12:18pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 7,620
The group finnaly came apon the pokemon.
12:19pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Inferno let out a snarl, whipping around to face Kiri. "Get out of here!" he barked, his own fur starting to glow as he prepared to use Overheat himself, ears pinned back. His tuft of fur had moved out of his face at that point, showing his violet eye, along with his forest green eye, the look in both saying he was serious. ____________________ Psyche nodded, setting his head down as he stared at his brother, tilting his head slightly. "But Flashfire shouldn't have had to end up like I did...an oversized freak. But, he'd have a much easier time fitting in with Flareons than I would with Espeons. I look totally different..."
12:20pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"Hey moon and star." Sea smiled. "Hey." The two said smiling

12:26pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,406
May looked up seeing Flashfire blushing she looked back watching Daniel and the little eevee play. Daniel laughed as he moved his tail around for the little eevee to chase.
12:28pm Jul 4 2010
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Kiarkon looked at the two and did a polite bow and raised his head back up"hi im kiarkon pleasure to meet you" The rest of the group looked at them without a word.
12:29pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"nice to meet you to." Star smiled. "Yup." Moon smiled and looked back at psyche.

12:33pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The little Eevee mewled excitedly and chased Daniel's tail, pouncing at it very often. Flashfire cocked his head, looking at May curiously, snapped out of his little reverie. Was...something wrong...? Psyche closed his glowing violet eyes, the gem on his forehead starting to glow, as well as the gem floating on his tail. It changed into a dazzling array of colors, the Espeon using his psycho-powers for something...
12:33pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Kiarkon nodded"and these are me friends amaria,kezu,Zantaname,Zukokinsu,Tiaru,shiro, and hariatay wow thats alot"he said with a sigh as he took a breath
12:35pm Jul 4 2010
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"Wow." star looked with wide eyes. Moon looked at psyche. "Are you ok?" she asked

12:35pm Jul 4 2010
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May smiled at him "hi Flashfire" she said her tail wagging abit. Daniel laughed rolling on his belly moving his tail around more.
12:41pm Jul 4 2010
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He looked at her"yeah well we grew up together and never split apart"
12:43pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Flashfire smiled, tilting his head. "Hello, May," he said, setting his head on the ground, trying not to dwarf her with his size. Sometimes being big was a good thing...but not always. Psyche flicked his tail in response tot he question, his ears pricking up and swiveling around, his antenna-like thing twitching back and forth. He was scanning the new Pokemon's minds to make sure none of them were a threat. The Eevee pounced on Daniel's tail again, but he went to far and ended up as a ball of brown fluff on Daniel's tummy. He looked up at the Espeon and blinked, tilting his head slightly.
12:45pm Jul 4 2010
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"I dont want to leave you!" Kiri screamed to inferno. "Well it doesnt matter to me." moon blushed

12:47pm Jul 4 2010
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Kiarkon looked at psyche with confussion but moved his eyes away from him.He wasnt looking for a fight anytime soon but he would if he had too.
12:49pm Jul 4 2010
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Sea looked at kiarkon. "whats wrong?" she asked

12:49pm Jul 4 2010
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He looked at her still with a frown on his face"hes scanning our minds"
12:49pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,406
May smiled and copied him showing him that him being bigger didnt bother her. Daniel laughed seeing the small eevee on his stomach licking his head Daniel smiled at him more.
12:51pm Jul 4 2010
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"You don't know that." sea giggled

12:55pm Jul 4 2010
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Kiarkon looked at her with a raised eyebrow"oh really look at him"
1:03pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"ok maybe your right but i think hes seeing if we mean no harm." she told him "Psyche lets walk away for afew." Moon asked him
