12:25am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 12:44am Aug 10 2010)
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Posts: 853
[[*tickles Ferro* FRUITY PIRATES. I was accepted, right? =o]] There was a groan and a low curse. The groan was coming from an alley, and in this alley sat a man. A very dirty, smelly man. His hair was a tangled heep of wire, the color of dirt, or maybe that was the mud currently caked into it. He looked as if he had been run over by a wagon, and by the noises of discomfort he made... he possibly had been. Sitting up with another grunt, he patted the ground beside him and retrieved his hat. It was currently just as dirty as he was, but he brushed it off before he dropped it on his head. How had he gotten here again? He couldn't remember. Too much rum, he decided, patting himself down to see if anything was missing. Nope, everything was accounted for. Not that he had anything worthwhile to lose anyway. It was only as he stood up that Hackett noticed his boot was missing, and making a noise of mild surprise, glanced around the filthy alley for it. Luckily it was only a small distance away, and he shook a rock out of it before shoving it on his foot. He turned toward the street, belched loudly, and started walking down the street.

12:28am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Yes Kitty, if you promise to follow through. XD)) Dee made a what? face at the woman, past Abe's shoulder. His sister raised her dark eyebrows from behind her tankered and lowered it, wiping her mouth with her sleeve and putting her feet on the table, crossed at the ankles. She wriggled them at Abcde, who rolled his eyes.
Resident mounted archer
12:48am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 12:51am Aug 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,943
((Woot! -Puts on pirate hat-)) Xerxes Breake strolled around the port, his baggy white shirt flapping in the slight breeze. His long, platinum blonde hair spilling over his shoulder. Boots clicking, the man brushed a few fly-away strands from his face, his surprisingly pale skin nearly the same color as his hair. Break had slanted, almost yellow eyes above a straight nose sprinkled with freckles. The corners of his mouth twitched up, his dark lips making a crooked smile as he looked down at a stray cat rubbing itself against his dark, tight pants. "Oh dear, getting fur all over my clothes. Tsk, tsk." Break said, the pirate leaning over and picking the pile of skin and fur up off of the docks and holding it over the water, watching it mewl and squirm in his hands. "Mmm, bad kitty." He purred, dropping the cat over the docks, listening to it yowl. He tisked again, turning smartly on his heel. The twenty year old pirate strolled into the Stuck Pig Inn, already slightly drunk. He looked around, spotting a rather pretty girl sitting at a low table, although already with a boy. He slunk over, his blonde hair standing out in the dim light. "'Tis a shame this place is so crowded, isn't it, Mi'lady?" Break smiled, standing near Abe. "You have the look of a pirate about you dear. Am I correct in my as.sumption?" His smooth voice carried a slight british accent, ad his manner of speaking was high and refined, as if he had just stepped out of a manor. ((Edit:: Oh, I'm so smart. -Headdesk-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:49am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~ Isn't Dee male and Abe female? ~}
1:00am Aug 10 2010
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((LOL Kitty. Youre very smart. ^^)) Abe glanced up with a hint of surprise. She shrugged. "Im a jack of all trades. I aint never been a pirate a'fore though," She lowered her feet off the table and turned her body to face him, not liking to talk to a body she couldnt see. Abra tucked her bangs behind her ear as she leaned back and drew one of her legs up to place it on the chair, leaning against it. "Who're you?" Dee asked, standing up and leaning against the table with both hands on it's surface. "What's it to ya what she does?" His voice had risen. Abra flashed him a look and smirked. "Since when're you all protective over me...little brother?"
Resident mounted archer
1:03am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Niamh raised the mug of strong beer to her lips, ready to take a long drink when the commotion over by the brother and sister caught her eyes. She put the tankard down and slid to the side, watching the brother try to fend off the man from his sister. She grinned at the poor boy's evident anger, and his sisters teasing. {~ So tired D: ~}
1:10am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,943
"Mmm. It may just be the rather large amount of alchohol I've already comsumed, but I do love pirates. I'm one myself. Xerxes Break, Mi'lady." Break hiccuped slightly, and motioned for a large portion of rum, laughing as he said, "A pirate's life is an exciting one indeed. Just got into port, and I've already gotten cat fur all over my pants." Break complained, picking the drowned cat's hair off of his otherwise spottless pants. "Kismet's Tale is a beauty she is. Strong timbers, taut sails, and a smooth bearing."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:14am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 1:15am Aug 10 2010)
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Posts: 853
Did that guy just pitch a cat into the water? Hackett couldn't be sure, his head still being a bit fuzzy and all. But from the yowl the animal made, he decided he did. Kitties were a weak point for ol' Hackett here, and he quickly ran to the dock, bumping into many people in the process. The cat was already clamboring back onto the dry dock, wet and irritated. Frowing in heartfelt concern, Hackett pulled his scarf off of himself and grabbed the cat before it could run away. Humming merrily, he started wiping the angry feline dry with his wool scarf. "Theeerrre we go, eh, whiskahs? Aye." He smiled crookedly, cuddling the damp cat to his chest. The cat responded with a low growl, and tried to swipe at his face. "Ack! None o' that, kitty cat." He murmured, chuckling lightly to himself. Hackett walked back towards the alley he came from, and put the cat down. "Don't go gettin' into trouble now, eh?" He told it, waving a bony finger at it. The cat flicked its tail, meowed in disapproval, and padded away. His heroics for the day spent, Hackett swung around and headed to the establishment the cat abuser had gone into. It was the nearest Inn, and for all he knew, the only in town. He was going to see if any of his crew members happened to be there. Slipping through the door, he wrinkled his nose sourly as his eyes adjusted to the low light. He hummed thoughtfully as he looked around, his frown deepening. "Bah." Well, he might as well have a drink while he was here. Hackett fetched a few coins out of his concealed purse and ordered a small, watered down tankard of... whatever this beverage was composed of. He sat down at an empty table, pleased with his solitude and the somewhat calm of the bar.

