12:16pm Aug 10 2010
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(bump :3)
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12:17pm Aug 10 2010
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Kiona ordered a dink and listened to the others that surrounded her. She didn't know anyone here. She listened to some others not to farr away from her.

12:17pm Aug 10 2010
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12:22pm Aug 10 2010
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(yea same here, i have to wait for Break X3 i'm considering maing another chara, though, male ofc, just because there's a hug enumber of females in this O.o)
Embrynn is : Offline :(

1:57pm Aug 10 2010
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((Yeah. I intended it to be male>female...alligator eats the bigger number))
Resident mounted archer
1:59pm Aug 10 2010
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((could someone interact with my charrie??:)))

2:10pm Aug 10 2010
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(okay, that's it, I'm making a dude :P) Ishtar's Flight floated quietly in the harbor, her splendid sails tied up for the night. Remael sighed as he looked at his ship for awhile, watching her bob up and down in the water. Running a hand through his long black hair, he turned to his first mate, who was waiting nearby. He told him to go spend the night as he saw fit and the tired man eagerly nodded. They had been out at sea almost consistenly for several months now, nearing a year. This was the first extended rest his crew would get. Remael himself found that he was eyeing the Stuck Pig Inn, his mouth already watering for a little bit of alcohol. He flipped his black hat on his head, readjusted one of his boots which was sagging a little bit, and made his way into the inn, which was starting to really bustle with activity. From the look of things, Remael wasn't the first pirate to arrive in this little port. Two already drunk pirates were conversing at the bar while a few others were strewn about the rest of the tables. Every table was occupied by someone. Finding a table with only one person sitting at it, a woman, Remael approached, taking off his hat and bowing slightly as he asked, "Fair lady, would you be so kind as to grant me permission to sit at your table?" He had an english accent, smooth, deep, and rich. (he's talking to Kiona, btw :3)
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2:13pm Aug 10 2010
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Kiona looked up from her drink. "Go right ahead" She said in her scottish accent. "No one else is sitting there" she smiled and kicked out the chair for him to sit down. (BIG brainfailure))

2:25pm Aug 10 2010
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Remael smiled, his unusual golden eyes gleaming in the weak light given by a single roaring fire on the opposite side of the room. He sat down, signaling a waitress for a drink. It came quickly and he was able to return his attention to the woman who had so kindly allowed him to sit with her. He peered over his gla.ss, asking, "May I ask... What brings such a kind woman to such a ramshackle harbor such as this?"
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2:40pm Aug 10 2010
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"old Memories" she told him taking a drink from her gl*censored*. She had hung out there when she was younger. Now she was 21 and much older than she was when she had hung out there with her mates when she was little. her father was a pirate like her and he used to bring her here a lot. The town was just a big old memory for her. She smiled thinking about her father. He was a very noble pirate. Always fighting for his rights and not stupid things like treasure. He said that she was his greatest treasure and that was all he needed.

4:44pm Aug 10 2010
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Hackett sipped his drink, listing in mild amusement-- and irritation-- to the other occupants of the building. What was with all of these unlady-like ladies? He didn't remember making port in some backwards town. But maybe he had. His head turned slightly to the slide and he made a low, pained groan. "I need ta get out of 'ere." He grumbled, draining his gla.ss and standing abruptly. P*censored*ing a tired hand over his eyes he pushed through the door and wandered back out into the street. And not just out of the Inn, either, he wanted to escape to the sea. He hoped someone was keeping an eye on the boat. Head still fuzzy, Hackett wasn't entirely sure why they stopped here in the first place. But he didn't get to make those decisions, they had a Master for that. Hackett was just the Boatswain, but it was a very important job. And it was one of the few things he took seriously.
11:39pm Aug 10 2010
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"Naahh, Shizu, ol' Break Your Bones knows better than to be robbed by a lady." Break giggled, looking seriously at Abe. "Neither of us are from high clas.s, Abra. I jus' lern to be a gennelman." His accent, somewhere along the line, had morphed from well-bred to cockney. "'elps when unner pressure!" He said, putting his feet up. "I ken give yew a job, Abra! Youse a good sailor?" Break asked, looking crookedly at Abra and Dee. "'Yer brover innerested?" Break coughed, draining another mug. "Dunn'n look like he's a drinker!"
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:26am Aug 11 2010
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Abra poked her brother. "He said it. I was mearly pointing out a fact. There's no differ'nce between people." She laughed. "He's aint a drinker...an' the farthest out I've ever been in the sea is my thighs. Never been sailin." Abcde groaned and rubbed his temples.
Resident mounted archer
1:32am Aug 11 2010
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Shiza pouted, her ex pression turning sour. She drained her most recent mug and slammed it on the bar next to all the other ones. She peered around Break to scowl at the two siblings, saying, "Ef, you've neverrr bin at see 'afor, den aye don' suggess ya go wit dis man. He sails lyke e leef in de ocean, can't keep nothin' unner controll. Hic!" Shiza grabbed her hat, somehow managing to get it securely on her head with the first try. She saluted Break and said, "Well den, yu ol' coot, aye'll take mai leave." The female pirate cut a weaving path towards the door, knowing of a friend or two in this town that would give her free lodging for the night... if she ever made it there. The cool night air, heavily scented with the smell of the sea, helped to clear Shiza's head, it always did... unless she was drinking while sailing of course. Some of her dizziness evaporating, Shiza took a small detour to stroll along the docks, regretfully watching the various ship bob in the water. *~~* Remael smiled. "Always a good reason to visit a place." He noticed that his drink was suddenly empty and waved down the watress again, glancing at his table companion to ask, "Shall I treat you to another one?" (phail XD)
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1:52am Aug 11 2010
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((LOL. Her's funneh when drunk. XD)) Abcde watched the lady pirate leave, glad that he wasnt one to partake of the drink himself. "Not if it makes me act like that," he mumbled as the door shut. Abe looked at him and he waved her off. "Nothin' Wasnt doin' nothin' 'cept talkin to myself." "Alrighty then..." Abra shrugged and crossed her legs where she sat, unlaced them, stretched them, and stood, never one to stay still for long.
Resident mounted archer
2:02am Aug 11 2010
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(believe it or not, she's funnier when sober ^^)
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2:07am Aug 11 2010
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((Hmmm...Maybe I can...LOL. Im so bored.))
Resident mounted archer
2:15am Aug 11 2010
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(bleh, same here, wanna do a private with me :3 I'll be on for a little while longer and have nothing really to do )
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2:17am Aug 11 2010
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((Sure. You come up with the stuff though. XD))
Resident mounted archer
2:24am Aug 11 2010
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(okies X3 I'll make the new thread)
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