10:35am Jul 4 2010
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((ill say May did have a egg but it was taken from her so her can feed him XD)) May could hear a small mewl noise before looking at her sibleings "ill be back" she said as she ran towards the noise seeing a small eevee gasping she ran over and curled around him useing her heat to warm him up not to burn him "you poor little one wheres your mother?" she asked licking his head.
10:43am Jul 4 2010
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"So what do you guys wanna do now?" sea asked. Moon smiled and sat down. star smiled. Kiri looked at inferno. "Whats wrong?" she asked ((bump for spirit, lin, and the others))

10:59am Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The little Eevee snuggled up to the warm Flareon and let out another small mewl, obviously not able to talk yet. He opened up his dark eyes to look up at his rescuer, ears pricking tiredly. Then he curled up, burying his face into the Flareon's warm fur. Psyche lifted his head, staring at where May was with the Eevee, ears pricking forward. "...There's a young one..." he murmured, tail twitching in a cat-like fashion, the Espeon laying like the Sphinx.
11:02am Jul 4 2010
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"Aww thats cute. Hello little one." Kiri smiled. ((now i wanna make a baby eevee. XD))

11:07am Jul 4 2010
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May looked at the eevee sadly "come on ill look after you" she said before picking him up and walked back to her siblings moving some berries near him having a feeling he could be hungry. Daniel walked over to May and the small eevee and lay down tilting his head smiling at the little eevee. Ami nodded and ran over to Psyche nodding "MAy has always been like a mum to us all so its no wonder she would want to look after a little eevee like that." She said smiling.
11:08am Jul 4 2010
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Name: Rin Age: Baby Gender: Female Crush: Too young Eeveelution: Eevee Looks:

11:28am Jul 4 2010
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The little Eevee picked out a bitter berry and bit into it, getting berry juice all over his face. He lapped up the juices inside the berry, then turned his head to look up at Daniel and mewl again, ears cocked forward. He stared at Daniel with a sort of...admiration, because to him, he was strong. He was different from all the other Espeons he had seen, and some differences made you stronger. But then he turned to pounce on a berry that had rolled over, biting down into it with his little tail twitching happily. Psyche tilted his head, then smiled a little before looking over at Flashfire. They had been like that once....but they hadn't had a mother for very long. Then they raised eachother, becoming stronger and stronger, only to evolve into these...oversized..freaks!
11:29am Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Kiarkon looked"well i could of sworn there are others out there talking im ready to investigate"
11:31am Jul 4 2010
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May laughed smiling at the small eevee as she smiled at Daniel as his tail wagged happy that someone else didnt fear him laying down he smiled watching the little one play. ((i think May has a crush on one of the twins XD))
11:39am Jul 4 2010
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((moon likes psyche)) Sea smiled. "Yup i see star ans moon over there." Star looked at daniel. "looks like more that just one person seems to like you." She giggled. Moon looked at psyche. "Is somthing wrong?" she asked. Rin heard sounds so she walked over to where eveyone was. "Hi." She smiled

11:39am Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Which one? ;D Flashfire or Psyche?)) The little Eevee let out a squeal, feeling better already. Then he turned and pounced on Daniel, mewling again. He wanted to play with him! Flashfire chuckled, tilting his head nostalgically. "...Remember when we were that small...?" he asked, looking at his twin, who nodded. "Yeah...our only playthings being eachother, berries, and trees," Psyche laughed softly. "And all the way up until you evolved, we were the same. Nobody could tell us apart," Flashfire said, moving to roll onto his back. "But now I'm a Flareon, and you're an Espeon, so it's pretty easy!" he laughed, grinning. "...Something's coming..." was all Inferno said before he rushed off through the trees, his fur bursting into white hot flames as he let out a growl. ((What should the threat Inferno's going up against be? A Dragonite? Arcanine? Charizard? Blastoise? A pack of Mightyena? YOU GUYS CHOOSE THE STORY!))
11:42am Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((lol Flashfire lol)) May smiled as Daniel played with the small eevee before looking at the other eevee "hello there little one" she said smiling her eyes shyly going to Flashfire before looking down before he could see her.
11:44am Jul 4 2010 (last edited on 11:44am Jul 4 2010)
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((Arcanine and then kiri gets in the middle and gets hurt)) "So thats why you look at the little eevee like that." Moon smiled

11:44am Jul 4 2010
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Kiarkon smiled and started to walk.The whole group followed behind him"come on sea how am i supposed to protect you when your all the way back there"he teased
11:46am Jul 4 2010
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"Im coming!" She smiled

11:51am Jul 4 2010
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He shook his head with a laugh"hey beautiful"he said as she came next to him.
11:58am Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"What a flirt." Sea joked

11:59am Jul 4 2010
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He blushed with a pout and kept walking.
12:10pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Inferno soon came face-to-face --literally-- with an Arcanine, his dark fur sparking and burning. He tensed up, growling. "What is your business here?" he asked. The Arcanine stared down at him, growling. "I cam to overtake this territory for my own!" he barked. "You'll have to get through me first!" Inferno snarled. The Arcanine snorted, raising a paw to smack Inferno, which the Flareon dodged to release a large column of flames at the Arcanine before his body started to glow. The Arcanine was preparing to use Overheat! _________________ The little Eevee let out a squeal of joy as Daniel started to play with him. He moved to pounce on the dark Espeon's split tail, dark eyes shining. _________________ Flashfire blinked as May looked at him, tilting his head curiously as he rolled back over. He stood up, padding over to lay nearby, though it was easy to tell how much bigger than May he was. He watched her interact with the young Eevees, a faraway look to his glowing red eyes. Psyche nodded, setting his head down. "...We were normal Eevees, you know. But the radiation from the cloning machines that MewTwo had, and possibly the presence of MewTwo himself, caused my evolution to go a bit awry, and afterwards, Flashfire's evolution came out strange as well...but it could have been the fact that I was there..."

12:14pm Jul 4 2010
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"Well it doesnt matter what you look like it matters whats inside your heart." Moon said sympathetically. Kiri shrieked and ran behind inferno.
