Echo Forest Pack

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9:34pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 548
Onia was walking around the flower feild making daisy chains. She placed one around her head before she looked at the Forgotton Island. She cocked her head to the side wondering what was on the island. She did not like water to much except for a small pool that she discovered when she was little. She looked around before heading over to the Rock Crossing.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V

9:42pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 516
A blck wolf looked down at a glisting river.It stared into the water.War looked at his huge scar.It brought back horrible memories.His feet were bleeding from walking four three sraight days.He had got the scent of a pack,and he was looking for them.He layed back his head and let out a howl.The blood was stickey inbetween his feet as he stood back up.


9:43pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 6,165
Fang panicked." Of course not, I just accidently got here. I wasn't paying attention a while down the road...." he said, voice drifting off. " I'm sorry, really..." OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

9:44pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 548
Onia heard a howl and she bolted toward it. She growled and barked telling the other wolf that she was coming. She hopped over rocks and twings before she reached the river back. She looked and saw a black wolf with red markings. She saw some blood on his paws and she went over to him concerned. "Hi." She said smiling.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V

9:52pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 6,409
A howl shook Zoria from her thoughts. "New loner, I've never heard that howl before. I'm sorry, but I have to go. Don't want to get another loner on our bad side." She bolted from the cave, almost tripping. She exited the woods and crossed the rocks in the river nimbly. Then, she saw him. A wolf with very unique fur. She walked up to him concerned. "Welco-" She stopped, seeing the blood on his paws. "Oh goodness." She looked at Onia. "Onia, can you help our guest?"

Love is all we need~


10:03pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 516

War looked at the two wolves."Its Fine..Ive just been walking for a while."He said,bowing his head."My name is War.What are you two's names?"He asked,lifting his head up,then licking his bleeding paws.


10:06pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"My name is Zoria, the alphess. This is Onia, our healer." Zoria made gestures to each of them as she said their names. "You are welcome in our pack, War."


Love is all we need~


10:07pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 548
"I am Onia." Onia said looking around. She sniffed out some cattails around the river shore. She plucked a couple and used the fluffy inside to make a padding for War's feet. "This will help stop the bleeding, at least until I can find the right herb. she said sniffing around. She couldn't find it here but she knew that she could find it around the hunting grounds.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V

10:10pm Jan 14 2011 (last edited on 10:22pm Jan 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 249

Can I please join? 

*Name: Izzy

*Age: 2 years

*Gender: female

*Rank: Betess?

*Looks: Bleach white Wold

Personality: funny and the one you can always trust

History: She was bred as a fighting dog but escaped and came into this pack

Crush: none but you can make one for her if you like

Other: nope


10:13pm Jan 14 2011 (last edited on 10:14pm Jan 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((Somebody, stop me from exploding. Inkabel, I put that this was for wolves, not huskies. Plus, you did not ask to join when I clearly stated you must ask to join. Your bio is not accepted.))

Love is all we need~


10:22pm Jan 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 249
sorry, ok I edited

10:23pm Jan 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((Okay, now it is accepted.))

Love is all we need~


10:30pm Jan 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 249

Izzy wondered up and down the flower field trying to see what was on the forgotten island. She had always been interested in it but never said anything, she thought that everyone would say that she was to young to know just because they didnt want to share with Izzy the trues secrets of the forgotten island. All Izzy could see was tree's she let out a big sigh just quite enough so nobody would hear it that much. Her dream was to adventure around the forgotten island someday but nobody would let her yet.


10:32pm Jan 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 516
"Thans.It is great to meet you,Zoria"He said obediently.He bowed his head at the Alphess.War licked his fur,the red and black fur mixing in together.He let the Healer put the fluffy substance inbetween his aching paws.He let the light hit his face,revealing the huge scar on his eye.


10:34pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 6,409
"Please, would you rest in our pack area until you are healed. If you don't it will bother me, keep me more worried than I already am." Zoria looked back at the cave anxiously and smiled. She wanted to talk to her grandmother again.

Love is all we need~


10:37pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 548
"Come with me War, I'll bring you there." Onia said swishing her tail. She walked slowly toward the forgotten island along side the river. She looked back to see if War was following her. She wondered where he got his scar but she would have to ask him later.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V

10:39pm Jan 14 2011

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Posts: 6,409
"Thankyou, Onia," Zoria shouted. She ran over to the river and dipped her face in the water so that nobody could tell that she was crying. She preferred to hide her emotions. She didn't want other people to read her like a book. She sobbed, and sobbed, but kept it hidden because only her shoulders were shaking. She was so stressed out. She had a whole pack to watch after. Twenty lives depending on her. The burden of it all was too great for one wolf. She wondered how long she could keep this up.

Love is all we need~


10:47pm Jan 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 516

"I will."He said,standing up.He lifted up,making his scar seming to disapear.He followed her next to the river.He wasnt used to rivers of water.He was used to rivers of lava.


10:54pm Jan 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 548
Onia led him to the pack grounds. She looked at the river becoming distracted a couple times. she shook her head keeping an eye out for War. When they reached the grounds she put her daisy chain around his neck. "Welcome to the pack." She said. "If you don't want it you can take it off, I don't really care." She said before she ran to her small patch in the grounds. She got a mixture out and poured it on his paws. "That should heal them quickly." She said.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V

11:05pm Jan 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 516

"Thanks."He said.He wasnt used to wolves being nice.He had noticed somthing was wrong with the Alphess.It made him curious.He layed down his head,and for the first time in nearly three years,Relaxed.

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