1:14am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
"Mister Break, she dont care for-" "Abcde! Enough!" Abe lowered her foot and stared at her brother with deadly calm. He seemed to shrink. Her eyes flashed as she stood to her full height and bowed at the waist; she was in trousers. "Abra Darke. Thats Abcde. You have a ship?" Abra's curiosity peaked and she tilted her head.
Resident mounted archer
1:30am Aug 10 2010
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Niamh stood abruptly and brushed past the man, Break, and the siblings. Her head was pounding from the noise and heat of the inn and she wished for some solitude. She navigated her way down the pathway leading from the Stuck Pig Inn and onto a small lookout over the ocean. She sighed and slid down to the soft gras.s, leaning against a small birch tree.
5:07am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 959
(rawr, so much to read, didn't look at all of it but i think i got the gist of it O.o) Shiza had finally finished her first drink and quickly ordered another one. While waiting, she finally became aware of what was going on. A little ways down the bar, some woman's brother was throwing a hissy fit. As her mug came, she took a gulp-her regular dirnking speed was returning- and muttered, "Good thing I don' have e bro." Within a few minutes, her mug was empty, the remaining foam swishing around the bottom as she twirled it. Licking her lips, she shouted, "How can anyone get drunk off of this stuff! Get me something harder!!" She slapped six gold coins on the counter which the barkeep quickly swept up, nodding at Shiza. Her volume has attracted a bit of attention and she gave every pair of staring eyes a good glare, green eyes flashing with an inner fire, daring someone to approach her, test her wrath. Mourning time was over, time to let loose the anger instead.
Embrynn is : Offline :(

10:04am Aug 10 2010
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"Indeed, I do, Mi'lady. But what's it to you?" Break asked, finishing the large glas.s of rum he had ordered, adding, "10 gun sloop. Beauty. 'Tis a pleasure to meet you, Abra, although your brother seems rather uptight." Break laughed, flicking some blonde hair out of his face with a deep sigh. "Mmm, too bad, but Kismet's Tale sustained some damage from a heavy galleon. She's got to be reapired before we set out." Break turned his head as a woman raised her voice across the bar, and he smiled and said, "Ah, a fiery woman." He laughed slightly at the glare he recieved, twirling the mug around his finger by the handle.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:19am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,584
((i don't know what to- post...help me. Where are you guys and whats happening??))

10:38am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((We're in the Stuck Pig Inn, just sorta hangin round. XD)) "I like ships. The sea. Freedom." Abra replied with a shrug, drawing a finger over the surface of the table. "There seems to be a lot of fire here," Abra agreed. "Dont mind Dee. He's just tired. We've been travelin' a long time...though it appears we've reached the end...unless we can buy p*censored*age with work." Abcde grunted across the table and sat down, though he cept a watchful eye on the whole room now.
Resident mounted archer
10:46am Aug 10 2010
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Kiona walked in silence. When she got to her destination, The Stuck Pig Inn, she opened the door and walked inside. She tried to not be noticed and sat down at a table in a corner that she found. she was very happy to be here. This place was where she and her friends used to hang out all the time. She tapped her fingers on the table and just looked around. (thats her))

11:13am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 959
Shiza heard mention of a ship and turned to look at the speaker. he was an outrageous looking pirate if there ever was one, such bright hair. she had heard of the ship as well, the Kismet's Tale... yes, they had occaisonally fought over raiding rights in the past. A smile stretched over her lips as she recalled the pirate's name. "Xerxes? Well I'll be damned, it is you." Shiza snatched her drink from where the barkeep had placed it, having given her a concerned look. She sauntered over, practically ignoring the other two as she said, "It's been years since I last saw you and your rotten excuse for a ship. How have you been?"
Embrynn is : Offline :(

11:26am Aug 10 2010
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"Better than you and the Red Star, Shiza!" Break laughed, smiling. "I heard tell she's at the bottom of the sea, her timbers providing shelter for aps.sing mermaids. If only all captains went down with their ships." Laughing again, Break looked Shiza over, and added, "Nearly didn't recognize you without that ridiculously drunken accent, Shiza." Break waved over another drink, draining it and swaying slightly, his accent getting ever stronger. "Although my drunken accent inn'it much better, eh?" He laughed again loudly, pulling a fiddle from a case at his side, slurring, "After all, Shiza, I'm in town for a while. Seems you are, too, until you can find honest work." Break broke off the last word with another loud laugh, ordering yet another drink.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:47am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Abe laughed. "See, Dee? Whats the difference between cl*censored* and ill repute once people get a drink in em." She brushed her duster off and sat on the table looking at the ground as she swung her feet to and fro, listening. "I personally like the conversations that go on when people are loaded."
Resident mounted archer
11:58am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 959
Shiza leered at the girl. What was her name? ABC or something like that? Shiza didn't care. she turned to Break and snarled, "Jus' so ya know my Red Star migh' still be sailin', ma crew wasn' exatly mediocre!" The 'hard' drink she had just downed was getting to her, skipping the buzz and going straight to the disoriented dizziness. Showing no physical sign of said dizziness, though, she plopped herself onto the stool next to Break and said, "Yuuuur right though... I'm stuck ere' for awhile." As she took another sip from yet another drink, she winked at Break as she said, "Puurhaps ya can keep me company, eh Xerxes?"
Embrynn is : Offline :(

12:13pm Aug 10 2010
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Abcde looked at his sister. What's she mean by that? he wondered. As if reading his thoughts, Abra shrugged and took a drink from his container, belching musically. "Very lady-like," Dee scoffed, peering into his tankard.
Resident mounted archer