2:09pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748

2:13pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 130
Name:Akina / Mamoru Age:almost teen / older teen Gender:female / male Crush:open / open Eeveelution:eevee / leafeon Looks:
Other:Akina travels alongside Mamoru
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
2:16pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748

2:20pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 130
Akina raced alongside the river she and Mamoru were traveling. She jumped in and splashed in the water. "Hey, Mamoru! You should come in and play! This water's refreshing!" Akina called over at her leafeon friend, tempting her buddy with a splash here and there. "Erm... okay. I guess..." Mamoru answered and walked in, just to get wet with one of Akina's water splashing.It seemed to him that she was going to evolve into a vaporeon, since she loved water so much.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
2:21pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((make them interact with moon))

2:26pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 130
((where is Moon?))
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
2:28pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((the river))

2:30pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Psyche cocked his head curiously. "...Do you have a fever, Miss Moon...?" he asked, noticing the blush that Moon had, his ears cocked forward. The little Eevee giggled, toppling off of Daniel's tummy to nip at his ears, tail wagging happily.
2:33pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"oh no i dont." She smiled and looked away

2:37pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Psyche blinked. "...Then why was your face turning red...?" he asked, gem starting to glow, though he didn't seem to be doing anything.
2:38pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 130
Mamoru heard a conversation nearby and stopped playing. He curiously, but cautiously, approached the direction the talking was coming from and poked his head through a bush. He struggled a bit, trying to get to the other side, when Akina tumbled right behind him, pushing him out of the bush and he tripped over a root,landing on the water on the other side with a splash. Akina thought they were still playing, so she pounced on him, making him roll over and tip her balance. When she got up, she noticed an umbreon conversing with an espeon right up ahead.
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
2:50pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"Well its cuz i like you." She blushed again.

5:12pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Daniel laughed lightly nipping at the small eevee's tail before running and hiding behind May laughing "May help me hes visious" he said laughing.
5:17pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The Eevee squealed and ran after Daniel, pouncing on him with a bark.
5:21pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,406
May laughed watching them before smiling at Flashfire and blushing. Daniel laughed "oh noooo hes got me help" he said laughing as he rolled on his back lqughing more.
5:29pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((This will be what the little Eevee elvolves into, because of Flashfire and Psyche are there and in contact with him. :K 
Yeah. He's gonna be an Umbreon. :K)) The little Eevee giggled, chasing after Daniel, only to trip over his own paws and end up tumbling forward, landing on his back at May's paws, staring up at her and Flashfire, blinking. "...M...Ma...ma...." he said in his cute little baby voice, ears pricking forward. "M..ma..ma..." ((Aww. His first word is Mama! <3))
5:31pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 7,620
((tooo awesome i gotta find out what my eevee is gonna turn into))
5:31pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,406
May looked at him shcked before smiling "yes im your mother" she said smiling as she licked his head smiling happily.
5:35pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((And Kitsu evolves into a purple version of this:
 YEs. He will be shiny. And he does this because hsi genes were messed with. P:)) The little Eevee rolled onto his paws and crawled up to nuzzle May, purring. "Ma...ma...." he murmured, suddenly sleepy. Flashfire watched this and smiled, tilting his head. "I remember when Psyche and I were that small. We were so much alike that nobody could ever tell us apart, not even by personality," he said, chuckling.
5:37pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 7,620
((wait i got to eevees i forgot one))