as I approached the water nation on my ship. Fire was hurled and they all died. But, what's that? Oh no! A giant wave is taking us to a deserted island! I crash ashore with some random celebrities and eat some sand before being magically transported to Camelot. I am now the mother of Merlin. He tells me of his secret love for Arthur and I can't help but break into happy tears and hug him, taking careful note of his soft hair. Like it's really really soft. I don't know how you can feel softness of hair in dreams but I did. "You can be as gay as you want to be, Merlin." I whisper and kiss his forehead motherly "Go get 'em." I then hide behind a mossy rock and promptly kill any female who comes within a kilometre of them.
((And there goes all my credit as a roleplayer if I ever had any. Your turn chrystal))
4:26am Dec 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 726
((ermahgerd. how do i even....that is the best ever. imma have to think long and hard about this))
4:34am Dec 15 2012 (last edited on 4:36am Dec 15 2012)
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Posts: 726
Mark sneaks up behind you by the mossy rock and whispers 'Would you like some tea and biscuits?' slowly sliding a tray of english tea and afghans towards you he winks seductively and whips his glorious blond afro to the side
4:39am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 4,043
((OMGWHAT)) "Yes please." I say and take the tea and dumping it into the laundry. I walk in to find Tom Hiddleston covered in the tea. "Why are you in my laundry?" I ask, slightly confused. "Well," he said in his tom-hiddlestonny voice "There were too many people in your house that wanted to hug me so I came in here to iron your t-shirts." I handed him a towel and then begged for an autograph.
4:50am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 726
While Emma was in the laundry with Tom, I on the other hand was in Emma's lounge. I noticed another girl there, long brown hair tied up in a pony tail, tan skin and muscular, but not too muscular that its gross. She seems to be gazing adoringly into the distance, and i follow her gaze to find she is staring at my Math teacher, Mr Mcauly. She whispers so low, thinking no-one can hear 'He's wearing those pants again' Chuckling to my self i scan the room, only to find that he isnt the ONLY one wearing 'Those' pants....it would seem every single person is also wearing 'Those wondrous tight black cotton pants' A scream escapes my lips as i look down at my legs to see that I, TOO AM WEARING THOSE PANTS.
4:53am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 4,043
I walk out of the laundry to find everyone wearing the same pants except me. I am completely naked except for a pink tiara on top of my head. I turn into a squirrel and sit down at the table to eat. I take a bite of the delicious pork-roast and realise the sickening truth: I am eating my friends. The evil tiger woman who was my camp instructor laughs maniacally and I scream out for help. Samantha, who is also a squirrel, attacks the tiger and kills it.
5:06am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 726
Suddenly 21 golly-wogs charge out of emma's kitchen and proceed to sing black sabbath's "Faeries wear boots" in Irish accents (because all golly wogs are irish obviously lol what the flip brain?) throwing bouncy balls at all the guests and falling into epileptic fits on the table.
5:10am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 4,043
Out of nowhere, the golly wogs dash together and start to mutate. They turn brown, then lime green and they start to take the shape of their true form. A menacing lime green computer chair wheels its way forward towards me, oozing brown golly wog juice and taunting me, "I'm going to gobble you up, Emma. MORHORHORHOR!" I screamed and looked around. There was no escape; I had been backed into a corner.
5:20am Dec 15 2012 (last edited on 5:22am Dec 15 2012)
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Posts: 726
But it was okay! Because Bates has come to the rescue! He was sleeping peacefully with Anna by his side when he heard the scream of a damsel in distress. 'ive only ever heard someone scream like that once before...this must be the work of lime computer chairs!' He stood up confidently i and ran down the hall towards the chair, his night gown flowing in the wind. He smites the chair by hitting it over the head with his cane. He bows at the girl and returns to his room.
5:25am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 4,043
My mouth drops open in utter astonishment; I thought I was a goner. But wait, no! I start to mutate and before I know it I'm a sparrow. I try to scream but all I can do is chirp. Gold and silver dust sparkles all around me as I open my wings and take to the skies. I can fly! I think excitedly before falling to my almost-death. I am caught by a brave robin by the name of Robin, who then turns into a human, jumps into the batmobile and speeds off.
3:54am Dec 16 2012
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Posts: 726
i am now a car. i stare at the bat mobile and burst into tears screaming "WHY CANT I BE AS PRETTY AS YOU MUMMY!? WHYYYY" as i proceed to eat a black woman.
3:27pm Dec 16 2012
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Posts: 4,043
I turn back into a human and start screaming at Chrystal "Stop rocking the boat!!!" I give her the most evil death stare in the history of evil death stares and then throw a kitten at her, keeping my ex pression.
9:12pm Dec 17 2012
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Posts: 726
This death stare hurts me emotionally and so i turn back into a human also, slit my wrists and bleed purple jam all over the ground. Sean appears and is devastated, shooting himself in the nose, green glitter exploding everywhere before his body slumps to the ground next to me.
12:21am Dec 18 2012
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Posts: 4,043
I immediately get out my phone and dial 221B. John runs to the scene with a look of horror on his face. "Oh no!" he says "Why would someone waste all that jam?!" He then gets down on all fours and licks up the jam as it comes out of Chrystal. "I deduce that this is... a murder!" Sherlock cries as he jumps out from behind a bush, waving his arms frantically in the air.
2:08am Dec 18 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 726
((ohmygod that is the best))
My aunty appears at the scene also, and sets free her 100 rabbits, and they all pounce on John, trying to get the jam from his lips. Suddenly my Dad is there too, and hes not happy. He grabs Me and chucks me in my old room at 40b ayton drive telling me i can never leave again. I'm sad because i miss Sean, who miraculously came back to life upon hearing Sherlocks shouting
2:25am Dec 18 2012
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Posts: 4,043
"I deduce.... that they are alive!" Sherlock shouts once more before picking up John and carrying him above his head, dashing after Chrystal. I walk through a hall of mirrors with my evil twin chasing me. I look at my reflection and it starts to move. Wait- that's not my reflection! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! I run away and fall through the ceiling of 40B Ayton Drive, landing on one of the rabbits that followed John and Sherlock.
2:34am Dec 18 2012 (last edited on 2:48am Dec 18 2012)
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Posts: 36,303
I did not believe my eyes when ten million fireflies lit up the world as I awoke. I looked down to see that I was in fact floating above a strange scene. It was at that point I noticed that the fireflies were not fireflies and in fact millions of headlights. The headlights became so bright that it began to blur my vision and before I knew it I was plummeting to the ground. I stop an inch from the ground and suddenly the light is gone. I try to adjust to the light and mange to make out a mirror in the darkness.